麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



頭痛を伴う肩凝りに対する自宅でできるケア:頭皮マッサージの重要性   〜〜Easy self care at home for stiff shoulders with headache: the importance of scalp massage〜〜

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東京と千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“ 院長の栗本です。







  • 筋肉の連続性: 頭皮は、顔や首、肩の筋肉と連続性があります。頭皮をマッサージすることで、これらの筋肉の緊張も緩和され、肩や首の痛み軽減が期待できます。
  • 血行促進: 頭皮には多くの血管が分布しており、頭皮マッサージは血行を促進する効果があります。血行が良くなると、筋肉への酸素供給がスムーズになり、筋肉の張りが軽減します。
  • リラックス効果: 頭皮マッサージは、リラックス効果も高いです。リラックスすることで副交感神経が優位になり、筋肉が弛緩し、痛みを感じにくくなります。







  • 力を入れない: 力を入れると頭皮を傷つける可能性があります。優しく、ゆっくりと行いましょう。
  • 痛むところは避ける: 痛むところがあれば、無理にマッサージする必要はありません。
  • 続ける: 効果を実感するためには、毎日でなくとも良いので続けることが大切です。


  • お風呂上がり: お風呂上がりに温かい状態でマッサージを行うと、血行が促進されやすくなります。
  • 姿勢を正す: 猫背など、悪い姿勢は肩こりを悪化させます。正しい姿勢を心がけましょう。
  • アロマオイル: ラベンダーやローズマリーなどのアロマオイルを数滴加えると、リラックス効果がさらに高まるとする報告があります。アレルギーの有無や皮膚の状態と相談しながら試してみても良いかもしれません。







Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward.

I am sure that many of you are in the last spurt of your work towards the end of the year, but how are you doing?

I know that many of you may be suffering from stiff shoulders and headaches as you are busy working.

Headaches and stiff shoulders are very common problems for people today. In particular, many people suffer from stiff shoulders accompanied by headaches due to tense shoulder and neck muscles caused by long hours of computer work, smartphone use, and stress.

In such cases, massage is attracting attention as an easy self-care method.

In this article, I would like to write about the possibilities of scalp massage, focusing on the effect of stimulating the scalp, which is connected to the shoulder and neck muscles, to promote blood circulation and relax muscle tension.

Possibility of scalp massage being effective for stiff shoulders and headaches

– Muscular continuity: The scalp is in continuity with the muscles of the face, neck, and shoulders. Massaging the scalp also relieves tension in these muscles, which can reduce shoulder and neck pain.

– Promotes blood circulation: The scalp has many blood vessels distributed throughout the body, and scalp massage can promote blood circulation. Improved circulation facilitates the supply of oxygen to the muscles and reduces muscle tension.

– Relaxation: Scalp massage is also highly relaxing. Relaxation increases the parasympathetic nervous system, which relaxes muscles and makes them less prone to pain.

How to perform a scalp massage

(This is just one method 💦 if you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us)

After taking a bath or when your body is warm, massage your scalp in a circular motion with your fingers from the hairline to the crown of your head. Gently massage the frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal areas of the head with your fingers.

If this does not work with your fingers (you do not feel the effect), you may use a scalp massager. (Personally? (Personally? I’m a proponent of massagers.)


Cautions for scalp massage

– Do not exert force: exerting force may damage the scalp. Be gentle and slow.

– Avoid painful areas: If there are painful areas, there is no need to force massage them.

– Keep at it: It is important to keep at it, not necessarily every day, in order to feel the benefits.

To enhance the benefits of scalp massage

– After the bath: Massaging after the bath when the skin is warm helps to promote blood circulation.

– Correct posture: Bad posture, such as slouching, can aggravate stiff shoulders. Correct posture is important.

– Aromatic oils: A few drops of aromatic oils such as lavender or rosemary may help to relax the body. You may want to experiment with this while consulting with your allergies and skin conditions.


Scalp massage is a recommended self-care for those suffering from headaches and stiff shoulders.

Since it is easy to do at home, please give it a try ^_^.

If symptoms are severe or do not improve, a combination of medication and physical therapy/rehabilitation can be used for improvement. Please feel free to contact our clinic anytime.