麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



アキレス腱炎を深掘りする  ~The treatment of Achilles Tendonitis~

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都 千代田区 麹町、麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”理学療法士の西村です!!






腸脛靭帯炎・ランナー膝(anterior knee pain)  オスグッド・シュラッター病(成長期特有の痛み)・有痛性外脛骨(成長期特有)  足底腱膜炎  アキレス腱炎  シンスプリント・疲労骨折etc.かなりたくさんあります。

原因 運動によるアキレス腱への過度な負荷や加齢、扁平足等の外因性だけでなく、高血圧・糖尿病などの疾病も原因となります。






・電気療法:当院では、低周波治療、高周波治療、 衝撃波、超音波治療器を設置し患者様それぞれの状態に応じて対応させていただきます。


自分に合ったシューズを選ぶ: 足の形や走り方に合ったシューズを選ぶことが重要です。
徐々に慣れる: いきなり厚底シューズを履いて長距離を走るのではなく、徐々に距離を伸
フォームを意識する: 厚底シューズは従来のシューズとは異なる走り方をする必要があるため、股関節の動かし方や体重のかかり方を意識してみましょう。



Hello everyone!
I am Nishimura, a physical therapist at “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!
How are you all doing now that we are gradually beginning to hear the footsteps of spring? Recently, thankfully? I have more opportunities to be involved in the rehabilitation and conditioning of athletes.
The other day, I was talking with another rehabilitation staff member who said, “If we don’t at least try to perform like athletes ourselves (although we can’t perform at the level of athletes…), we will not be able to persuade athletes and patients to work with us.
So….We have been running around the Imperial Palace with the rehabilitation staff after work for the past month or so!
(Meanwhile, the Director is inside the clinic doing battle ropes and aerobics (lol))

Today, I would like to dig deeper into “Achilles tendonitis” with the Director ! (^^)!
Our clinic is located near the Imperial Palace, a sacred place for runners, and many of the patients who come to our clinic also enjoy running.

In this issue, we would like to delve deeper into Achilles tendonitis, which is a common problem among runners, in reference to the fact that we ourselves are runners and that our clinic has many patients who are runners.

Speaking of “running
Running” is a training activity that anyone can start easily, but it is also known to cause pain due to lack of running form, care, and conditioning. According to one theory, when people who have no exercise habit start running, there is an 80% chance that they will be injured and unable to run within a year. Our clinic also sees many patients with Achilles tendon pain due to running.

The following are some of the most common sports injuries among runners, but some of the most common are
There are many common sports injuries among runners, such as iliotibial tuberculitis, anterior knee pain, Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, painful external tibias, plantar tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis, Shin splints, fatigue fractures, and many others.
The reason I am focusing on Achilles tendonitis this time is because I had it myself a long time ago and wanted to share some information with you based on my own experience (laugh).
Let’s get started!

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendon is a tendon that connects the calf muscle to the calcaneus bone. Achilles tendonitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the Achilles tendon.
Causes: Excessive stress on the Achilles tendon due to exercise, aging, flat feet, and other exogenous factors, as well as diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus can also cause Achilles tendonitis.
Symptoms vary, but the most common are
Heel pain
Pain upon waking up in the morning
Pain during exercise
and others.

Epidemiological Reports of Achilles Tendonitis
It is estimated that 25% of runners experience Achilles tendonitis, making it a very major disease.

Risk Factors for Achilles Tendonitis
Age: The incidence of Achilles tendonitis increases with age.
This is due to the lack of moisture in the tendon sheath that surrounds the Achilles tendon, which leads to a decrease in flexibility. (At our clinic, we recommend adequate fluid intake for those who are not limited by cardiovascular disease, but fluid intake may also be helpful in preventing Achilles tendonitis.)
Gender: Men are more likely to develop Achilles tendonitis than women. Factors such as muscle strength, body weight, and narrow range of motion of the ankle vary, but sudden increase in physical activity (including distance and speed of running) is also a factor.
Flat feet and collapsed arches: Flat feet, or collapse of the horizontal arch (from the big toe to the little toe) and the vertical arch (the ball of the foot) can lead to Achilles’ heel pain.
(This also applies to plantar tendonitis, which I recently posted about.)
Obesity: Weight gain puts stress on the Achilles tendon.
Diabetes: The Achilles tendon and the “tendon sheath” that surrounds the Achilles tendon are tissues that have low blood flow to begin with. Diabetes further reduces blood flow to the tendon and sheath, making the tendon more susceptible to inflammation.

Achilles tendonitis tends to be prolonged!
Normally, tendons are nourished by arteries, but as mentioned earlier, Achilles tendon is a tissue with poor blood flow. It receives some nourishment from the posterior tibial artery, but mainly from the modesty sheath. As a result, it takes time for the tissue to repair and recover, and once inflammation occurs, the patient may experience chronic pain.

Physical Therapy for Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis is a disease for which early initiation of physical therapy can help restore function.
・Exercise therapy: We check and evaluate your running form and perform stretching and strength training necessary for running.
・Electrotherapy: We have low-frequency therapy, high-frequency therapy, shock wave therapy, and ultrasound therapy equipment, and will respond according to the condition of each patient.
・Manual therapy: Our physiotherapists will massage and stretch the Achilles tendon to improve its flexibility and reduce pain.
・Taping: Taping supports the Achilles tendon and reduces pain.

In recent years, thick-soled shoes have become a hot topic in the running world. Thick-soled shoes provide better cushioning and rebound than conventional shoes, and are thought to contribute to record improvements.
On the other hand, it has been pointed out that thick-soled shoes can cause changes in running form, increase the burden on the feet, and increase the risk of injury.
on the feet, which may increase the risk of injury.
Achilles tendonitis is one such injury, which is thought to increase the load on the Achilles tendon due to the greater range of motion of the ankle joint during running.
When running, take care of the following points and enjoy your running! (^^)!

In my opinion
Choose the right shoes for you: It is important to choose shoes that suit your foot shape and running style.
Gradually get used to them: Don’t just run long distances in thick-soled shoes.
Gradually increase the distance.
Be aware of your form: Thick-soled shoes require a different running style than conventional shoes, so be aware of how you move your hip joints and how you apply your body weight.
Thick-soled shoes may increase the risk of injury, but if used correctly, they can help you to improve your record.

What do you think?
Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns as well as diagnosis of running injuries and rehabilitation for injury prevention!