麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



自宅でできる!!「反り腰」に対する筋力トレーニング  〜〜Workouts for a excessive inward curvature of the waist at home〜〜

↓↓English Below↓↓



東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“ 院長の栗本です。

少しブログをサボってしまいましたm(_ _)m














·  姿勢の悪さ: 長時間同じ姿勢での作業や猫背など、普段の姿勢が悪いと骨盤が前傾しやすくなります。

·  筋肉のバランスの崩れ: お腹周りの筋肉が弱くなったり、背中や腰の筋肉が硬くなったりすると、骨盤が前傾しやすくなります。

·  体重増加: 特にお腹周りがぽっこり出てくると、体が前に傾きやすくなり、骨盤が前傾しやすくなります。

·  ヒールを履く: ヒールの高い靴を履くと、重心が前に移動し、体がバランスを取ろうとして骨盤が前傾しやすくなります。




  • 腰痛: 腰の筋肉が常に緊張状態にあるため、慢性的な腰痛を引き起こします。
  • 姿勢の悪化: 猫背(スウェイバックと呼ばれる胸椎の後弯が強くなる状態です)や肩こり、O脚などを伴うことがあります。
  • ぽっこりお腹: 内臓が圧迫され、ぽっこりお腹に見えやすくなります。


  • 仰向けで寝て、腰と床の間に手が入るかどうか: 手が入る場合は、反り腰の可能性が高いです。
  • 立って壁に背中をつけて立ち、腰と壁の間に手が入るかどうか: 手が入る場合は、反り腰の可能性が高いです。


  • ストレッチ: 腰やお腹周りの筋肉をストレッチすることで、筋肉のバランスを整えます。
  • 筋力トレーニング: 以下の筋肉を鍛えることで、骨盤を安定させます。

 お腹周りの筋肉: 腹筋、横腹の筋肉など

 お尻の筋肉: 大臀筋、中臀筋など

 太ももの裏側の筋肉: ハムストリングスなど



  1. プランク: 体幹を鍛える基本的なエクササイズです。肘とつま先をついて、体全体を一直線に保ちます。
  2. ブリッジ: お尻の筋肉を鍛えるエクササイズです。仰向けに寝て、膝を立て、お尻を持ち上げます。
  3. 猫背伸ばし: 背中の筋肉を伸ばすエクササイズです。四つんばいになり、背中を丸め、お腹を天井に向けて反らす動作を繰り返します。
  4. 腹筋: 仰向けに寝て、膝を立て、上半身を起こします。
  5. ヒップリフト: お尻を持ち上げる動作を繰り返すことで、お尻の筋肉を鍛えます。


  • 毎日続ける: 短時間でも良いので継続することが大切です。
  • フォームを意識する: 正しいフォームで行うことで、効果が期待できます。
  • 無理のない範囲で行う: 痛みを感じたら、すぐに中止しましょう。
  • 定期的にフォームチェックを受けましょう。当院ではリハビリの中で自宅でのトレーニング方法などをお話しさせて頂きます。


  • 椅子に座るときは、背もたれにしっかりと体をあずける: 猫背を防ぎ、腰への負担を軽減します。
  • 重いものを持つときは、膝を曲げて持ち上げる: 腰への負担を減らす意識を持ちましょう。
  • ヒールのある靴はなるべく避ける: フラットな靴を選ぶようにしましょう。
  • 定期的な運動: ウォーキングやヨガなど、全身運動を行うことで、体のバランスを整えましょう。




  • 骨盤の前傾が反り腰の原因となり得ます。
  • 具体的なストレッチや運動がございます。
  • 当院ではレントゲン検査で反り腰の有無確認を行い、自宅でのトレーニング指導だけでなくリハビリスタッフとマンツーマンで反り腰の改善を目指すことも可能です。


疑問点があればいつでも当院までご相談ください(^ ^)







Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic surgery clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

I have been slacking on blogging for a bit:(

Dusk is gradually falling earlier and earlier, how are you doing?

Well, today I would like to write about what is called “excessive inward curvature of the waist” including my thoughts on the subject.


First of all

The “excessive inward curvature of the waist” is one of the most common problems for people today. It can cause back pain, poor posture, and even a flabby stomach. In this article, I will explain in detail the causes, symptoms, and remedies for warped back.

What is “excessive inward curvature of the waist”?

Warped back refers to a condition in which the lower back (lumbar vertebrae) is excessively warped out of the S-curve of the spine. In this condition, the pelvis is tilted forward and the stomach tends to protrude.

Relationship between warped back and anterior pelvic tilt

As described above, “excessive inward curvature of the waist” refers to a state in which the lumbar vertebrae lordosis becomes stronger and the lower back is warped.

However, in clinical practice, “strong lumbar lordosis” is not often seen.

Rather, I have the impression that many people have reduced lumbar lordosis (although this may be especially common in business districts such as the one where our clinic is located).

➡️ I personally believe that the main cause of “excessive inward curvature of the waist” is an anterior pelvic tilt.

When the pelvis tilts forward, the abdomen protrudes and the hips tend to bow, resulting in a state of warped hips. Possible causes of an anterior pelvic tilt include

– Poor posture: Poor posture, such as working in the same position for long periods of time or stooping, can lead to an anterior pelvic tilt.

– Muscle imbalance: Weak abdominal muscles and stiff back and hip muscles can cause the pelvis to tilt forward.

– Weight gain: A flabby belly, in particular, can cause the body to lean forward and the pelvis to tilt forward more easily.

– Wearing heels: Wearing high-heeled shoes can shift the center of gravity forward, causing the pelvis to tilt forward as the body tries to maintain balance.



The symptoms of “excessive inward curvature of the waist” include the following

– Low back pain: The muscles in the lower back are under constant tension, causing chronic low back pain.

– Deterioration of posture: This can be accompanied by hunchback (called swayback), stiff shoulders, and bow-legs.

– Flabby stomach: The internal organs are compressed and can easily appear flabby.

How to Check for “excessive inward curvature of the waist”

– Lying on your back and see if you can put your hand between your hip and the floor: If you can put your hand between your hip and the floor, you most likely have this issue.

– Standing with your back against a wall, see if you can put your hand between your hip and the wall: if you can put your hand between your hip and the wall, you most likely have excessive inward curvature of the spinewaist.

How to improve excessive inward curvature of the waist

The following are effective ways to improve your arch

– Stretching: Stretching the muscles in the lower back and abdominal area will help to improve muscle balance.

– Strength training: Strengthen the following muscles to stabilize the pelvis

Abdominal muscles: abdominal muscles, transverse abdominal muscles, etc.

Buttock muscles: glutes, gluteus medius, etc.

Back thigh muscles: hamstrings, etc.


Examples of workouts you can do at home

1. plank: This is a basic core strengthening exercise. Keep the entire body in a straight line with elbows and toes on the floor. 2.

2. bridges: This exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks. Lie on your back, knees up, and lift your buttocks.

3.Cock Stretch: This exercise stretches the muscles of the back. Lie on all fours, round your back, and repeat the action by arching your stomach toward the ceiling.

4.Sit-ups: Lie on your back, knees up, and raise your upper body. 5.

5. hip lift: strengthen the muscles of the buttocks by repeatedly lifting the buttocks.

Key Points

– Keep doing it: It is important to keep doing it, even for short periods of time.

– Be aware of form: Correct form is the key to success.

– Take it easy: If you feel pain, stop immediately.

– Have your form checked regularly. We will discuss home training methods with you during your rehabilitation at our clinic.

In addition, in daily life

– When sitting in a chair, rest your body firmly against the backrest: This prevents hunching and reduces the burden on the lower back.

– Bend your knees when lifting heavy objects: This will reduce the burden on your lower back.

– Avoid heeled shoes: Choose flat shoes.

– Exercise regularly: Walking, yoga, and other full-body exercises can help maintain balance.


If left untreated, a excessive inward curvature of the spinewaist can cause a variety of health problems. However, with proper care, it can be remedied. Use this blog as a reference to review your own lifestyle habits and aim for a healthy body.


– An anterior pelvic tilt can cause excessive inward curvature of the spinewaist.

– There are specific stretches and exercises you can do.

– At our clinic, we can confirm the presence or absence of warped back by x-ray examination and provide one-on-one training with our rehabilitation staff as well as home training guidance to improve your warped back.

Finally, we are always available to answer any questions you may have.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our clinic at any time (^ ^)

Please feel free to contact us anytime for any kind of problems, not only this issue, but also back pain, knee joint pain, hip pain, stiff shoulders, and any other minor problems.

We would like to help as many people as possible so that they can live “looking forward to tomorrow.

In the future, I would like to write about “the relationship between arched back and breathing” and “the relationship between arched back and sleep.

Thank you for reading to the end!!