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東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック “One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“ 院長の栗本です^_^
さて、今回の記事は?私事をネタにしたいと思いますが、12/20の金曜日にTFCCを損傷してしまいました。特に大きな衝撃が加わったわけでもないのですが、気がついた時には手関節が少し腫れ、何かを持つたびに手首の小指側に痛みが走ります_:(´ཀ`) ∠):
- 外傷: 転倒して手をついてしまったり、スポーツ中に手首に強い衝撃を受けた場合など、一度に強い力が加わることで発生します。この時期であれば、スキーやスノーボード中の転倒で手をついた際に起こりやすくなります。
- 繰り返しの動作: 野球やテニスなどのラケットスポーツ、ゴルフのスイングやボクシングを含む打撃系競技等、手首を繰り返し使うスポーツや作業によって徐々に損傷が進行する場合があります。
- 年齢: 加齢に伴い、TFCCが変性して損傷しやすくなります。
- 手首の痛み: 特に、手首をひねったり、物を掴んだりする動作で痛みが増強します。
- 手首(特に小指側)の腫れ: 急激な損傷だったり、損傷が激しい場合は手首が腫れることがあります。(これは今凄く実感しています!!)
- 動きの制限: 手首を回したり、曲げたりする動きが制限されることがあります。(自分自身、手首を回しづらいですm(_ _)m)
- 違和感: 手首を動かしたときに、カクカクとした違和感を感じる場合があります。
- レントゲン検査: 骨の骨折や変形などを確認します。
- MRI検査: 軟骨や靭帯の損傷の程度を詳しく評価します。
- 徒手検査
DRUJ(遠位橈尺関節)不安定性テスト:DRUJ の不安定性をみる検査で、回内外中間位で調べます。
一方の手指で橈骨遠位を把持しもう一方の手指で尺骨遠位を把持し、DRUJ を掌側、背側に擦り合わせるようにします。疼痛,不安定性,音が鳴る場合を陽性とします。
- 保存療法:
- 安静: 手首を安静にすることで、損傷部位の回復を促します。
- サポーター: 手首のサポーターを着用することで、手首の動きを制限し、痛みを軽減します。
- 薬物療法: 消炎鎮痛剤やステロイド注射などを用いて、痛みや炎症を抑えます。
- リハビリテーション: 痛みや腫みが引いてきたら、リハビリテーションを行い、手首の機能回復を目指します。
- 手術療法:
- 保存療法で改善が見られない場合や、損傷が大きい場合には、手術療法が検討されます。手術の種類は、損傷の部位や程度によって異なりますが、靭帯成分の縫合と外固定が併用される事が多いようです。
- ウォーミングアップ: スポーツや運動をする前に、しっかりとウォーミングアップを行い、筋肉を温めてから運動を始めましょう。普段から手首を含む関節の柔軟性を獲得するようストレッチを行っておくことも大事です。当院ではリハビリの中で自宅でできるストレッチの話もさせて頂きます。
- 正しいフォーム: スポーツや運動をする際は、正しいフォームで行うように心がけましょう。これも当院ではリハビリの中でお話しさせて頂きます。
- 休息: 手首に負担がかかる作業をした後は、十分に休息を取りましょう。交代浴は予防・治療どちらにも有効です( ◠‿◠ )
どんな些細なことでも構いません。痛みや痺れなどありましたらお気軽にご相談ください(^ ^)
Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, Director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo ^_^.
The year-end party season is almost over, and many of you may be busy with work toward the end of the year. We are entering the ski season, and it seems to be snowing heavily again in the Minakami area, so please be careful not to get hurt!
Now, what about this article? I would like to tell you a story about a personal matter. On Friday, December 20, I damaged my TFCC. It was not a particularly big impact, but when I noticed it, my wrist joint was a little swollen, and every time I hold something, I feel pain on the little finger side of my wrist_:(´´ཀ`) ∠):.
I have written about TFCC before, but I hope you will read it again!
What is TFCC?
TFCC is an abbreviation for “Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex,” a complex of cartilage and ligaments that plays an important role in stabilizing the joint on the little finger side of the wrist. Damage to the TFCC can result in wrist pain and limited motion.
TFCC injuries are primarily caused by
– Trauma: This can be caused by a single strong force, such as a fall and a hand or a strong impact to the wrist during sports. At this time of year, it is more likely to occur when a hand is placed on the wrist after a fall while skiing or snowboarding.
– Repetitive motion: Sports or tasks that involve repetitive use of the wrist, such as racket sports like baseball and tennis, golf swings, and striking sports including boxing, can cause gradual progression of damage.
– Age: As we age, the TFCC degenerates and becomes more susceptible to damage.
Symptoms of TFCC injury vary from person to person, but the following symptoms are commonly seen
– Wrist pain: Pain is especially increased with wrist twisting and grasping movements.
– Swelling of the wrist (especially on the little finger side): If the injury is sudden or severe, the wrist may swell. (I’m really feeling this now!!!).
– Restricted motion: Rotation and bending of the wrist may be restricted (I have had this myself). (I have trouble turning my wrists myself.
– Discomfort: You may feel a cracking sensation when you move your wrist.
The diagnosis of a TFCC injury is confirmed by a physician listening to the patient’s symptoms in detail, palpating the wrist, and performing an x-ray or MRI scan.
– X-rays: to check for bone fractures and deformities.
– MRI scan: To evaluate the extent of cartilage and ligament damage in detail.
– Manual Examination
Confirmation of tenderness to the TFCC: Pain around the ulnar eminence and tenderness (pain when pressing) to the TFCC.
Stress test: Pain is elicited by applying axial pressure to the wrist with the wrist in ulnar flexion (flexion toward the little finger).
DRUJ (distal radius-ulnar joint) instability test: This test examines the instability of the DRUJ in the mid-rotational position.
The patient grasps the distal radius with one finger and the distal ulna with the other finger and rubs the DRUJ palmarly and dorsally. Positive results are defined as pain, instability, or ringing.
Treatment of TFCC injuries depends on the degree of injury, the patient’s age, and occupation.
– Conservative therapy:
o Rest: Resting the wrist helps the injured area to heal.
o Supporters: Wearing a wrist supporter to limit wrist movement and reduce pain.
o Medications: Anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid injections are used to reduce pain and inflammation.
o Rehabilitation: Once the pain and swelling have subsided, rehabilitation is performed to restore function to the wrist.
– Surgical therapy: o
o Surgical treatment may be considered if conservative treatment fails to improve the injury or if the injury is significant. The type of surgery depends on the location and extent of the injury, but often a combination of soft tissue sutures and external fixation is used.
To prevent TFCC injuries, it is important to pay attention to the following points
– Warm up: Before any sports or exercise, warm up thoroughly and warm up the muscles before starting the exercise. It is also important to stretch the joints, including the wrists, on a regular basis so as to gain flexibility. We will also discuss stretches that you can do at home during your rehabilitation.
– Correct form: When playing sports or exercising, be sure to use correct form. This is also discussed during rehabilitation.
– Rest: After doing any work that puts stress on the wrist, be sure to get plenty of rest. Alternate bathing is effective for both prevention and treatment (◠‿◠◠)
TFCC injury is a condition that causes wrist pain and limitation of movement. It is important to diagnose it early and receive appropriate treatment. If you experience any pain in your wrist, please contact our clinic as soon as possible.
Thank you for reading to the endJ
Although there are only a few days left until the end of the year, we will continue to make every effort to help you live “looking forward to tomorrow.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any problems, no matter how trivial they may seem. If you have any pain or numbness, please feel free to contact us.