麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



こむら返り、なぜ起こるの?原因と対策(リハビリ&自宅でできるストレッチ)について   〜〜Cramp in the leg, why does it happen? Causes and Countermeasures (Rehabilitation & Stretches you can do at home)〜〜

↓↓English  Below↓↓

皆さんこんにちは!!東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“ 院長の栗本です!!






  • 筋肉の疲労: 激しい運動や長時間同じ姿勢をとることで筋肉が疲労すると筋肉に乳酸が蓄積します。その結果筋肉が酸性になり動きづらくなることでこむら返りが起こりやすくなります。
  • ミネラル不足: カルシウム、マグネシウム、カリウムなどのミネラルは、筋肉の収縮をスムーズにするために必要です。これらのミネラルが不足すると、こむら返りを起こしやすくなります。


  • 脱水症状: 汗をかいたり、水分を十分に摂らなかったりすることで、体内の水分が不足すると、こむら返りが起こりやすくなります。


  • 血行不良: 冷え性や運動不足などにより血行が悪くなると、筋肉への酸素供給が不足し、こむら返りの原因となります。

→毎日少しでも良いので歩いたり、自宅でふくらはぎや股関節等のストレッチを行うと良いでしょう。湯船にゆっくり浸かることもお勧めです^ ^

  • 神経の異常: 神経が何らかの原因で異常をきたすことでも、こむら返りが起こることがあります。あまりにも頻回に症状が出る場合は一度医療機関に相談しても良いかもしれません。



  • ストレッチ: つった部分をゆっくりと伸ばします。例えば、ふくらはぎがつった場合は、つま先を自分の方へ引き寄せ、足首をゆっくりと伸ばします
  • マッサージ: ストレッチでこむら返りが改善した後に行いましょう。つっていた部分を優しくマッサージすることで、筋肉の緊張をほぐし、痛みを和らげます。マッサージオイルなどを使っても良いでしょう。
  • 温める: 温かいタオルなどで患部を温めることで、血行が促進され、痛みやこわばりが改善されることがあります。



  • バランスの取れた食事: カルシウム、マグネシウム、カリウムをバランス良く摂取しましょう。牛乳、ヨーグルト、豆類、海藻類などがおすすめです。
  • 水分補給: こまめに水分を補給し、脱水症状を防ぎましょう。特に運動前後は、しっかりと水分を摂ることが大切です。
  • 適度な運動: 運動不足はこむら返りの原因の一つです。ウォーキングや軽いストレッチなど、自分に合った運動を習慣化しましょう。当院ではリハビリの中で「どのような運動が患者さん各々に合っているのか」をお話しさせて頂きますし、自宅でできるストレッチもお話しさせて頂きます^ ^
  • 冷え対策: 冷えは血行不良を引き起こし、こむら返りを悪化させることがあります。暖かい服装をしたり、お風呂にゆっくりとつかるなど、体を温めるようにしましょう。
  • 睡眠: 睡眠不足は、筋肉の回復を妨げ、こむら返りを起こしやすくなります。質の高い睡眠を心がけましょう。
  • リハビリ 筋肉や関節を柔らかい状態にキープすることで、こむら返りそのものを起こしづらい身体にしておくことも大事です。当院ではリハビリ中にこむら返りの対策や自宅でできるストレッチについてもお話しさせて頂きます!!




もし、こむら返りが頻繁に起こる場合は、一度当院までご相談ください(^ ^)






Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, Director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

The first day of winter has passed according to the calendar, and the number of days that feel cold is increasing.

As the weather gets colder, one of the common ailments that patients often consult with me about is “Cramp in the leg”. Today, I would like to write about the causes, countermeasures, and preventive measures that can be taken at home.

The symptom of “cramp in the legs” is an unpleasant one that anyone can experience. It can strike suddenly while you are sleeping or exercising, and you may wake up with severe pain.

While it is generally said that cramps are more common during the cold months, they are actually not limited to cold weather.

Causes of Cramp in the leg

The causes of the cramps are not yet fully understood, but several factors are thought to contribute to them.

– Muscle fatigue: Muscle fatigue from strenuous exercise or prolonged posture causes a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. As a result, the muscles become acidic, making it difficult to move, which can lead to limpness.

– Mineral Deficiency: Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are necessary for smooth muscle contraction. If these minerals are deficient, you are more likely to get cramps.

→It is a good idea to supplement minerals not only through diet but also through supplements ^_^.

– Dehydration: Lack of water in the body due to sweating or not drinking enough water can easily cause limpness.

→It is important to drink plenty of water, not only during the summer months!

– Poor blood circulation: If blood circulation is poor due to cold or lack of exercise, the supply of oxygen to the muscles is insufficient, which can cause limpness.

→It is a good idea to walk every day, even if only a little, and to stretch your calves, hip joints, etc. at home. Soaking in a hot tub is also recommended,

– Nerve problems: Nerve problems can also cause tachycardia. If the symptoms occur too frequently, you may want to consult a medical professional.


How to deal with it

If you experience cramps, try the following measures

– Stretching: Gently stretch the area of the cramp. For example, if your calf is cramped, pull your toes in toward you and stretch your ankle slowly.

– Massage: After the stretching has helped the cramp, massage the area gently. Gently massaging the area of the cramp will help relieve muscle tension and pain.

– Warming: Warming the affected area with a warm towel or other warming agent can stimulate blood circulation and improve pain and stiffness.


Prevention of Pain

To prevent the symptoms of cramps, the following points should be considered

– Balanced diet: consume a good balance of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Milk, yogurt, beans, and seaweed are recommended.

– Hydration: Drink water frequently to prevent dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids, especially before and after exercise.

– Moderate exercise: Lack of exercise is one of the causes of limpness. Make it a habit to do exercises that suit you, such as walking and light stretching. In our clinic, we will discuss “what kind of exercise is suitable for each patient” during rehabilitation, and we will also discuss stretches you can do at home^ ^


– Cold: Cold causes poor circulation and can aggravate the edema. Try to keep your body warm by wearing warm clothes and taking a hot bath. Sleep: Lack of sleep interferes with muscle recovery, making it easier to get cramps.

– Sleep: Insufficient sleep interferes with muscle recovery, making it easier to get cramps. Try to get a good night’s sleep.

– Rehabilitation: It is important to keep muscles and joints in a soft state so that the body is less prone to the occurrence of limpness itself. We will also discuss countermeasures against turning over during your rehabilitation at our clinic!


Flatulence is an unpleasant symptom that can interfere with daily life.

There are many causes, but it can often be prevented by reviewing your lifestyle, including a well-balanced diet, hydration, moderate exercise, and sleep.

If you experience frequent cramps, please consult our clinic once (^ ^).

If you have any problems with your body, no matter how minor, please feel free to contact our clinic.

We hope we can continue to help you “look forward to tomorrow” in your life.

Thank you Dior reading to the endJ