麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



テニス肘(上腕骨外側上顆炎)のリハビリを掘り下げる   ~Rehabilitations of lateral epicondylitis of the humerus~

↓↓English Below↓↓


皆さんこんにちは!!東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です!(^^)!



• 前腕の外側の筋肉の痛み
• 手首を動かす時の痛み
• 物を握ったり持ち上げたりする時の痛み
• 肘の腫れ
• 握力の低下

• 痛みの場所
• 痛みの発生時期
• 痛みの程度
• 痛みの誘発動作
• 過去のスポーツ歴


1. Thomsenテスト
2. Chairテスト
3. 中指伸展テスト


• 安静:痛みを誘発する動作を控え、肘を安静にします
• アイシング:患部を冷やすことで炎症を抑えます
• 圧迫:包帯やサポーターで患部を圧迫することで腫れを抑えます
• 挙上:患部を心臓より高い位置に挙げることで腫れを抑えますが、これはかえってつらいかもしれないので当院では推奨していません
• 消炎鎮痛剤:痛みや炎症を抑える薬の服用を行います

• 理学療法:ストレッチや筋力トレーニングなどを行い、患部の機能回復を促します
• 痛みがあるうちは無理をしない
• ストレッチや筋力トレーニングは、ゆっくりと理学療法士や作業療法士と一緒に
• 患部の状態を見ながら、徐々に運動量を増やしていきます。当院では筋力トレーニングや運動時のフォーム確認をリハビリスタッフと確認しながら行う事が出来ます。

テニス肘は、適切な治療とリハビリを行うことで、多くの場合数ヶ月で症状は改善します。しかし、リハビリを怠ると、慢性化して長期間痛みが続くこともあります( *´艸`)

• 肘の使い過ぎには注意しましょう
• スポーツの前後には、十分なストレッチを行う事が大事です
• 筋力トレーニングを行い、肘周りの筋肉を強化していきましょう
• 正しいフォームで運動を行いましょう



Hello everyone! I am Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi”, an orthopedic clinic located on the 2nd floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo! (^^)!
It’s April and the weather is rapidly getting warmer, but it seems that cypress pollen has also appeared, and I can hear sneezing from everywhere.
Yesterday, a staff member (Tachibana-san, who likes to take a nap with a Chip and Dale blanket) showed me a video clip saying,

“The building where the clinic is located is depicted in the opening animation (season 1) of “Jujutsu Kaisen”.
I thought that the building was indeed depicted like that, but…what do you think (laughs)?
If you like, please watch around 1min 30sec! (^^)!
It is the grid-like building depicted behind Gojo Satoru.

Well, today I would like to delve into the rehabilitation of “tennis elbow“.

What is tennis elbow (= lateral epicondylitis of the humerus)?
Tennis elbow is a pain caused by inflammation of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, the attachment of the muscles on the outside of the forearm, and its official name is “lateral humeral epicondylitis. It is called tennis elbow because it is often seen in tennis players, but it can also occur in sports other than tennis that involve the use of the wrist and fingers, as well as in overuse in daily life.

The main symptom is pain when pressing on the bony prominence on the outside of the elbow (lateral epicondyle of the humerus).
– Pain in the muscles on the outside of the forearm
– Pain when moving the wrist
– Pain when gripping or lifting objects
– Swelling of the elbow
– Loss of grip strength

During the medical interview, the following points will be checked
– Location of pain
– When did the pain start?
– Pain severity
– Movements that provoke pain
– Past sports history

The following three tests are often used
1. the Thomsen test
The examiner bends the wrist (wrist joint) and the patient is asked to extend the wrist (wrist joint) resisting the examiner’s force with the elbow extended.
2. chair test
The patient is asked to lift a chair by hand with elbow extended.
3. middle finger extension test
The patient is asked to extend the middle finger with the elbow extended, resisting the examiner’s pressure on the middle finger from above.

X-rays and ultrasound examinations are also performed as necessary to make a differential diagnosis from other diseases.

Tennis elbow is treated primarily by conservative therapy. Conservative therapy includes the following
– Rest: Rest the elbow by avoiding pain-producing activities.
– Icing: cooling the affected area to reduce inflammation.
– Compression: reduce swelling by applying pressure to the affected area with a bandage or supporter.
– Elevation: elevating the affected area above the heart can reduce swelling, but this may be more painful and is not recommended in our clinic.
– Anti-inflammatory and analgesic: Medication to reduce pain and inflammation.
If pain cannot be relieved (prolonged inflammation), steroid injections may be administered.

Physical therapy: Stretching and strength training are performed to promote functional recovery of the affected area.

Key points of rehabilitation
In rehabilitation of tennis elbow, it is important to keep the following points in mind
– Do not exert yourself while there is pain.
Stretching and strength training should be done slowly and with a physical therapist or occupational therapist
Do them carefully.
– Gradually increase the amount of exercise while monitoring the condition of the affected area. At our clinic, you can check your form during strength training and exercise with our rehabilitation staff.
With proper treatment and rehabilitation, tennis elbow symptoms often improve within a few months.

However, if rehabilitation is neglected, the pain may become chronic and continue for a long period of time.

Prevention of recurrence
To prevent recurrence of tennis elbow, the following points should be noted
– Be careful not to overuse your elbow.
– It is important to stretch thoroughly before and after sports
– Do strength training to strengthen the muscles around the elbow.
– Use correct form when exercising.
Tennis elbow is a major obstacle in daily life and in the enjoyment of sports.
Early detection and early treatment (rehabilitation) are effective in preventing recurrence. This time I wrote about elbow, but if you have any other problems with your knee, hip joint, etc., please feel free to contact us anytime! (^^)!