麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



自宅でできる膝関節痛予防!(やっぱり欠かせない筋力トレーニング) ~~Knee joint pain prevention at home! (Strength training is still indispensable)~~

皆さんこんにちは!!東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階の整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です。













  • 太ももの前側の筋肉(大腿四頭筋)のトレーニング 
  • 椅子に座り、ゆっくりと膝を伸ばし10秒キープ。


  • 太ももの後ろ側の筋肉(ハムストリングス)のトレーニング
  • 両足を伸ばしてうつぶせになった状態から開始していきます。


  • お尻の筋肉(大臀筋)のトレーニング
  • 仰向けになって頂き、両膝を曲げて、足の裏が床につけます。この時脚は肩幅程度に開いておきましょう。


  • ふくらはぎの筋肉(腓腹筋)のトレーニング
    • 壁に手を付きバンスを保ちつつ、かかとをゆっくりと上げ下げしていきましょう。これも10回程度を目安に始めて行きましょう。


  • 痛みを感じたら無理せず中止してください
  • トレーニング中も息を止めず、呼吸を意識することを心がけてください
  • 最初は軽い負荷から始め、徐々に強度を上げていきましょう
  • 毎日すべてを行う必要はありません。1日1種目ずつなど、気楽に行いましょう
  • 医師や専門家に相談の上、行うことが痛み悪化を予防するうえで大事になります。疑問などあれば是非当院までご相談ください。


  • 体重管理


  • 定期的な健康診断 








Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, Director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

I hope everyone is watching the Olympics, which have come along with the heat.

Well, I would like to write about “training you can do at home” again.

I think there are many people (including me, actually) who suffer from knee joint pain in their daily lives.

I am also sure that there are those who think, “It is not as painful as it should be, but it is starting to feel uncomfortable and I want to prevent it from causing pain in the future.

In this article, we will discuss how to deal with and prevent knee joint pain, focusing on strength training that you can easily do at home.

Why is strength training important?

There are many causes of knee joint pain, but in this article I will write about the pain associated with cartilage wear and tear due to aging and muscle weakness. Weakened muscles increase the strain on the joints, increasing the likelihood of pain and deformity.

Strengthening the muscles around the knee can help reduce the strain on the joints and reduce pain. It also improves balance and lowers the risk of falling.

Simple Training You Can Do at Home

Here are some simple workouts that can be done while sitting or lying in a chair.

Training the muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps)

Sit in a chair, slowly extend your knees and hold for 10 seconds.

Lower your knees as slowly as possible (take about 3 seconds). Start by repeating this 10 times.

Training the muscles in the back of the thighs (hamstrings)

– Start in a supine position with both legs extended.

Slowly bend both knees until your heels touch your hips, then slowly bend them back again. Start with 10 repetitions.

Training the buttocks muscles (gluteus maximus)

o Lie on your back and bend both knees so that the soles of your feet touch the floor. At this point, your legs should be about shoulder-width apart.

Slowly raise your hips straight up and turn your upper body away from the floor. It is best to exhale slowly as you do this. 10 repetitions is a good target.

Calf muscle (gastrocnemius) training

o While keeping your hands on the wall and maintaining your balance, slowly raise and lower your heels. You should start with about 10 repetitions of this as a guideline.

Training Precautions

– If you feel pain, stop without straining.

– Do not hold your breath during training.

– Start with a light load and gradually increase the intensity.

– You do not need to do all of the exercises every day, but take it easy and do one exercise per day.

It is important to consult with a doctor or specialist before performing any exercise to prevent the pain from worsening. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:)

Other preventive measures

– Weight control

Eat a well-balanced diet and engage in aerobic exercise such as walking.

– Periodic physical examinations 

Some things, such as appropriate exercise load, may change depending on your age and medical history. Make sure you are aware of your condition.



To prevent knee joint pain, it is important to build up your daily routine. Let’s continue the training at your own pace and without strain, referring to the training programs introduced in this issue.

Thank you for reading to the end. We will continue to work together as a clinic to help you live “pain-free and looking forward to tomorrow.

Thank you very much for reading to the end😊