麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



自宅でできる腹筋トレーニング:腰を痛めずに効果的に!ドローイングなど負荷をかけない方法   ~~Abdominal training at home: effective without back pain! Drawing and other unloading methods~~

↓↓English Below↓↓




東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です!!









  • 反りすぎ: 上体を起こす際に腰を反りすぎると、腰椎に強い圧力がかかってしまいます。
  • 勢いをつけすぎ: 勢いをつけすぎて腹筋を収縮させると、筋肉だけでなく関節にも負担がかかります。
  • 回数を無理にこなす: 回数を無理にこなそうとすると、フォームが崩れ、効果が得られないばかりか、ケガのリスクも高まります。








  1. 仰向けに寝て、膝を立て、足の裏を床につける。
  2. お腹をへこませるイメージで、息をゆっくりと吐きながらお腹を引っ込める。
  3. 5秒間キープし、ゆっくりと息を吸いながらお腹を戻す。
  4. 10回を1セットとし、3セット行う。



  • プランク: 前腕とつま先で体を支え、体全体を一直線にする姿勢をキープします。
  • ブリッジ: 仰向けに寝て、膝を立て、お尻を上げ、体で一直線を作る姿勢をキープします。
  • レッグレイズ: 仰向けに寝て、足を上げて、下腹部を意識しながらゆっくりと足を下ろします。


  • 無理のない範囲で行う: 慣れない間は、少ない回数から始め、徐々に回数を増やしていくようにしましょう。
  • 痛みを感じたら中断する: 痛みを感じたら、すぐに運動を中止し、休息を取ってください。それでも痛みが改善しない場合にはすぐに当院までご相談ください。
  • 正しいフォームで行う: 正しいフォームで行うことが大切です。


  • ウォーミングアップとクールダウンを忘れずに: 始める前にしっかりと体を温め、終わった後にはストレッチを行いましょう。











Hello everyone! I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic surgery clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

The mornings and evenings are gradually showing signs of autumn.

Today, I would like to write about abdominal muscle training, which can be done at home.

I would like to write about “training you can do at home” today.


Abdominal muscle training that can be done easily at home is attractive, but there is a risk of back injury if you do it in a self-directed manner.

In particular, you should not do it in an unreasonable posture, or do it too many times or with too much load.

This time, we will introduce a no-impact method focusing on “drawing,” which can reduce the burden on the lower back and effectively train the abdominal muscles.


Why is self-initiated abdominal training dangerous?

The abdominal muscles are an important muscle group in the center of the body, but at the same time they are very delicate.

If not performed with correct form, they can strain the lumbar spine and cause pain and injury. Particular attention should be paid to the following points

– Excessive bending: Excessive bending at the waist when raising the upper body can put too much pressure on the lumbar spine.

– Too much momentum: Contracting the abdominal muscles too vigorously can strain the muscles as well as the joints.

– Forcing the number of repetitions: Forcing the number of repetitions can lead to a loss of form, ineffectiveness, and increased risk of injury.


What are “drawings,” abdominal muscles that do not force the body?

Drawing is the basic exercise for consciously contracting the abdominal muscles.

It is performed by lying on your back and imagining that your abdomen is indented. This movement stabilizes the abdominal muscles and strengthens the core.

The “Long Breath Diet” was popular in the past, and you can think of it as the same theory.

How to do drawing

Lie on your back, knees up, and soles of feet on the floor. 2.

  1. exhale slowly and pull in your abdomen, as if you are trying to make your abdomen hollow. 3. hold for 5 seconds, and then exhale.

Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly inhale and return to your stomach. 4.

Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Unloaded abdominal training other than drawing

In addition to drawing, there are many other ways to train the abdominal muscles without loading.

– Plank: Support yourself with your forearms and toes and keep your entire body in a straight line.

– Bridges: Lie on your back, knees up, hips up, and maintain a straight line with your body.

– Leg Raises: lying on your back, raise your legs and slowly lower them, keeping your lower abdomen in mind.

Important Notes

– Take it easy: Start with a small number of repetitions and gradually increase the number of repetitions until you are comfortable with the exercises.

– Stop if you feel pain: If you feel pain, stop exercising immediately and take a rest. If the pain persists, contact our office immediately.

– Use correct form: It is important to use correct form.

➡Our clinic can teach you the posture of drawing during rehabilitation.

– Don’t forget to warm up and cool down: Warm up well before you start and stretch afterwards.



Abdominal training, which can be done easily at home, can effectively strengthen the abdominal muscles without back pain if done in the right way.

It is recommended that you start with low-impact exercises such as drawing. Take your time and train at your own pace to achieve your ideal body.

Our clinic will also provide guidance on training that you can do at home during your rehabilitation.

If you have any other problems in your daily life, please feel free to contact us.

We hope we can continue to help you live a pain-free and anxiety-free life:)