↓↓English below↓↓
- 筋肉の損傷: マッサージなどで筋肉が強く揉みほぐされることで、微細な損傷が起こり、炎症が生じます。
- 血行不良: 筋肉の損傷によって血流が悪くなり、かえって「凝り」が強くなります。
- 神経の過敏: 強い刺激が神経を刺激し、痛みを感じやすくなります。
- 筋肉痛: 施術を受けた部位を中心に、筋肉痛のような鈍い痛みを感じます。
- だるさ: 全身のだるさや疲労感を感じます。
- 熱感: 施術を受けた部位が熱く感じたり、場合によっては発熱することもあります。
- 関節痛: 関節が痛む場合もあります。
- 施術の強度の調整: マッサージを受ける際は、自分の体質や状態に合わせて、施術の強度を調整してもらいましょう。
- 無理のない範囲で: 痛みを感じたら、我慢せずに施術を中断してもらいましょう。
- 施術前後のケア: 施術前に軽いストレッチや施術後に交代浴などを行い、筋肉の回復を促しましょう。
- 日頃の運動:日頃から少しでも運動をしている方はもみ返しが起こりにくいとされています。ウォーキング程度でも良いので週に2.3回は行うように心がけてください。
- 安静: まずは、安静にして患部を休ませましょう。
- 湿布: 湿布を痛む部位に貼り、炎症を抑えましょう
- 痛み止め: 痛みがある場合は、痛み止め(抗炎症薬)を服用しましょう。
- 散歩程度の軽い運動: 全身のだるさがある場合は、散歩程度の軽い運動をすることで痛みがおさまる事があります。
- 交代浴:交代浴をすることでもみ返しの症状が軽減する事があります。
- 原因の特定: 痛みやだるさの根本的な原因を特定し、投薬も含めた総合的な治療を提案させて頂きます。
- オーダーメイドのリハビリ: 患者さんの状態に合わせて、オーダーメイドのリハビリプログラムを作成いたします。
- 専門的な知識と技術: 専門的な知識と技術を持った国家資格保持者(理学療法士)からリハビリを受けることができます。
- 複合的な治療: リハビリだけでなく、電気治療や温熱療法などの物理療法も受けることができます。
- 早期の痛み軽減: 原因となっている筋肉の緊張を緩め、痛みの軽減が期待できます。
- 血行改善: 血行を改善し、筋肉の回復を促進します。
- 柔軟性の向上: 筋肉や関節の柔軟性を向上させ、体の動きをスムーズにします。
もみ返しが起きた場合は、安静にする・湿布を貼るなどの対処法を試してみましょう。それでも症状が改善しない場合は、お気軽に当院までご相談ください(^ ^)
Hello everyone! The year 2024 is about to end. What kind of year was it for you this year?
Many of you may have been recovering from accumulated fatigue, but have you ever had the experience of going for a massage to relieve stiffness and tiredness, only to find that you are even more tired and sore?
Have you ever had such an experience? It is possible that you may have experienced what is called “momi-gaeshi(muscle pain caused in reaction to excess massaging)”.
In August, I mentioned about “Momi-gaeshi,” but this time, I would like to write about “Momi-gaeshi” again.
What is Momi-gaeshi?
It is a phenomenon called “Momi-gaeshi,” in which the body aches after receiving a massage or bodywork treatment,
This is a condition in which the muscles are strongly stimulated, causing inflammation and symptoms such as pain and lethargy. It is said that people who do not usually exercise are especially prone to experience Momi-gaeshi.
Causes of momi-gaeshi
The main causes of this are as follows
– Muscle damage: When muscles are strongly squeezed during a massage, minute damage can occur, causing inflammation.
→Too strong massage increases the risk of firmer muscles.
– Poor blood circulation: muscle damage reduces blood flow, which in turn increases stiffness.
– Hypersensitivity of nerves: Strong stimulation stimulates the nerves, making them more sensitive to pain.
Symptoms of momi-gaeshi
Symptoms of firmer joints vary from person to person, but in general, the following symptoms may occur
– Muscle pain: A dull ache like muscle pain, especially in the area that has been treated.
– Sluggishness: A general feeling of lethargy and fatigue.
– Feeling of heat: The treated area may feel hot, and in some cases, feverish.
– Joint pain: Joints may ache.
Prevention of momi-gaeshi
To prevent this, the following points should be noted.
– Adjust the intensity of the treatment: Have the massage therapist adjust the intensity of the treatment according to your physical condition.
– Take it easy: If you feel pain, ask the therapist to stop the treatment.
– Pre- and post-treatment care: Do some light stretching before the treatment and take turns bathing after the treatment to promote muscle recovery.
– Daily exercise: It is said that those who exercise even a little on a regular basis are less likely to experience firmer muscles. Even walking is fine, but try to do it at least 2.3 times a week.
What to do when Momi-gaeshi occurs
If you experience Momi-gaeshi, try the following measures.
– Rest: First, rest the affected area.
– Compress: Apply a compress to the sore area to reduce inflammation.
– Painkillers: If pain is present, take painkillers (anti-inflammatory medications).
– Light exercise, such as taking a walk: If there is general lethargy, light exercise, such as taking a walk, may help the pain subside.
– Alternate bathing: Taking alternate baths may relieve the symptoms of firmer pain.
Why Rehabilitation at an Orthopedic Clinic is Effective
If you suffer from Momi-gaeshi, consider rehabilitation at an orthopedic clinic. We can not only treat your firmer back, but also help you become less prone to firmer back.
Advantages of Treatment at an Orthopedic Clinic
– Identification of the cause: We will identify the root cause of your pain and lethargy and suggest a comprehensive treatment, including medication.
– Tailor-made rehabilitation: We will create a tailor-made rehabilitation program for you based on your specific condition.
– Specialized knowledge and skills: Rehabilitation is provided by nationally certified physiotherapists with specialized knowledge and skills.
– Combined treatment: In addition to rehabilitation, physical therapy such as electrotherapy and thermotherapy are also available.
Benefits expected from rehabilitation at an orthopedic clinic
– Early Pain Relief: The pain can be reduced by relaxing the muscles that are causing the pain.
– Improved blood circulation: Improves blood circulation and muscle recovery.
– Increased flexibility: Improves muscle flexibility and facilitates body movement.
Momi-gaeshi is the pain and lethargy that occurs after a massage, stretching, or other treatment.
It can be caused by a variety of factors, including muscle damage and poor circulation.
If you experience a firmer reaction, try resting, applying compresses, etc. If the symptoms do not improve, do not hesitate to try again. If the symptoms still do not improve, please feel free to contact our clinic.
We will provide a wide range of services from pain management to treatment (rehabilitation) that is less likely to cause firmer back pain.
How was it? It is the end of the year and the flu is raging.
Please take care of yourself.
Have a happy New Year!