麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



自宅でできるインナーマッスルトレーニング(その重要性と効果)  ~~Inner Muscle Training at Home – Its Importance and Benefits~~

↓↓English Below↓↓




東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿い 実は永田町駅や市ヶ谷駅からも徒歩圏内 のビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です。












  • 姿勢改善: 姿勢を支える筋肉が強化されることで、猫背や腰痛の改善が期待できます。
  • 代謝アップ: 基礎代謝が向上し、痩せやすい体質になります。
  • パフォーマンス向上: 身体の安定性が増すことでスポーツや日常動作のパフォーマンスアップに繋がります。
  • ケガ予防: 関節への負担を軽減し、ケガのリスクを減らします。




  • プランク: 体を板のように真っ直ぐにし、お腹とお尻に力を入れてキープする。
  • ブリッジ: お尻を高く上げ、体全体で一直線になるようにします。
  • ドローイン: お腹を凹ませるイメージで、お腹の中をぎゅっと引き込みます。



  • クラムシェル:横向きになり、膝を90度程度曲げておきます、上の足を膝からゆっくり開きます。下の足は固定し、上の足で貝殻を開くように開閉する。
  • スクワット:言わずと知れた「筋トレの王様」です。正しい姿勢で行うとインナー・アウターどちらの筋肉にも作用します。ワイドスタンスで、“少しガニ股”で行う事で膝や腰を痛めずに済みます。







  • 正しいフォームで行うことが大切です。
  • 毎日でなくとも良いので、辞めずに続けることが大切です。
  • 自分の体力に合わせて、無理のない範囲で行いましょう。


  • 当院ではリハビリ中にご自宅でのトレーニングの種類を一緒に考えさせていただきます。
  • 運動前後のストレッチもどうぞ忘れずに行ってください。
  • 何か気になることがあれば、いつでも当院までご相談ください。







Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building on Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, actually within walking distance from Nagatacho Station and Ichigaya Station.


The mornings and evenings are gradually getting cooler:)


Today, I would like to write about training that you can do at home, and I would like to write about training for the inner muscles (core system) following the abdominal muscles.


You may have heard the term “inner muscles” a lot.

However, some of you may wonder what kind of muscles they are and why they need to be trained.

Inner muscles are muscles in the deep layers of the body, such as the iliopsoas muscle and pelvic floor muscles.

They play a very important role in stabilizing bones and joints and maintaining posture (keeping balance). The outer muscles, on the other hand, are large muscles on the body surface that are responsible for heavy lifting and instantaneous force. Both are very important, but if the inner muscles are not strong, training the outer muscles may be less effective or even cause injury.


Why do we need to train our inner muscles?

– Improved posture: Strengthening the muscles that support posture can improve hunchback and lower back pain.

– Increased metabolism: Your basal metabolism will improve, making it easier for you to lose weight.

– Improved performance: Increased stability of the body leads to better performance in sports and daily activities.

– Injury prevention: Reduce the risk of injury by reducing the load on your joints.


Simple inner muscle training you can do at home

The following training exercises are similar to the abdominal training exercises mentioned above, but can be done at home.

– Plank: Straighten your body like a plank and hold it with your stomach and buttocks.

– Bridges: Raise your hips high and keep your entire body in a straight line.

– Draw-in: Squeeze and pull in your abdominal area with the image of a concave belly.

For more details, check out our recent abdominal training! (^^)!

– Clamshell: Lie on your side, keep your knees bent about 90 degrees, slowly open the upper leg from the knee. Fix the lower leg and open and close it with the upper leg as if opening a clamshell.

– Squat: It is the undisputed “king of muscle training”. When performed with correct posture, it works both inner and outer muscles. A wide stance and a “Splay out position” will help prevent knee and back injuries.

These exercises can be easily performed at home without special equipment. By continuing to do them  little by little, you will feel the benefits.


Strengthening the inner muscles is essential for a healthy body.

It has various benefits such as improving posture, increasing metabolism, and preventing injuries.

Please strengthen your inner muscles by incorporating training that you can easily do at home.


– It is important to use correct form.

– It does not have to be done every day, so it is important to continue without quitting.

– It does not have to be done every day.


– We will work with you to determine the type of training you should do at home during your rehabilitation.

– Please do not forget to stretch before and after exercise.

– If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.


Thank you for reading to the end.

We will continue to make every effort to contribute to your health.

No matter how trivial it may seem, please feel free to contact us! Please feel free to contact us!