麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



痛風発作の診断と治療(投薬)を深掘りする A deeper look at Gout attack

↓↓English Below↓↓



東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麴町(ワンクリニック麹町)院長の栗本です。
1. 痛風発作とは



a 風が当たっても痛むから


b 風のように症状が変化するから



➡日本語の「痛風」という病名は、中国の医学書から伝わったとされています。 中国では、痛風発作の痛みを「痛風」と表現していました。

英語の「gout」という病名は、ラテン語の「gutta」という言葉に由来しています。 「gutta」は「滴」という意味で、これは痛風発作の際に起こる関節の腫れを、滴に例えたものと考えられます。

2. 診断
• 症状:激しい関節痛、腫れ、熱感、発赤
• 血液検査:尿酸値の上昇
• 関節液検査:尿酸塩結晶の確認
3. 治療
3.1 発作の痛みを抑える治療
• 非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAIDs):痛みや炎症を抑える効果があります。
• コルヒチン:痛風発作の予防にも使用されますが、副作用が出やすい薬剤です。
• 副腎皮質ステロイド:強い抗炎症作用がありますが、長期使用は副作用のリスクがあります。
3.2 再発を予防する治療
• 尿酸値を下げる薬:尿酸の生成を抑制したり、排泄を促進したりする薬剤です。
• 生活習慣の改善:プリン体やアルコールの摂取を控える、体重を減らす、適度な運動を行うなどの生活習慣の改善は、尿酸値を下げる効果があります。
4. 投薬の注意点
5. 痛風発作の予防
• プリン体やアルコールの摂取を控える:プリン体は体内で尿酸に分解されます。アルコールは尿酸の排泄を抑制します。
• 体重を減らす:肥満は尿酸値の上昇につながります。
• 適度な運動を行う:運動は尿酸の排泄を促進します。ただし、脱水も痛風発作の原因となり得ますので水分は十分摂るようにしましょう。
6. まとめ


Hello everyone!!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
How are you all doing in these unstable days of warm weather and sudden cold weather?
In this issue, I would like to write about gout, which is said to be common among East Asians, including Japanese.

1.What is a gout attack?
What is a gout attack?A gout attack is a condition in which the uric acid level in the blood becomes higher than normal, causing urate crystals to be deposited in the joints, resulting in severe pain and inflammation. It most often occurs at the base of the toes, but can also occur in the ankles, knees, wrists, and other joints. 2.
2. diagnosis
Diagnosis of a gout attack is based on the following
– Symptoms: severe joint pain, swelling, heat, and redness
– Blood test: elevated uric acid levels
– Joint fluid test: urate crystals
3. treatment
Treatment of gout attacks can be divided into two categories: treatment to control the pain of the attack and treatment to prevent recurrence.
3.1 Treatment to control attack pain
The following drugs are used to suppress the pain of attacks.
– Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These drugs are effective in reducing pain and inflammation.
– Colchicine: also used to prevent gout attacks, but this drug is prone to side effects.
– Corticosteroids: have strong anti-inflammatory effects, but long-term use carries the risk of side effects.
3.2 Treatment to prevent recurrence
Treatment to prevent recurrence includes the following
– Drugs to lower uric acid levels: These drugs inhibit the production of uric acid or promote its excretion.
– Lifestyle modification: Lifestyle modification such as reducing purine and alcohol intake, losing weight, and exercising moderately can lower uric acid levels. 4.
4. Precautions for medication
It is important to take medication for gout attacks as directed by a physician. Discontinuing or reducing the dose at one’s own discretion may cause recurrence of attacks or make them chronic.
5. prevention of gout attacks
To prevent gout attacks, it is important to control uric acid levels to normal levels. To do so, the following should be taken into consideration
– Avoid the intake of purines and alcohol: Purines are broken down into uric acid in the body. Alcohol inhibits uric acid excretion.
– Reduce weight: Obesity leads to elevated uric acid levels.
– Moderate exercise: Exercise promotes uric acid excretion. However, dehydration can also cause gout attacks, so be sure to drink plenty of water.
6. summary
Gout attacks can be controlled with proper treatment and lifestyle modification. If you have been diagnosed with gout, continue treatment according to your doctor’s instructions to prevent recurrence.
If you have any other problems, no matter how trivial, please contact us anytime:)