麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



引っ掛かりを伴う膝の痛み「膝蓋腱炎」を深掘りする Deeper look into ”patellar tendonitis” ~from diagnosis to treatment~

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック “One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です。





• 問診
o 膝の痛みや腫れ、引っかかりなどの症状についてお聞きします。
o スポーツ歴やジャンプ動作の頻度なども確認いたします。
• 触診
o 膝蓋腱を触診し、圧痛や腫れなどを確認します。
o 膝を曲げ伸ばしして頂き、痛みや引っかかりなどを確認します。
• 画像検査
o レントゲン検査:骨の状態を確認します。
o エコー検査:膝蓋腱の状態を詳しく確認します。
o MRI検査:膝蓋腱の状態をさらに詳しく確認できます。

• 膝蓋腱に圧痛がある
• 膝を曲げ伸ばしする際に痛みや引っかかりを感じる
• ジャンプ動作などで膝に痛みを感じる
• 画像検査で膝蓋腱・周囲組織に炎症がある

• 膝関節炎
• 半月板損傷
• オスグッド・シュラッター病
• 膝蓋骨脱臼

• 安静:膝関節に負担をかけないため・炎症を抑える為に行われます
• アイシング:炎症を抑えます
• 圧迫:適度な圧迫は腫れを抑え、痛みの軽減につながります
• 挙上:腫脹軽減につながり、痛みが抑えられます。
• 消炎鎮痛薬:痛みや炎症を抑えます
• テーピング:膝蓋腱をサポートします
• 運動療法:痛みが軽減した後、異端の再燃を予防するために行います。リハビリで膝周りの筋肉を鍛えていきます。


• ウォーミングアップとクールダウンをしっかりと行う
• 膝に負担をかけない運動習慣・リハビリテーション
• 体重管理
• 早期発見・早期治療が大切です。
• 膝に痛みや腫れ、引っかかりを感じたら、早めにご相談頂ければと思います。

Hello everyone!!! (^^)!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Today (March 6), although the temperature is not that low, the wind is strong and you may feel colder than it actually is. It was also raining in the morning, so the footing is getting worse, so please be careful not to fall down.
Today, continuing on from yesterday, I would like to delve deeper into “knee pain with a catching&traction” and write about patellar tendonitis

What is patellar tendonitis?
Patellar tendonitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the patellar tendon under the patella, resulting in symptoms such as pain, swelling, and catching in the knee.

Often triggered by overuse in sports or trauma such as meniscus injury.

– Interview
o We will ask about symptoms such as knee pain, swelling, and pulling.
o We will also check your sports history and frequency of jumping.

– Palpation
o We will palpate the patellar tendon to check for tenderness and swelling.
o We will ask the patient to bend and extend the knee to check for pain, tightness, etc. o We will ask the patient to bend and extend the knee to check for pain, tightness, etc.

– Imaging
o X-rays: to check the bone condition. o Echocardiography: to check the patellar tendon.
o Echocardiography: To check the patellar tendon in detail.
o MRI scan: to further confirm the condition of the patellar tendon.

Diagnostic Criteria
– Patellar tendon tenderness.
– Pain or traction when bending or extending the knee
– Pain in the knee with jumping or other activities
– Inflammation of the patellar tendon and surrounding tissues on imaging studies
Patellar tendonitis is diagnosed when these criteria are met.

Differential Diagnosis
– Knee arthritis
– Meniscus injury
– Osgood-Schlatter disease
– Patellar luxation

Conservative therapy
– Rest: To avoid stress on the knee joint and to reduce inflammation
– Icing: to reduce inflammation
– Compression: Moderate compression reduces swelling and pain.
– Elevation: reduces swelling and pain.
– Anti-inflammatory analgesics: reduce pain and inflammation
– Taping: supports the patellar tendon
– Exercise therapy: to prevent flare-ups of the dysplasia after the pain is relieved. Rehabilitation will strengthen the muscles around the knee.
External shock wave: This is performed when there is no improvement with conservative treatment. We also provide treatment and rehabilitation using “Diffuse Shock Wave”.
If there is no improvement with conservative treatment, surgical treatment may be considered. In that case, we will refer you to a specialized hospital.

– Warm up and cool down well.
– Exercise habits and rehabilitation that do not put stress on the knee
– Weight control
Patellar tendonitis,
– Early detection and early treatment are important.
– If you feel pain, swelling, or catching in your knee, please contact us anytime😊