麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



変形性関節症やスポーツ障害に対するPFC-FDの適応を深掘りする(Indication of PFC-FD for osteoarthritis and sports disorders)

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック

“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です
現在楽天に所属する田中マー君がヤンキース時代に右ひじを部分断裂し、PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma)という治療を受けたことは皆さんも覚えていらっしゃるかと思います。

① PRPとPFC-FDの共通点・違いは?
• 血液を遠心分離して作られる血小板濃縮液
• 成長因子を含む
• 注入部位の組織修復を促進
• 関節炎、腱炎、筋肉損傷などに有効
• 治療効果は比較的短期間
• 製剤作成に時間がかかる
• 保存期間が短い(冷蔵では3~5日)

• PRPから成長因子を抽出してフリーズドライ加工したもの
• PRPよりも成長因子濃度が高い
• 注入部位の組織修復を促進
• 関節炎、腱炎、筋肉損傷などにも有効
• 治療効果はPRPよりも長期間
• 製剤作成に時間がかかる(3週間程度)
• 保存期間が長い(6か月)




• 自分の血液を使用するため、安全性が高い
• 痛みや炎症を抑える効果
• 軟骨や靭帯の再生を促進
• 可動域の改善
• 手術や入院の必要がない

1. 外来でお話しさせていただき、ご了承が得られた時点で採血を行います
2. 遠心分離・フリーズドライに3週間ほど要します(セルソース社という会社様に依頼しています)
3. 患部への注射(2mL~6mL)を行います。
• 効果には個人差があります。
• 感染症(HIVや肝炎ウイルス等)がある方には使用できません。


• 1回の治療で完治するわけではなく、複数回の注射を要することもあります。










Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
How are you all doing now that spring is gradually approaching?
This time, I would like to write a little differently than usual about self-funded injection treatments for knees, elbows, sometimes hip joints and hips.
You may remember that Ma-kun Tanaka, who is currently a member of Rakuten, suffered a partial tear of his right elbow while playing for the Yankees and received a treatment called PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma).
In Japan, PRP is most commonly used for Osteoarthritis of  knee joints, but as mentioned above, it is also used for elbow joints, hip joints, and in some cases, the lower back (Facet joints).
At our clinic, “PFC-FD,” an advanced version of PRP, is available.

What are the similarities and differences between PRP and PFC-FD?
PRP (platelet-rich plasma)
– Platelet concentrate made by centrifuging blood
– Contains growth factors
– Promotes tissue repair at the injection site
– Effective for arthritis, tendonitis, muscle damage, etc.
– Therapeutic effect is relatively short-lived
– Takes time to prepare
– Short shelf life (3-5 days in refrigeration)

PFC-FD (platelet-derived factor concentrate – freeze-dried)
– Growth factors extracted from PRP and freeze-dried
– Higher concentration of growth factors than PRP
– Promotes tissue repair at the injection site
– Effective for arthritis, tendonitis, muscle damage, etc.
– Treatment effect is longer than PRP
– Takes longer time to prepare (about 3 weeks)
– Longer shelf life (6 months)
The most noticeable difference is the pain after injection. Conventional PRP therapy involves white blood cells, so there is a risk of swelling, pain, and inflammation at the injection site. PFC-FD, on the other hand, removes the white blood cells, thus reducing these risks. The removal of white blood cells is also associated with a lower risk of infection.

For whom is it recommended?
FD is often performed for so-called “aging” conditions such as knee osteoarthritis and hip osteoarthritis, but we also perform it for athlete’s injuries.
In principle, we recommend that our patients seek improvement through rehabilitation that is covered by insurance. However, when we consult with patients whose pain and joint movement do not improve with rehabilitation, who wish to avoid surgery, or who wish to return to sports as soon as possible, we will discuss this injection with them.

Advantages of PFC-FD Therapy
– Highly safe because it uses one’s own blood
– Effects on reducing pain and inflammation
– Promotes regeneration of cartilage and ligaments
– Improves range of motion
– No need for surgery or hospitalization

Treatment Flow
(1) We will talk with you at the outpatient clinic and take blood samples when you give your consent.
(2) Centrifugation and freeze-drying takes about 3 weeks (we ask a company called CellSource to do this for us).
3. injection (2mL-6mL) into the affected area.
Treatment cost
The cost at our clinic is 176,000 yen including tax.

– There are individual differences in effectiveness.
– It cannot be used for patients with infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis virus, etc.).
– One treatment is not a complete cure, and multiple injections may be required.

-It can cause infection, although the likelihood of this is quite low.

PFC-FD therapy is a new treatment method that aims to improve and reduce pain of osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joint for a certain period of time, although it is not a fundamental treatment.

If you are suffering from pain, limited range of motion, or sports injuries, please contact us to discuss PFC-FD therapy:)

What is PFC-FD