麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



腰部脊柱管狭窄症のリハビリの実際(2023年9月の記事を深掘りする) ~Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Rehab in Practice~

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック “One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です。







1. 運動療法(リハビリテーション 当院の強みです)
• 腰痛や下肢の痛みやしびれを軽減し、筋力・柔軟性を向上させるための運動を行います。





2. 物理療法(勿論当院でお受けいただけます)
• 電気刺激や温熱療法、超音波療法などにより、痛みやしびれを軽減し、血行を促進します。
• 手術前だけでなく、手術後の痛みや炎症を抑えるためにも有効です。

3. 日常生活指導(リハビリテーションの中で行います)
• 日常生活での正しい姿勢や動き方をお伝えすることで腰への負担が軽減し、再発を防止します。具体的には、前かがみの姿勢を避ける





• 前かがみの姿勢を避け、背筋を伸ばして座ったり立ったりしましょう。
• 長時間台所仕事をする際は、流しにもたれかかったり、こまめに休憩する等工夫していきましょう
• 重い物を持ち上げる場合は、腰ではなく股関節や膝関節を使って持ち上げましょう。(しっかりしゃがむ癖を付けましょう)


Hello everyone!!! (^^)!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
It is raining heavily today.

Please take care of yourself so that you do not catch a cold.

Today, I would like to write about “actual rehabilitation for lumbar spinal canal stenosis.

To begin with, what is “lumbar spinal canal stenosis”?
It covers a little with the article I wrote in September 2023,https://www.one-clinic-kojimachi.com/content/66/

Lumbar spinal canal stenosis is a disease in which the spinal canal narrows due to aging or osteoporosis, and the nerves are compressed.

I think the expression “age-related changes” is more applicable than a disease.

The main symptoms are back pain, pain and numbness in the lower limbs, and intermittent claudication (when walking, the legs become painful or numb, making it impossible to walk).
Treatment varies depending on the severity of symptoms, but can be conservative (medication, physical therapy, etc.) or surgical.

In this article, we would like to focus on physiotherapy (rehabilitation), which is our specialty among conservative treatments.
Physical therapy for lumbar spinal canal stenosis is performed to reduce pain and numbness, improve mobility, and prevent recurrence. The three main areas of treatment are as follows
1. exercise therapy (rehabilitation) This is our strength.
– Exercises are performed to reduce back pain and lower limb pain and numbness, and to improve muscle strength and flexibility.
➡We start by creating a sufficient range of motion of the joints, and then begin exercises (strength training).

Main exercises include squats, abdominal and back strengthening exercises, and stretching.
➡Abdominal, abdominal, and back strengthening exercises: Strengthening the abdominal and back muscles, as well as the buttocks, supports the lumbar spine and reduces pain.

Strength training using training bands, dumbbells, etc. will also be performed depending on symptoms.

Stretching: Stretching the muscles and joints of the lower back and lower limbs improves flexibility and reduces pain and numbness.

Gait training: By developing a correct walking posture, the burden on the lower back is reduced and the walking distance is extended. 2.

2. physical therapy (available at our clinic, of course)
– Electrical stimulation, heat therapy, and ultrasound therapy reduce pain and numbness and promote blood circulation.
– It is effective not only before surgery, but also to reduce pain and inflammation after surgery. 3.

3. daily life guidance (provided during rehabilitation)
– By teaching correct posture and movement in daily life, the burden on the lower back is reduced and recurrence is prevented. Specifically, avoid stooping.

(For example, when picking up an object from the floor, bend your hip joints and knee joints firmly and assume a crouching posture), avoid lifting heavy objects, take frequent rests, and so on.

Continued rehabilitation can be expected to reduce pain and numbness, extend walking distance (improvement of intermittent claudication), and improve activities of daily living (easier movement).

Duration of Rehabilitation
The duration of rehabilitation depends on the severity of symptoms and the patient’s condition, but generally ranges from a few weeks to several months.
If symptoms do not improve after several months of rehabilitation, referral to a specialized medical institution is also available.

Points to keep in mind during rehabilitation and daily life at home
It is important to continue rehabilitation not only at medical institutions but also at home. Under the guidance of your doctor or physical therapist, you should perform daily exercises and stretches that you can do at home.

Points to keep in mind in daily life
Priority should be given to “not putting strain on the lower back.” Specifically
– Avoid stooping, and sit or stand with a straight back.
– When working in the kitchen for long hours, lean against the sink or take frequent breaks.
– When lifting heavy objects, use your hip joints and knee joints instead of your lower back. (When lifting heavy objects, use your hip joints and knee joints instead of your lower back.)
In the future, I would like to write about rehabilitation for knee osteoarthritis and periarthritis of the shoulder joint.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems, not limited to knee, hip, or shoulder.