麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



怪我をしない・正しいランニングフォームとは?? 〜〜 Injuryーfree&proper running form〜〜

↓↓English Below↓↓



東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町) 理学療法士の西村です!!!



物凄くざっくり言うと、長時間走ることが出来、足などを怪我しないフォームになりますが、色々注目すべき点がありますd( ̄  ̄)
姿勢   背筋を伸ばし、肩の力を抜いてリラックスした状態を保ちましょう。視線は少し前方に向け、猫背にならないように注意しましょう。
腕の振り方  肘を90度に曲げ、前後に大きく振ることで体幹の回転を助け、より効率的な走行が可能になります。
足運び シューズによって可能となる走り方も異なりますが、ミッドフット着地など自分に合った着地方法を見つけることも大切です。


歩幅 あまり大きなストライドにせず、着地は体の真下で行う意識をつけましょう。
呼吸  ランニングのリズムに合わせて、鼻から吸って口から吐くのが基本です。呼吸が苦しい場合は、無理せずペースを落としましょう。

 地面を見ない: 下を見て走ってしまうとつま先で着地しやすくなり、ケガの原因になります。
肩を上げない(力まない): 力んでしまうと肩が上がり、呼吸が浅くなります。
腰を曲げない: 「地面を見ない」ことにもつながりますが、腰が曲がると姿勢が悪くなり、腰痛の原因になります。

 ウォーミングアップ: 必ずウォーミングアップを行い、体を温めてから走り始めましょう。 
クールダウン: 走り終わった後も、ウォーキング等クールダウンを行うことで筋肉の疲労を軽減できます

入浴時の交代浴: 温水⇄冷水をを繰り返す交代浴もランニング後の疲労回復に効果的とされています。


会話ができる程度のスピードで走りましょう(^ ^)












Autumn is in full swing for sports! Many of you may be thinking about starting running. This is Nishimura, a physical therapist at One Clinic Kojimachi, an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

Hello!! ladies and gentlemen! In order to keep running for a long time, it is important to learn the correct formJ

This time, Nishimura, a former triathlon coach and a staff member of an orthopedic clinic that is (possibly) the closest in Japan to the Imperial Palace, would like to talk about the basics of running form and what to keep in mind!


What is proper running form?

To put it very roughly, it is a form that allows you to run for a long time without injuring your legs and other parts of your body, but there are many things to pay attention to.

Posture Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed and relaxed. Keep your eyes slightly forward and be careful not to hunch over.

Swing your arms Bend your elbows at 90 degrees and swing them back and forth widely to help rotate your torso and make your running more efficient.

Footwork Different shoes allow for different running styles, but it is also important to find a landing style that works for you, such as a mid-foot landing.

At ➡️, we will work with you during rehabilitation to help you choose the right shoes and find the landing that works best for you!

Stride Don’t use a very large stride, and be aware that you should land directly under your body.

Breathing Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth in accordance with the rhythm of running. If you have difficulty breathing, do not force yourself to slow down.


Points to keep in mind while running

 Don’t look at the ground: If you look down while running, you are more likely to land on your toes, which can lead to injury.

Don’t lift your shoulders (don’t strain): If you strain, your shoulders will rise and your breathing will become shallow. Don’t bend at the waist: This is also connected to “not looking at the ground,” but bending at the waist leads to poor posture and can cause back pain.

Look forward, relax your shoulders, and start running slowly!


To prevent injury, take it easy first!

In the beginning, don’t run long distances at first, but gradually increase the distance.

 Warm up: Be sure to warm up and warm up your body before you start running.

➡The amount of time required for warming up varies greatly from person to person due to genetic factors, but aim for 10-15 minutes.

Cool down: After running, you can reduce muscle fatigue by walking or doing other cool down activities.

Alternate bathing: Alternating between warm and cold water is also effective in reducing post-run fatigue.

 Use a pace that suits you: The recommended pace for beginners is 8 to 7.5 minutes per kilometer.

Run at a speed at which you can hold a conversation (^ ^).

If you still feel breathless, you can use a heart rate monitor as an indicator (aim for 50 to 70% of your maximum heart rate (220 minus age)).

Conclusion Running form varies greatly from person to person, so it is important to find a form that works for you.

If you experience pain in your legs, hips, or knees while running, or if you have any questions about your form, please feel free to contact us.

We not only offer guidance on running form to prevent injury, but also treatment for running injuries. Please feel free to contact us at any time for any other questions you may have.