麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



自宅でできる”腰痛に根本からアプローチするトレーニング”    ~~Fundamental Training for Low Back Pain(you can do it at home)~~


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です。











  • 正しい姿勢を保つ:猫背にならないように注意し、背筋を伸ばして座りましょう。(姿勢を保つ筋力も必要です)
  • 定期的に休憩を取る:デスクワークをしている場合は、少なくとも1時間に1回は立ち上がり、体を動かしましょう。
  • 健康的な体重を維持する:余分な体重は腰に負担をかけてしまいます。適度な運動と食事で体重を管理しましょう。
  • 運動する:腕を大きく振りながらのwalkingも大事です。
  • 禁煙する:喫煙は腰痛のリスクを高めます。
  • 日の光を浴びる:骨を丈夫にし、腰痛の原因となる骨粗鬆症を予防するのに役立ちます。


  1. 膝抱え
  1. 仰向けに寝て、両膝を曲げます。
  2. 両手で膝を抱え込み、胸に引き寄せます。
  3. 5~10秒間キープし、ゆっくりと元に戻します。
  4. これを5~10回繰り返します。
  1. 膝のゆりかご
  1. 仰向けに寝て、両足をまっすぐ伸ばします。
  2. 片方の膝を曲げ、胸の方に引き寄せます。
  3. 5~10秒間キープし、ゆっくりと元に戻します。
  4. これを反対側も同様に行います。
  5. 左右交互に5~10回ずつ繰り返します。
  1. ブリッジ
  1. 仰向けに寝て、両膝を曲げます。
  2. かかとを床につけ、ゆっくりとお尻を床から持ち上げます。
  3. 5~10秒間キープし、ゆっくりと元に戻します。
  4. これを5~10回繰り返します。

4 プランク&スクワット(個人的にはすごくお勧めです!!)



  1. うつ伏せになり、肘とつま先で体を支える。
  2. 体幹を意識して、頭からかかとまで一直線になるようにキープ。
  3. 最初は30秒、徐々に時間を延ばしていく。
  4. 呼吸は止めずに、ゆっくりと行う。


  • お腹やお尻を上げすぎない。
  • 腰を反らせない。
  • 首を楽にする。


  1. 肩幅よりやや広めに足を開き、つま先を45度外側に向ける。
  2. 背筋を伸ばし、ゆっくりとしゃがみ込む。この際膝が前に出ないように股関節がしっかり畳まれている事を意識する
  3. 膝が90度になったら、元の姿勢に戻る。
  4. 最初は浅く、徐々に深くしていく。
  5. 体重はかかとに乗せる。


  • 膝が内側に入らないように注意する。
  • 腰を丸めない。
  • 背筋をまっすぐ伸ばす。












  • 自己流のストレッチや筋力トレーニングではかえっていたみを悪化させることもあります。 
  • 当院に御相談いただければ、リハビリの中で自宅でできる筋力トレーニング方法などお伝えいたします。
  • 「ストレッチだけ」や「筋力トレーニングだけ」では改善しづらいものもあります。是非両方行うようにしてください。
  • 痛みを感じたら、無理せず中止してください。







Hello everyone! It has been scorching hot since the end of the rainy season, hasn’t it?

I am Dr.Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

In this issue of “Training at Home,” I would like to focus on “lower back pain”!



Back pain is a common symptom experienced by many people around the world.

Evidence that stretching and strength training can help prevent or improve back pain has been emerging one after another in recent years. In this article, we will introduce stretching and strength training to help prevent and improve low back pain.

The key point is: “Stretching and strength training should be used together. But don’t overdo it, and if you experience pain, contact our clinic! (*▽``*)

Prevention of back pain

There are many things you can do to prevent back pain.

– Maintain correct posture: Be careful not to hunch over and sit with your back straight. (You also need muscle strength to maintain your posture.)

– Take regular breaks: If you work at a desk, get up and move around at least once an hour.

– Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight puts strain on the lower back. Manage your weight with moderate exercise and diet.

– Exercise: Walking while swinging your arms wide is also important.

– Quit smoking: Smoking increases the risk of back pain.

– Exposure to sunlight: Helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, which can cause back pain.

Stretching and strength training for back pain

  1. kneeling

Lie on your back with both knees bent. 2.

  1. hold your knees with both hands and pull them toward your chest. 3.

Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and slowly return to the original position. 4.

Repeat 5-10 times. 2.

  1. knee cradle

Lie on your back with both legs straight. 2.

Bend one knee and pull it toward your chest. 3.

Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, then slowly return to the original position. 4.

Do the same on the other side. 5.

Repeat 5-10 times on each side alternately.

  1. bridge

Lie on your back and bend both knees. 2.

  1. place your heels on the floor and slowly lift your buttocks off the floor. 3. hold for 5 to 10 seconds.

Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and slowly return to the floor. 4.

Repeat 5-10 times.

4 Planks & Squats (I personally highly recommend them!!!)

Planks and squats are especially good exercises to strengthen your core and help with back pain.

How to do a plank

  1. lie face down and support yourself on your elbows and toes.
  2. keeping your core in mind, keep a straight line from head to heel. 3.

Start with 30 seconds and gradually increase the time. 4.

4) Breathe slowly and do not hold your breath.

Key Points

– Do not raise your stomach or hips too high.

– Do not arch your back.

– Keep your neck relaxed.

How to do squats

  1. feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing 45 degrees outward

Squat down slowly, keeping your back straight. At this point, be aware that the knees should not come forward and that the hip joints should be folded tightly. 3.

When the knees reach 90 degrees, return to the original posture. 4.

  1. start shallow and gradually go deeper. 5.
  2. place your weight on your heels.


– Be careful not to turn the knees inward.

– Do not round your hips.

– Straighten your back.


If you have severe back pain

If your back pain is severe, please consult our clinic before starting any exercise. We will help you understand the cause of your lumbar spine and then guide you through stretching and muscle strengthening exercises that are appropriate for your symptoms in rehabilitation and other settings.


Back pain can be prevented or improved by stretching and strength training. The ones introduced in this article can be easily done at home.

If you suffer from back pain, please try these exercises.


– Self-induced stretching and strength training may actually worsen the pain.

If you consult with our clinic, we will show you how to do strength training at home during your rehabilitation.

– There are some things that are difficult to improve with “stretching alone” or “strength training alone. We encourage you to do both.

– If you feel pain, please stop without straining.



There are various causes of back pain. If the above does not improve your back pain, please contact our clinic.

We will do our best to help you live a pain-free life and look forward to tomorrow:)