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東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“ 院長の栗本です。
- 身体的フレイル: 筋力低下、歩行速度の低下、体力低下などが特徴です。
- 精神的フレイル: 記憶力低下、意欲低下、孤独感などが特徴です。
- 社会的フレイル: 社会参加の機会の減少、孤立感、役割喪失感などが特徴です。
- 体力向上: 日常生活動作の改善や転倒予防が期待できます。
- 代謝アップ: 基礎代謝が上がり、太りにくい体になります。
- 骨密度向上: 骨粗鬆症予防につながります。
- 免疫力向上: 様々な病気に対する抵抗力が高まります。
- 関節可動域の改善: 身体の動きやすさを向上させます。
- バランス能力の向上: 転倒のリスクを減らします。
- 疼痛の軽減: 運動に伴う痛みを軽減します。
- 継続性: 毎日でなくとも良いので週に数回、まずは継続して行うことが大切です。
- 適切な負荷: 自分にあった負荷で、無理のない範囲で行うことが重要です。
- 多様性: 同じ運動を続けるのではなく、様々な種類の運動を取り入れることで、より効果的です。
- 専門家の指導: 当院ではリハビリ中に理学療法士・作業療法士からり筋力トレーニングも含めてお伝えさせて頂きます^ ^
- スクワット&プランク
- 腕立て伏せ
- ウォーキング(しっかり腕を振りましょう)
- ストレッチ(これは無理のない範囲であれば毎日行なっていただいても構いません)
- バランス運動(筋力トレーニングも併せてお伝えいたします)
- 歩行訓練
- 関節運動
- 栄養バランスの改善
- 十分な睡眠
- 社会参加(精神的&社会的フレイルの予防・改善にも役立ちます!!)
最後までお読みただきありがとうございました^ ^
Hello! I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
In August, we had two typhoons, especially Typhoon No. 10 in the last week of August.
I hope everyone’s homes and relatives are safe.
Today, I would like to write about “frail,” which is related not only to you but also to your family members and relatives who are older than you.
What is frail?
Frail refers to the intermediate stage between the healthy state and the state requiring nursing care, in which physical functions deteriorate with aging and various activities become difficult. There are three main types
– Physical Frail: characterized by muscle weakness, slow walking speed, and loss of physical strength.
– Mental frailty: characterized by memory loss, low motivation, and loneliness.
– Social frailty: characterized by decreased opportunities for social participation, isolation, and a sense of loss of role.
These frail conditions do not occur in isolation, but are often compounded and have a negative impact on each other.
In this article, I would like to write about “physical frailty,” in which the orthopedic clinic often intervenes.
Prevention of Physical Frailty: Focusing on Strength Training and Rehabilitation
Physical frailty is one of the most important factors that increase the risk of transition to a state of long-term care. Strength training and rehabilitation are very effective in preventing this physical frailty.
Benefits of Strength Training
Strength training increases muscle mass and basal metabolism, which can be expected to
– Improved physical fitness: Improvement in activities of daily living and prevention of falls can be expected.
– Increased metabolism: Increases basal metabolism, making it harder to gain weight.
– Increased bone density: Helps prevent osteoporosis.
– Improved immunity: Increases resistance to various diseases.
Benefits of Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation improves the decline in physical functions and promotes independence in activities of daily living. Specifically, the following effects can be expected.
– Improvement of joint range of motion: Improvement of the body’s ease of movement.
– Improved balance: Reduces the risk of falling.
– Reduce pain: reduce pain associated with exercise.
Strength Training and Rehabilitation Tips
– Continuity: It is important to start with a few times a week, not necessarily every day.
– Appropriate load: It is important to use a load that is appropriate for you and within a reasonable range of exertion.
– Variety: It is more effective to include a variety of exercises instead of doing the same ones over and over again.
– Expert guidance: Our physiotherapists and occupational therapists will provide you with guidance during your rehabilitation, including strength training ^ ^.
Strength training and rehabilitation are very effective in preventing physical frailty. These exercises not only maintain physical function but also improve QOL (quality of life). It is important to continue appropriate exercise according to your own physical fitness and condition. We would be happy to examine you first to ascertain your physical condition.
Examples of exercise
– Squats & planks
– Push-ups
– Walking (swing your arms firmly)
– Stretching (this can be done daily as long as it is not too strenuous)
Examples of rehabilitation
– Balance exercises (we will also provide you with strength training)
– Gait training
– Joint exercises
The Others
– Improved nutritional balance
– Adequate Sleep
– Social participation (also helps improve mental & social frailty!!!)
Combining these efforts will help prevent frail more effectively.
We encourage you to take an active role in exercise for your own health.
We will continue to do our best to contribute to your health. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, no matter how trivial. Thank you for reading to the end ^ ^