↓↓English Below↓↓
千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です。
- ウォーミングアップ
- 膝上げ運動:30秒
- 腕立て伏せ:10回
- 股関節の円を描く運動:前後左右に10回ずつ
- 筋トレ
1) 大腿四頭筋訓練
- 仰向けになり、膝を曲げて足裏を床につける。
- 片方の膝を胸に引き寄せ、ゆっくりと下ろす。
- 左右交互に10回ずつ行う。
2) ハムストリングス
- 仰向けになり、両足を伸ばす。
- 片方の足をゆっくりと胸の方に引き上げる。
- ゆっくりと下ろす。
- 左右交互に10回ずつ行う。
3) 内転筋
- 座って、両足を広げる。
- ゆっくりと膝を閉じ、元の姿勢に戻る。
- 10回繰り返す。
4) 外転筋
- 横向きに寝て、下側の足を上に上げる。
- ゆっくりと下ろす。
- 10回繰り返す。
- クールダウン
- ストレッチ:各部位30秒ずつ
- 呼吸運動:ゆっくりと深呼吸を5回
- 痛みを感じたら無理せず中止してください。
- 1日2セット程度を目安に行いましょう。
- 症状が改善しない場合は、遠慮なく当院までご相談ください。
- 正しいフォームで行いましょう。当院ではリハビリ中に「ご自宅で筋トレをする際の姿勢」まで含めてお伝えいたします。
- 呼吸を意識しながら行いましょう。力を入れて息を止めてしまうと腰を痛めてしまう事もあります。息を吐くことを意識しながら行いましょう。
- 少しずつ負荷を増していきましょう。急に負荷を上げると正しい姿勢で行えなくなってしまい、怪我のリスクがかえって上がってしまいます。焦らず、低負荷から行うようにしましょう。
Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
The rainy season is expected to end by the weekend, so how are you preparing for the heat?
Now, I would like to start writing about how to build up your body with the goal of “fundamentally removing pain.
If you have never exercised before, there is a high probability that your body will be injured if you suddenly start exercising.
Shoulder, back, hip, knee, ankle, etc….
In this article, I would like to focus on hip pain and write about how to prevent and deal with it.
In addition to muscle pain, other causes of hip pain associated with exercise include “hip labral injury” and “femoro-acetabular impingement” (FAI).
Muscle training strengthens the muscles around the hip joint and increases flexibility, thereby reducing pain and improving mobility.
However, if done in the wrong posture or in the wrong way, it can worsen symptoms.
We recommend that you first work with a physical or occupational therapist at our clinic and then train at home or other places after you become accustomed to it.
Below are some methods of muscle training that you can do at home.
- warming up
Always warm up before exercising to warm up your body and relax your muscles.
Examples of warm-up
– Knees-up exercise: 30 seconds
– Push-ups: 10 times
– Circular hip exercise: 10 times each side back and forth
- muscle training
1) Quadriceps muscle training
– Lie on your back with knees bent and soles of feet on the floor.
– Pull one knee to the chest and slowly lower it.
– Do 10 times on each side alternately.
2) Hamstrings
– Lie on your back and extend both legs.
– Slowly pull one leg up toward your chest.
– Slowly lower the leg.
– Do 10 times alternately on each side.
3) Adductor muscles
– Sit down and spread both legs apart.
– Slowly close the knees and return to the original posture.
– Repeat 10 times.
4) Abductor muscle
– Lie on your side and raise the lower leg up.
– Slowly lower.
– Repeat 10 times. 3.
3) Cool down
After exercise, be sure to cool down and relax your body slowly.
Cool down example
– Stretching: 30 seconds for each part
– Breathing exercise: 5 slow, deep breaths
– If you feel pain, stop without straining.
– Do about 2 sets a day.
– If symptoms do not improve, do not hesitate to consult our clinic.
It is important to continue muscle training. Please work at your own pace and do not be in a hurry.
Key Points
– Use correct form. During rehabilitation at our clinic, we will provide you with information including “posture for muscle training at home”.
– Do it while being conscious of your breathing. Holding your breath with force can cause back pain. Do it while being conscious of exhaling.
– Increase the load little by little. If you suddenly increase the load, you will not be able to do the exercises in the correct posture, and the risk of injury will increase. Do not be hasty and start with a low load.
Not only hip labrum injury and FAI, but many hip pain symptoms can be improved by muscle training.
Please refer to the menu introduced in this article, find a method that suits you, and continue to work on it.
In order to help as many people as possible live a pain-free life and look forward to tomorrow
We are committed to providing medical care that approaches the root of pain so that as many people as possible can live a pain-free life and look forward to tomorrow.
We are always ready to help you with any kind of pain, not only hip pain. Please feel free to contact us:)