麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



変形性足関節症のリハビリを掘り下げる  ~~Rehabilitations for Osteoarthritis of the Ankle~~

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階の整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック 麹町)院長の栗本です。


• 足関節の痛み: 歩行時や立ち上がりの際などに痛みを感じます。
• 腫れ: 足関節が腫れ、熱を持つことがあります。
• こわばり: 朝起きた時などに足関節がこわばり、動きにくくなります。
• 可動域制限: 足関節の動きが制限され、しゃがんだり、階段を下りたりすることが困難になります。
• 関節音: 足を動かした時に、ゴリゴリという音が聞こえることがあります。
• 変形: 足関節が変形し、外反母趾やO脚になることがあります。
• 歩行障害: 痛みや可動域制限がひどくなり、歩行が困難になります。
• 上記以外にも、足首が疲れた感じや、足の裏がしびれるなどの症状が現れることもあります。
• 症状は個人差が大きく、軽度から重度まで様々です。

• 加齢: 軟骨は年齢とともに徐々に減少し、変形しやすくなります。
• 足関節の使い過ぎ: スポーツ選手や、立ち仕事が多い人は、足関節に負担がかかりやすく、発症リスクが高くなります。
• 外傷: 足関節の骨折、脱臼、靭帯損傷などの後遺症は、軟骨の損傷や関節の不安定性を招き、変形性足関節症の発症原因となります。
• O脚: O脚は、足関節の内側に負担がかかりやすく、軟骨のすり減りを促進します。
• 肥満: 体重過剰は、足関節にかかる負担を増加させ、軟骨のすり減りを早めます。
• 膠原病疾患 近年は減少傾向ですが、リウマチなどでは関節の破壊に伴い変形性足関節症になってしまう事もあります。

• 症状: 足関節の痛み、腫れ、こわばり、可動域制限など。
• 視診・触診: 医師が足関節を診察し、圧痛や変形などを確認します。
• 画像検査: X線が最も一般的な検査で、関節の変形や硬化像・骨破壊の有無を確認します。MRI、CTスキャンなどにより、軟骨や靭帯の損傷の有無や程度が分かります。
• 血液検査 リウマチなどの膠原病疾患の有無を確認します。

• 運動制限: 痛みがある場合は、運動を制限や運動の種類を変更して関節への負担を軽減します。どの表な運動が望ましいのか、当院でお伝えさせていただけます。
• 装具療法: サポーターやテーピングなどで足関節を固定し、安定性を高めます。
• 理学療法:(リハビリ) 筋力強化や柔軟性向上のための運動、マッサージ、温熱療法などを実施します。
• 薬物療法: 痛みや炎症を抑えるために、消炎鎮痛剤やヒアルロン酸注射などを用いることがあります。近年はPRP(多血小板血漿)が変形性関節症に対して有効とするデータが集まってきております。


• 関節洗浄術: 関節内の滑液を洗浄し、炎症を取り除きます。
• 関節固定術: 骨同士が擦れることで痛みが生じる為、関節を固定することで痛みが出ないようにします。
• 人工関節置換術: 損傷した関節を人工関節に置き換えます。

• 適度な運動: ウォーキングや水泳など、関節への負担が少ない運動を継続的に行うことが大切です。
• 体重管理: 肥満の方は、体重を減らすことで足関節への負担を軽減することができます。
• 筋力トレーニング 体を支えるの為に必要な筋力の作り方もリハビリの中でお話しさせていただきます。
• 正しい靴選び: 足に合った靴を選ぶことが重要です。当院では足関節に負担の少ないクッション性の高い靴を提案させていただきます。
• サポーターの着用: 足関節をサポートするサポーターを着用することで、負担を軽減することができます。





Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
The rainy season is in full swing, but it looks like there will be no major break in the weather during the first half of this week! (^^)!
Today, I would like to focus on “osteoarthritis of the ankle” among osteoarthritis and delve into treatment methods including rehabilitation.

What is osteoarthritis of the ankle?
It is a disease that occurs when the cartilage in the ankle joint wears down and the bones rub directly against each other.
Main Symptoms
– Ankle joint pain: Pain is felt when walking or standing up.
– Swelling: The ankle joint may swell and become hot.
– Stiffness: The ankle joint becomes stiff and difficult to move when waking up in the morning.
– Restricted range of motion: Movement of the ankle joint is restricted, making it difficult to squat or go down stairs.
– Joint noise: A gurgling sound may be heard when the foot is moved.
As the disease progresses
– Deformity: The ankle joint may become deformed, resulting in hallux valgus or O-feet.
– Gait disturbance: Pain and limited range of motion become worse, making it difficult to walk.
– In addition to the above, symptoms such as tired feeling in the ankles and numbness in the soles of the feet may also occur.
– Symptoms vary greatly from person to person and can range from mild to severe.

– Aging: Cartilage gradually decreases with age and becomes more easily deformed.
– Overuse of the ankle joint: Athletes and people who stand a lot are at higher risk of developing ankle joint deformities because of the stress they place on the joint.
– Trauma: Ankle fractures, dislocations, and ligament injuries can cause cartilage damage and joint instability, leading to the development of ankle osteoarthritis.
– bow-legs: bow-legs tend to place more stress on the medial side of the ankle joint, which promotes cartilage wear and tear.
– Obesity: Overweight increases the load on the ankle joint and accelerates cartilage wear and tear.
– Collagen diseases: Although the number of collagen diseases has been decreasing in recent years, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases can lead to osteoarthritis of the ankle as the joints are destroyed.
Diagnosis is made by interview and imaging tests.
– Symptoms: Ankle joint pain, swelling, stiffness, limited range of motion, etc.
– Visual and palpation: The doctor examines the ankle joint to check for tenderness, deformity, etc.
– Imaging studies: X-rays are the most common type of imaging to check for joint deformity, stiffness, and bone destruction, while MRI and CT scans can reveal the presence and extent of cartilage and ligament damage.
– Blood tests: Blood tests are used to check for the presence of collagen diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
The basic treatment for osteoarthritis of the ankle is conservative therapy, including rehabilitation. If conservative therapy is not effective, surgery may be considered.

Conservative therapy
– Exercise restriction: If pain is present, exercise should be limited or the type of exercise should be changed to reduce the load on the joint. We will be able to tell you what type of exercise is recommended.
– Orthotics: Supports and taping are used to immobilize the ankle joint and increase stability.
– Physical Therapy: (Rehabilitation) Exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility, massage, and heat therapy.
– Drug therapy: Anti-inflammatory analgesics and hyaluronic acid injections may be used to reduce pain and inflammation. In recent years, data has been gathering that PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is effective for osteoarthritis. At our clinic, we accept PRP (PFC-FD) from CellSource, Inc.

Surgical Therapy
– Joint cleaning: To clean the synovial fluid in the joint and remove inflammation.
– Joint fusion: Fixation of the joint to prevent pain caused by bone rubbing against bone.
– Artificial joint replacement: Replacing the damaged joint with an artificial joint.

Precautions in daily life
– Moderate exercise: It is important to exercise regularly, such as walking and swimming, to minimize the burden on the joints.
– Weight control: For obese patients, weight loss can reduce the burden on the ankle joint.
– Muscle strength training: We will also discuss how to build the muscle strength necessary to support the body during rehabilitation.
– Choosing the right shoes: It is important to choose the right shoes for your feet. We suggest well-cushioned shoes that are less stressful on the ankle joint.
– Wearing a supporter: Wearing a supporter to support the ankle joint can help reduce the burden on the ankle joint.

Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis of the ankle, it is possible to improve symptoms and lead a normal life with conservative treatment and daily life precautions.
At our clinic, we will help you in many ways so that you can live a pain-free life.
Please feel free to consult with us about anything, no matter how trivial, not limited to your feet:)