麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



拡散型衝撃波治療器を導入致しました!!We introduced Diffuse Shock Wave Therapy Machine.

English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにある整形外科クリニック
“One Clinic 麴町(ワンクリニック麴町)” 院長の栗本です。



#1 拡散型衝撃波と集束型衝撃波の違い


#2 適応疾患
• 腱炎・腱鞘炎(足底腱膜炎、テニス肘、ゴルフ肘、肩腱炎、アキレス腱炎など)
• 靱帯炎(膝蓋腱炎、アキレス腱炎など)
• 疲労骨折
• 石灰沈着症(肩関節など)
• ばね指

• 骨棘(かかと骨棘、アキレス腱骨棘など)
• 変形性関節症(膝関節、股関節、肩関節など)
• 関節内石灰沈着症
• 離断性骨軟骨炎(OCD)

#3 副作用


Hello everyone!!!
We are an orthopedic clinic located along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic KOJIMACHI” located along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
How are you doing?

At the beginning of the new year, a new rehabilitation machine was installed at our clinic.
I would like to introduce it to you this time.
The new equipment is called “Diffuse Shock Wave.

If you search on the Internet, you will find that there is another type of shock wave called “focused shock wave” in addition to “diffuse shock wave.
Let us start with the differences.

Difference between Diffuse and Focused Shock Waves
Both Diffuse and Focused Shock Wave are treatments to promote tissue regeneration by irradiating shock waves from outside the body. However, there are some differences between them.
How Shock Waves Propagate
Diffuse shock waves propagate radially from the skin to the deeper layers. Therefore, the irradiation energy is maximum in the superficial layer of the skin and decreases as it travels deeper.
➡At our clinic, we have a diffuse shock wave therapy machine, which can be used by physical therapists and occupational therapists
(Incidentally, the Dodgers, with Shohei Ohtani, have six of the same diffuse shock wave therapy machines that we have installed at our clinic.)

Focused shock wave irradiates shock waves by focusing them at a specific depth. Therefore, the irradiation energy is maximum at the focal point and decreases rapidly around it.
➡Only physicians can use it, and insurance coverage is limited to refractory plantar tendonitis.
(It is expected to be effective in treating chronic muscle, tendon, and ligament injuries, but is self-funded in Japan.)

#2 Indicated diseases
Diffusion shock wave is mainly indicated for diseases of soft tissues such as muscles and tendons in the shallow area. Specifically, the following diseases are listed.
– Tendonitis and tendonitis (plantar tendonitis, tennis elbow, golf elbow, shoulder tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis, etc.)
– Ligament inflammation (patellar tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis, etc.)
– Fatigue fractures
– Calcinosis (shoulder joint, etc.)
– Sprained toe
Focused shock waves are mainly indicated for deep bone and cartilage diseases. Specifically, the following diseases are listed.
– Osteophytes (heel bone spurs, Achilles tendon spurs, etc.)
– Osteoarthritis (knee joint, hip joint, shoulder joint, etc.)
– Intra-articular calcinosis
– Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD)

#3 Side effects
Side effects of both diffuse and focused shock waves may include pain, swelling, and internal bleeding at the treatment site.
Diffuse shock waves may rarely cause numbness or heat in the treated area.
Focused shock waves may rarely cause hematoma or nerve damage.

Diffuse and focused shock waves are both extracorporeal shock wave treatments, but there are differences in the way the shock waves propagate, indications, and side effects.
At our clinic, we have chosen the diffuse shock wave method because of its versatility and the number of diseases it can be used for.
If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us anytime:)