麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



変形性膝関節症のリハビリを深掘りする ~Rehabilitations of Osteoarthritis of the knee~

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都は千代田区麹町、麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階にある整形外科クリニック “OneClinic麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”です




• 膝の痛み: 立ち上がりや歩き始め、階段を昇り降りする時に痛みが出ます。進行すると安静時にも痛むようになります。
• 関節の腫れ: 関節内に水が溜まり、膝が腫れます。
• 可動域制限: 膝の曲げ伸ばしが困難になり、正座やしゃがみ動作が難しくなります。
• 関節の変形: 骨が変形し、膝の形状が歪みます。O脚等が良い例です。
• 音: 関節を動かすと、ゴリゴリ、コリコリといった音が鳴ります。
• 筋力低下: 膝周りの筋肉が弱くなり、歩行が不安定になります。


・疼痛緩和: 運動療法や電気療法、温熱療法などによって、痛みが軽減します。
・可動域改善: ストレッチや運動によって膝関節の可動域が広がり、日常生活が送りやすくなります。
・筋力強化: 膝関節周囲の筋肉を鍛えることで、痛みが減ったり・歩きやすくなる効果が期待できます。
・バランス改善: バランス訓練によって、転倒予防に役立ちます。
・歩行改善: 歩行訓練によって、スムーズな歩行ができるようにお手伝いいたします。
・日常生活動作の改善: 日常生活動作訓練によって、立ち座りや階段昇降などの動作をスムーズに行えるようにお手伝いいたします。
・運動機能の向上: 運動療法によって、筋力や持久力、柔軟性を向上させ、運動機能を高めます。


運動療法: 膝関節周囲の筋肉を鍛える運動、可動域を広げる運動、バランス訓練、歩行訓練などを行います
電気療法: 痛みを軽減したり、筋肉の緊張を和らげたりするための電気治療です。北欧のアイスホッケーチームやサッカー日本代表経験者も愛用する器械を採用しており、どんな方にもご満足いただけると思います。
温熱療法: 痛みを軽減したり、血行を促進したりするための温熱治療
手技療法: 徒手によるマッサージやストレッチ
テーピング: 関節を支えたり、痛みを軽減したりするためのテーピング
セルフケア指導: 自宅でも継続して運動やストレッチを行うための指導



Hello everyone!
We are “OneClinic Kojimachi”, an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!
In this issue, physiotherapist Nishimura, together with Director Kurimoto, would like to write about rehabilitation for “osteoarthritis of the knee”.

Here’s another in-depth look at a recent (January 2024) article.https://www.one-clinic-kojimachi.com/content/190/
Every day it is as if spring is just around the corner or still a long way off.
On days like this, don’t your knees ache or tingle?
That may be a symptom of osteoarthritis of the knee;(

What is osteoarthritis of the knee, anyway?
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a chronic disease that occurs when the cartilage in the knee joint wears away and the bones become deformed. Its symptoms are listed below.
Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
– Knee pain: Pain when standing up, starting to walk, or going up and down stairs. As the disease progresses, pain may occur even at rest.
– Swollen joint: The knee swells due to the accumulation of water in the joint.
– Limited range of motion: Difficulty in bending and stretching the knee, sitting upright, and squatting.
– Joint deformity: Bone deformity and distortion of the knee, e.g., bow-legs.
– Noise: A rasping or creaking sound may be heard when the joint is moved.
– Muscle weakness: The muscles around the knee weaken, making walking unstable.
In the early stages of the disease, there is only mild pain, but in the later stages, walking becomes difficult and deformity becomes more noticeable.

Physical therapy is very effective in improving symptoms and preventing progression of osteoarthritis of the knee, and maintaining and improving daily life and motor function.

◆Physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis aims to
Pain relief: Pain can be alleviated through exercise, electrotherapy, and heat therapy.
Improvement of range of motion: Stretching and exercise will increase the range of motion of the knee joint, making it easier to lead a daily life.
Muscle strengthening: Strengthening the muscles around the knee joint can reduce pain and make it easier to walk.
Improved balance: Balance training can help prevent falls.
Gait Improvement: Gait training will help you to walk smoothly.
Improvement of activities of daily living: Activities of daily living training can help patients perform activities such as standing, sitting, and climbing stairs smoothly.
Improvement of motor function: Exercise therapy improves muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and mobility.
Prevention of recurrence: We can help prevent recurrence by teaching exercises and stretches that can be done at home.

◆Physiotherapy Practice
Exercise therapy: Exercises to strengthen muscles around the knee joint, exercises to increase range of motion, balance training, gait training, etc.
➡We believe that not only massage and stretching but also strength training can reduce pain.
Electrotherapy: Electrotherapy is used to reduce pain and relieve muscle tension. We use the same equipment used by the Scandinavian ice hockey team and the Japanese national soccer team, and we are sure that all patients will be satisfied with the results.
Thermotherapy: Heat therapy to reduce pain and promote blood circulation.
We will also provide guidance on alternating baths, etc.
Manual therapy: Manual massage and stretching.
➡As in exercise therapy, massage to the muscles and training to increase the range of motion of the joints are also necessary to bring the body into a state where strength training can be performed.
Taping: Taping to support joints and reduce pain
➡We wrap the tape in a way that fits each patient’s body.
Self-care instruction: Instruction on how to continue exercising and stretching at home.
➡We will work together with you to come up with a plan that suits each individual.

◆Effects of Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is expected to improve the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis and maintain and improve daily life and mobility.
For example, when you go on a family vacation, you will be able to enjoy sightseeing without worrying about knee pain.
In addition to physical therapy (rehabilitation) covered by insurance, we can also offer self-funded treatment (not covered by insurance).
This service is available to those who have been examined at our clinic and received insurance rehabilitation.
Thank you for reading to the end.