麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



アスリートも?通いたくなる当院のリハビリ(前十字靭帯損傷のリハビリを例に)を深掘りする A deeper look at our rehabilitation that even athletes want to go to.(Rehabilitations of anterior cruciate ligament injury)

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区麹町 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”の橘です!!












~術後1か月:装具着用での生活 伸展制限は無し 屈曲は120度まで
~術後2か月:装具着用での生活 伸展制限は無し 屈曲は130度まで
~術後5か月:装具を外して少しずつスポーツ復帰 出来そうならばダッシュもしていく




Hello everyone.
I am Yuki Tachibana, a New physical therapist at “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

I’m sorry for the delay in introducing myself, but I actually started working here full time in February! I am a physical therapist who likes to take naps on a “Chip and Dale” blanket. (^^)!
Now that the cold weather has eased up and we have entered the hay fever season, I hope everyone is doing well.
I would like to write this blog with Director Kurimoto.
As mentioned in the title, many professional athletes (kickboxing, mixed martial arts, road bike racer, etc.) have been visiting our clinic. I think this is largely due to the fact that the Director, as well as all of our physical therapists, love to move their bodies! (^^)!
However, just because we are rehabilitating athletes does not mean that we are doing only special things. (Although we do some special things depending on the athlete’s motor skills…)

I think it is better to say that the rehabilitation we provide to our patients is at a level that can be used by athletes.
(Some of the things we do are specific to athletes’ motor skills, but…) I think that is a good way to put it.
(I would like to write more about “special rehabilitation” for athletes at a later date.)

Now, let’s talk about today’s main topic, “rehabilitation of anterior cruciate ligament injuries.
I used to play Soccer myself.
When I was a high school student, I tore the anterior cruciate ligament in my knee and had surgery. Anterior cruciate ligament injuries are common among athletes. If left untreated, it can lead to osteoarthritis of the knee, which greatly affects daily life, so treatment including surgery and postoperative rehabilitation are very important.

(1) What is an anterior cruciate ligament injury?
The anterior cruciate ligament is an important ligament that connects the femur and tibia and restricts forward movement of the knee joint. Injury or rupture can occur due to strong external forces to the knee, such as sudden changes in direction during sports, jumping, and sometimes car accidents.
Damage can cause symptoms such as knee joint pain, joint instability, swelling, and catching.
The treatment plan depends on the patient’s age, activity level, and desires, but can be divided into conservative therapy and surgery.
Conservative therapy begins with a firm brace to immobilize the knee joint while strengthening the lower limb muscles to compensate for the damaged ligaments.
Surgical therapy involves reconstruction of the damaged ligament. Often, a portion of the patient’s own tendon is removed and used as the anterior cruciate ligament, but sometimes an artificial ligament is used.

Rehabilitation is important in both conservative and surgical therapy. We will proceed with rehabilitation while explaining it carefully and clearly so that the patient, who is the main actor in the treatment, can be satisfied with the results.

Conservative therapy rehabilitation
First 6 weeks: Icing to reduce swelling. After the swelling subsides, we will begin range of motion training of the knee joint (less than 90 degrees), isometric exercises of the quadriceps muscles, and gait training with braces.
6-12 weeks: While aiming to achieve a flexion angle of about 120 degrees, balance training and light jogging exercises will also be taught.
12-24 weeks: Strength training and balance training will be performed to prevent recurrence.
Those who play sports will also be conditioned to return to work.

Rehabilitation for patients who have undergone surgery
~1 month post-operative: Life with a brace: No limitation of extension, flexion up to 120 degrees.
~2 months post-op: living in a brace, no extension restrictions, flexion up to 130 degrees.
~4 months post-op: Begin to make time to remove the brace at home
~5 months post-op: remove the brace and gradually return to sports, including dash if possible
Up to 7 months post-op:
7 months after surgery: Return to sports
We generally follow the above schedule, but we also make detailed adjustments depending on the situation.

How do you feel about the above?
We will continue to provide the best rehabilitation possible according to your situation and wishes.
Please feel free to contact us with any other questions you may have.😊

Thank you !!