麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



肩関節周囲炎(四十肩・五十肩)について(Periarthritis Of The Shoulder Joint)

English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間にある”One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です。




#1 肩関節周囲炎の診断


#2 肩関節周囲炎の治療
A 保存療法
① 安静:痛みが強い場合は、肩への負担を減らすために安静を保ちます。
② 鎮痛剤・消炎剤:痛みを抑えるために、鎮痛剤や消炎剤を内服・外用します。
③ 注射療法:痛みを抑えるために、関節内にステロイド剤やヒアルロン酸製剤を注射します。

B 手術療法
① 関節鏡視下手術:関節鏡を使って、肩関節内の組織を観察し、炎症を起こした組織を切除したり、癒着した組織を剥離したりします。
② 開放手術:関節鏡視下手術では十分な治療が難しい場合に、肩関節を大きく開いて手術を行います。

#3 肩関節周囲炎の予防


Hello everyone!!! (^^)!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Finally? I think many ski resorts are happy with the cold wave and snow that has finally arrived.
How are you doing now that the cold weather is in full swing?

It has been 5 months since we opened our clinic and we have had many patients visit us.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the long waits for consultations and the difficulty in getting rehabilitation appointments, but we will do our best to reduce the burden on our patients as much as possible.
We will be adding a full-time rehabilitation staff member next month, so it will be a little easier to make rehabilitation appointments.

Today, I would like to write about periarthritis of the shoulder joint.
It is also known as “40-50 shoulder” and is one of the most difficult diseases to treat.

#1 Diagnosis of Periarthritis of the Shoulder Joint
Periarthritis of the shoulder is a disease whose main symptoms are pain and limitation of movement of the shoulder joint. It occurs most frequently in middle age and later, peaking in the 50s.
Diagnosis is based on an interview that asks about the location and degree of pain, cause of onset, and impact on daily life, as well as physical findings that evaluate the range of motion of the shoulder joint and the limb position that causes pain.

Imaging studies (x-ray, MRI, ultrasound, etc.) may also be performed. These tests are performed to look for abnormalities in the bones and soft tissues of the shoulder joint and to rule out diseases other than periarthritis of the shoulder joint.

#2 Treatment of Shoulder Periarthritis
Treatment of periarthritis of the shoulder can be divided into conservative therapy and surgical therapy.
A. Conservative therapy
The aim is to control pain and improve range of motion, and the following methods are selected.
(1) Rest: If pain is severe, rest should be maintained to reduce stress on the shoulder.
(2) Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs: Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are taken orally or externally to suppress pain.
Injection therapy: Steroids and hyaluronic acid are injected into the joint to reduce pain.
④ Physical therapy: Rehabilitation by a physical therapist is performed to improve the range of motion of the shoulder joint.
In our clinic, we actively provide improvement not only by medication and injections but also by physical therapy (rehabilitation).
The recently introduced “diffusion shock wave” is very effective in reducing pain and improving range of motion in periarthritis of the shoulder joint, and is being used more frequently in rehabilitation.

If symptoms do not improve with conservative treatment, surgical treatment is considered.
B. Surgical therapy
The following surgical procedures are available for the purpose of releasing contracture of the shoulder joint
(1) Arthroscopic surgery: Using an arthroscope to observe the tissues in the shoulder joint, remove inflamed tissues or detach adhered tissues.
(ii) Open surgery: Surgery is performed by opening the shoulder joint wide when arthroscopic surgery is difficult to treat adequately.
Surgical treatment is expected to be shorter and more effective than conservative treatment, but there is a risk of complications.

#3 Prevention of Shoulder Periarthritis
To prevent periarthritis of the shoulder joint, the following should be considered
Reduce the load on the shoulder joint: Avoid activities that overuse the shoulder.
➡High weights or bruising from falls can cause it.
Make shoulder stretching a habit: Stretch regularly to maintain shoulder range of motion.
Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise helps strengthen shoulder muscles and maintain range of motion of the joint.
Although periarthritis of the shoulder often resolves spontaneously, it is a condition that often lingers and interferes with daily life.
We hope you will contact us as soon as possible.