麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



マッサージやストレッチによる「揉み返し」の原因は?その予防法は?  What are the causes of “rubbing back” from massage and stretching? How can it be prevented?

↓↓English Below↓↓


皆さんこんにちは!!東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階の整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です。







  • 過度な刺激: 筋肉が硬直している状態に、いきなり強い刺激を与えてしまうと、筋肉が傷つきやすくなります。
  • 血行不良: 長時間のデスクワークや運動不足などにより、血行が悪くなっていると、筋肉の回復が遅れ、揉み返しが起こりやすくなります。
  • 疲労の蓄積: 十分な休息を取らずに、疲労が蓄積している状態でのマッサージやストレッチは、筋肉への負担が大きくなり、揉み返しの原因となります。
  • 体質: 筋肉の柔軟性や回復力には個人差があり、同じ施術を受けても、揉み返しの程度は人によって異なります。  




  • 施術前のウォーミングアップ: マッサージやストレッチの前に体を温めることで、筋肉の柔軟性を高め、揉み返しのリスクを減らすことができます。
  • 適切な強度の施術: 痛みに耐えて強度の高い施術を受けることは、かえって逆効果となる場合があります。自分に合った強度の施術を受けることが大切です。
  • 施術後のクールダウン: マッサージやストレッチ後は、ゆっくりと体を休ませ、クールダウンを行うことで、筋肉の回復を促します。
  • バランスの取れた食事と十分な睡眠: 健康的な食事と十分な睡眠は、筋肉の回復に不可欠です。
  • 定期的な運動: 定期的な運動は、筋肉の柔軟性を高め、血行を改善し、揉み返しを予防する効果が期待できます。



























Hello everyone! I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic surgery clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

The typhoon has passed, and today we have a pleasant blue sky!

Well, today, I would like to change things up a bit and write about “rubbing back(muscle pain caused in reaction to excess massaging)”.

I think many of you are taking massage and stretching for daily health maintenance. However, do you ever suffer from “return of pain” after these treatments, in which the pain intensifies or the body becomes sluggish?

What are the causes of return rubs?

A rubbing back occurs when the muscles are damaged and inflamed by massage or stretching.

The main causes include

– Overstimulation: When muscles are stiff and suddenly subjected to strong stimulation, they can easily become damaged.

– Poor blood circulation: Poor blood circulation due to long hours at a desk or lack of exercise can delay muscle recovery and make it easier for a muscle to rub back.

– Accumulated fatigue: Massage and stretching without adequate rest can increase the strain on the muscles and cause a rub.

– Body type: Muscle flexibility and recovery vary from person to person, and the degree of return rub can vary from person to person, even after the same treatment.


Is there any way to prevent a rubbing back?

To prevent a rubbing back, it is important to pay attention to the following points

– Warm up before the treatment: Warming up before a massage or stretching can increase muscle flexibility and reduce the risk of a return rub.

– Appropriate Intensity: High-intensity massage can be painful and even counterproductive. It is important to use the appropriate intensity for your needs.

– Cool down after treatment: After massage and stretching, take time to rest and cool down to allow your muscles to recover.

– Balanced diet and adequate sleep: Eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are essential for muscle recovery.

– Regular exercise: Regular exercise can increase muscle flexibility, improve circulation, and prevent rubbing.

What should I do if I suffer from a rubbing back?

If a rubbing back occurs, it is important to cool the affected area and rest.

Using painkillers or applying a compress can also help.


How can I fundamentally prevent (or resolve when it happens) a rubbing back?

In order to fundamentally prevent or resolve a rub, it is important to have a comprehensive assessment of the muscle condition, overall body balance, and fatigue.

Rehabilitation at a medical institution by a physiotherapist or other nationally certified personnel can provide appropriate treatment according to the individual’s physical condition.

At Our clinic, I first examine you and identifies the cause of your pain.

Physical therapists use this information to evaluate muscle and joint function and provide exercise therapy, physical therapy, and other treatments tailored to the individual patient.

The aim is to increase muscle flexibility, improve blood circulation, and reduce pain as a result. Patients can also receive guidance on daily living precautions and self-care methods.



Rubbing back is a pain that occurs after massage or stretching and is a source of concern for many people. To prevent a rubback, it is important to take proper care of yourself, including warming up and cooling down.

However, if the rubbing still recurs, we recommend that you consult a physician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or other specialist.

Our clinic strives daily to provide the best treatment for each individual patient according to his or her physical condition.

If you are suffering from rubbing, we encourage you to try our rehabilitation services!


If you have any other problems or questions, no matter how small, please feel free to contact us. Even if it is something outside of our expertise, we will respond promptly, such as referring you to a cooperating medical institution.

The heat is still continuing. Please take care of yourselves.