麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



肩関節周囲炎のリハビリを深掘りする Deeper look at rehabilitation of periarthritis of the shoulder joint

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階にある整形外科クリニック

“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です



• 加齢による軟骨や腱の老化(加齢によって、軟骨や腱が老化し、炎症を起こしやすくなります。)
ホルモンバランスの変化  女性ホルモンであるエストロゲンには、腱や靭帯を保護する作用があります。





• 肩の痛み 特に夜間の痛みが特徴的で、「痛みで寝られない」  「寝返りを打つと痛みで目が覚めてしまう」と言った症状で受診する方が多い印象です。
• 肩の可動域制限 力が入らない(筋力低下)ではなく、痛みや拘縮で「肩が動かない」という自覚症状が出てきます。

• 適度な運動 ウォーキングや水泳など強度は低くても良いので有酸素運動を行う事で血行が促進されますが、これは肩関節周囲炎の予防に効果があるとされています。
• ストレッチ 肩関節周りの筋肉をストレッチすることで、柔軟性を保ち、可動域を広げることができます。(ストレッチは予防だけでなく、発症時のリハビリとしても有効です。)
• 正しい姿勢  猫背などの悪い姿勢は巻き肩にもなり、肩関節に負担がかかります。正しい姿勢を意識しましょう。


• 痛みを減らし、可動域を広げる
• 筋力・筋持久力を強化し、日常生活動作を改善させる
• 再発防止


1. 疼痛期・急性期(約2~3週間)
• 痛みの軽減を目的とした治療を行う➡アイシング、消炎鎮痛剤、関節注射など
• 無理な運動は控え、安静にする
• 日常生活動作で痛みが出ない範囲で肩を動かす➡振り子運動など

2. 拘縮期(約3~6ヶ月)
• 可動域を広げるための運動を行う➡痛みに応じて、無理はせずにストレッチ、徒手運動、温熱療法など
• 痛みが出ない範囲で、徐々に運動量を増やし、日常生活動作の改善を目指します

3. 回復期・寛解期(6ヶ月以降)
• 筋力・筋持久力を強化するための運動を行う➡抵抗運動、ウエイトトレーニングなど
• 再発防止のための運動習慣を身につける➡筋力トレーニングや有酸素運動・ストレッチなどが大事です

• 徒手運動  理学療法士・作業療法士による手技による運動
• 機械運動  運動機器を用いた運動 バンドトレーニングやダンベルトレーニングを行います
• 温熱療法  ホットパックやマイクロ波による温熱療法
• 電気療法  電気刺激による痛み軽減や筋力強化
• 運動療法  ストレッチや筋力強化運動(機械運動と併用していきます)
• 痛みが落ち着いたら、自宅でもストレッチや筋力強化運動を行いましょう
• 温湿布や入浴で肩を温め、十分な睡眠と栄養摂取を心がけましょう
• 無理な動作を避けることも必要です






Hello everyone!
I am Dr.Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori

between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

More than 10 days have passed since the start of the new fiscal year.
I hope everyone is working hard every day, whether you have changed your living environment due to a new job or a new job, or whether you are continuing to work hard as usual.
Today, I would like to take a deeper look at “rehabilitation of periarthritis of the shoulder joint”.

What is periarthritis of the shoulder joint? What are the causes?
Periarthritis of the shoulder joint is a disease that often occurs in people in their 40s and 50s,

and is accompanied by shoulder joint pain and limited range of motion, and is called “40 shoulder” or “50 shoulder.

Causes include
– Aging cartilage and tendons (aging causes cartilage and tendons to age and become more susceptible to inflammation)
– Changes in hormonal balance Estrogen, a female hormone, has a protective effect on tendons and ligaments.

Women are more likely to develop periarthritis of the shoulder joint during menopause because estrogen secretion decreases.
– Overuse of the body
Excessive use of the body that puts strain on the shoulder joint, such as performing the same movements repeatedly, can cause inflammation. In addition to sports, prolonged use of the mouse at a desk job can also cause symptoms.
– Other factors such as lifestyle-related diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure, injuries, and surgeries can also cause symptoms.
Many patients come to our clinic complaining that they suddenly cannot raise their shoulders after a contusion.
In fact, this is still not completely understood.
It is believed to be caused by a combination of these causes.

– Pain in the shoulder, especially at night, is a characteristic symptom, and many patients come to see us with symptoms such as “I can’t sleep because of the pain” or “I wake up with pain when I turn over.
– Limitations in shoulder range of motion Not due to lack of strength (muscle weakness), but due to pain or contracture, the subjective symptom of “I can’t move my shoulder” will occur.
If you have any of these symptoms, see a medical professional as soon as possible.

Are there ways to prevent it?
– Moderate exercise Aerobic exercise, such as walking or swimming, which can be of low intensity, promotes blood circulation, which is effective in preventing periarthritis of the shoulder joint.
– Stretching Stretching the muscles around the shoulder joint helps to maintain flexibility and increase the range of motion. (Stretching is effective not only for prevention but also for rehabilitation at the onset of the disease.)
– Correct Posture Bad posture, such as a hunched back, can lead to rolled shoulders, which puts a strain on the shoulder joint. Be aware of correct posture.

If pain should still occur, rehabilitation is necessary.
The purpose of rehabilitation is to
– Reduce pain and increase range of motion
– Strengthen muscle strength and endurance, and improve activities of daily living
– Prevent recurrence

Timing of Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is divided into three major phases depending on the severity and progress of symptoms. 

1. painful and acute phase (about 2 to 3 weeks)
– Treatment aimed at reducing pain ➡ icing, anti-inflammatory analgesics, joint injections, etc.
– ➡Restrain and refrain from any strenuous exercise.
– Move the shoulder as much as daily activities do not cause pain ➡Pendulum exercises, etc.

2. contracture period (about 3 to 6 months)
– ➡Exercise to increase range of motion ➡According to pain, stretch, manual exercise, heat therapy, etc. without straining
– Gradually increase the amount of exercise to the extent that pain does not occur, aiming to improve activities of daily living. 

3. recovery/remission period (6 months or later)
– Exercise to strengthen muscle strength and endurance ➡Resistance exercise, weight training, etc.
– Develop exercise habits to prevent relapse ➡Strength training, aerobic exercise, stretching, etc. are important

Methods of rehabilitation
It is important to perform rehabilitation under the guidance of a physician, physical therapist and occupational therapist.
– Manual exercise Manual exercise by physical therapist/occupational therapist
– Mechanical exercise Exercise using exercise equipment Band training and dumbbell training
– Thermotherapy Thermotherapy using hot packs and microwaves
– Electrotherapy Pain reduction and muscle strengthening through electrical stimulation
– Exercise therapy Stretching and muscle strengthening exercises (in combination with mechanical exercises)
– After pain subsides, do stretching and strengthening exercises at home.
– Warm the shoulder with hot compresses and baths, and make sure to get enough sleep and nutrition.
– Avoid straining the shoulder.
Self-funded treatments such as PRP may also be indicated.
Rehabilitation for periarthritis of the shoulder requires time and patience, but proper rehabilitation can lead to early recovery and prevention of recurrence.


How was it? I hope to share information about rehabilitation not only for the shoulder, but also for the elbow, knee, neck, etc.
I hope you will not just dismiss it as “minor pain,” but will consult with us about any problems, no matter how small.

Thank you for reading to the end:)