麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック




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東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにある整形外科クリニック

“One Clinic 麴町(ワンクリニック麴町)” 院長の栗本です






1 自覚的疲労度






2 客観的疲労度


心拍変動を用いた疲労測定は、最近はapple watch等で心拍を測定することができるようになり比較的手軽に実施できる方法です。心拍変動は、心拍の規則性やリズムから、自律神経の活動状態を評価することができます





3 乳酸値は本当に疲労の程度を示すのか?当クリニックでの乳酸値の考え方は?















Happy New Year to everyone(^^)/

We are an orthopedic clinic located along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

“One Clinic Kojimachi”, I am Dr. Kurimoto, Director.

The year 2024 has started with sad news such as the earthquake and the accident at Haneda Airport, how are you all doing?

I am sure some of you may be thinking, “Let’s take it easy during the year-end and New Year’s holidays to relax and recover from our daily fatigue.”

So today, I would like to write about “Can fatigue be measured?”

There are two main ways to measure fatigue


  1. Self-perceived fatigue

Self-perceived fatigue is a method in which a person self-reports whether or not he/she feels fatigue. Specifically, the person is asked to answer questions related to fatigue, concentration, sleep quality, etc. using a questionnaire or checklist.

The “Self-Check of Accumulated Fatigue Level for Workers (for workers)” provided by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is a typical checklist for measuring subjective fatigue.



Measuring the level of subjective fatigue can help you understand the extent of your fatigue and trigger the implementation of fatigue countermeasures.



2 Objective Fatigue Level

Objective fatigue level is a method of objectively measuring fatigue using physiological indices and performance. Specifically, heart rate variability, salivary cortisol concentration, reflex velocity, and lactate level can be used.

Fatigue measurement using heart rate variability is a relatively easy method, as it has recently become possible to measure heart rate using devices such as an apple watch. Heart rate variability can be used to evaluate the state of autonomic nervous system activity based on the regularity and rhythm of the heartbeat.

Other objective fatigue measurement methods can more accurately determine the degree of fatigue, but require measurement equipment and specialized knowledge.

At our clinic, we can measure lactate levels to check the degree of fatigue and recovery.

Currently, we only use it for conditioning for athletes, but if anyone wishes to use it, please do not hesitate to contact us.


3 Does lactate value really indicate the degree of fatigue? What is our clinic’s approach to lactate levels?

This is a bit complicated.

Since about 2019, lactate levels are not strictly considered to be indicative of fatigue.

As mentioned above, measuring salivary cortisol levels seems to be more accurate.

However, salivary cortisol and blood lactate are thought to correlate to a certain degree, and we believe that the degree of recovery from fatigue can be estimated by fluctuations in lactate levels, albeit not strictly.

Although this may sound even more geeky, it is said that there is a time lag between the rise and fall of each value.

Specifically, salivary cortisol concentration rises immediately after the end of stress or exercise, and then gradually declines. On the other hand, blood lactate levels rise immediately after the start of exercise and then gradually decrease. Therefore, when evaluating the relationship between salivary cortisol concentration and blood lactate level, the measurement time should be taken into account.

➡️Although measurement of salivary cortisol certainly seems to be more accurate, we use blood lactate level as an indicator in our clinic due to the simplicity of the test and the price of the testing equipment.

➡️It may be more accurate to say that we use blood lactate as an indicator of whether fatigue has been recovered by rehabilitation (conditioning) by examining the variation of blood lactate levels before and after rehabilitation.


What do you think?

We have talked about “using blood lactate level to measure the rehabilitation effect on objective fatigue,” but in the future, we will consider whether we can apply this method to the fatigue (subjective fatigue) of people who are working hard in a stressful society.

We will do our best to support your health and lifestyle this year as well.

We look forward to continuing to serve you with our motto, “Let everyone look forward to tomorrow.”