麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



学会参加in熊本 Vol.1 (西村編)  〜Confernce Participation in Kumamoto〜

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東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階の整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“ 理学療法士の西村です!!










【考察】 今回、高周波治療器にフロッシングバンドを併用することで乳酸値の改善率を測定し、良好な結果を得た。高周波治療器の温熱効果に加え、フロッシングバンドの使用で、筋肉の弛緩作用が促進され血流改善につながったことで乳酸値が軽減したと考えられた。ただし、乳酸値は運動強度や減量の有無などによって数値が変動するため、選手の身体的疲労度を正しく解釈するためには、他の指標と組み合わせて総合的に判断していくことが今後の研究課題となる。





EBM(Evedence-Based-Medicine)がいかに大事なのかを再発見した学会発表でした^ ^




Hello everyone!

My name is Nishimura, a physical therapist at “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

This time, I was given the opportunity to make a presentation at the Japan Society of Clinical Orthopedics meeting.

Since I’ve come all this way? I would like to share it with all of you.


At our clinic, there are many professional martial artists who come to our clinic, perhaps because our director’s hobby is martial arts.

This time, we took on the challenge of “quantifying fatigue” and reducing it in two mixed martial artists.

The following is an excerpt from the abstract of the conference. The following is an excerpt from the abstract of the conference, which may be a little difficult to understand.

Purpose: There are several reports in the literature that discuss the effectiveness of the use of radiofrequency therapy in improving fatigue in martial arts athletes, quantified by lactate levels. In this study, we investigated the possibility that the use of a high-frequency treatment device in combination with a flossing band may be more effective in reducing fatigue in martial arts athletes belonging to a major organization. The fatigue level was measured using lactate as an index, and the improvement rate was calculated from the values before and after conditioning.

Subjects and Methods: Two male mixed martial artists, from December 12 to December 29, 2023, measured lactate levels before and after conditioning using a simple blood lactate meter from the left pinky finger. High frequency therapy was performed on the back and thighs (ventral and dorsal) for 40 minutes, followed by flossing bands on both thighs for 3 minutes each. (The improvement rate was defined as (after improvement – before improvement/before improvement✕100).

The improvement rate for Case A was 31% on December 12, 79% on December 16, and 8% on December 21, respectively. The improvement rate for Case B was 48% on December 16 and 81% on December 22.

In this study, the improvement rate of lactic acid levels was measured by combining the high-frequency treatment device with a flossing band, and good results were obtained. In addition to the thermal effect of the high-frequency treatment device, the use of the flossing band promoted muscle relaxation and improved blood flow, which is thought to have reduced lactate levels. However, since lactate values fluctuate depending on exercise intensity, weight loss, and other factors, future research should be conducted to determine lactate values comprehensively in combination with other indicators in order to correctly interpret the physical fatigue level of the athletes.

Conclusion: We were able to increase the improvement rate of lactate levels in athletes by using a high-frequency treatment device and flossing bands in combination. Although further accumulation of knowledge is needed, we found that the combination may lead to management of the training environment, prevention of injury, and prolongation of the life of the athlete. In the future, we would like to conduct research interventions using values other than lactate (e.g., heart rate) as indicators.


Although this presentation focused on athletes, I would like to take the medical knowledge and experience I gained through preparation for the presentation and sublimate it in my mind so that it can contribute to all patients who come to the clinic.

Please feel free to contact me anytime for any kind of problems you may have. If you have any physical problems, please feel free to contact me anytime.

It was a conference presentation where I rediscovered how important EBM (Evidence-Based-Medicine) is ^ ^.


Thank you for reading to the end!