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皆さんこんにちは!!東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“院長の栗本です!!
今回は、当院の自費治療の中で新規に導入したPFC-FD 2.0についてお話ししてみたいと思います。
- 副作用が少ない: 自分の血液を使用するため、アレルギー反応などの副作用のリスクが低い。
- 入院の必要がない: 外来で治療できるため、忙しい人でも続けやすい。
- 自然な治癒: 人体の自然な治癒力を利用するため、体に負担が少ない。
- 幅広い疾患に対応: 関節炎、スポーツ障害(肉離れなど)、変形性関節症など、様々な疾患に効果が期待できる。
- 自己負担費用が高い: 保険適用外のため、全額自己負担となる。
- 効果に個人差がある: 人によって効果の出方や持続期間が異なる。
- 注射の痛み: 注射時に痛みを感じる場合がある。
- まずは診察から: 患者さんの状態を詳しく聞き、治療計画を立てます。治療の中心はリハビリですが、その中で本治療法の適応があるかどうかを患者さんと相談の上判断させて頂きます。
- 採血: 約50mLほど血液を採取いたします。
- 成長因子濃縮: 採取した血液から成長因子を抽出し、濃縮→フリーズドライにいたします。この過程に約3週間を要します。
- 注射: 濃縮した成長因子を患部に注射します。
- PFC-FD療法は効果があるの? 関節の痛みや炎症の改善、組織の修復が期待できますが、効果には個人差があります。変形性関節症に対して行う際には、初期(例えば膝関節ではKL分類2まで)のうちにPFC-FDを受けることが推奨されています。
- どんな人に適応があるの? 入院が困難な方や持病や高齢により手術が難しい方はぜひ適応をご検討ください。その他手術を勧められているものの手術にはまだ踏み切れない方やヒアルロン酸などの注射で効果を感じていない方も良い適応と考えています。
- どのくらいの期間効果が続くの? 注射から数週間で効果が出始め、 2年弱は効果が続くとする報告がありますが、個人差があります。注射回数に制限は無いため、効果が切れた(痛みが再燃してきた)と感じた時点で再度注射をすることも可能です。
- 副作用はあるの? 注射部位の痛みや腫れなどの軽度の副作用が起こることがありますが、通常は一時的なものです。
従来型のPFC-FDも引き続き対応しております。従来型も今回新規導入する 2.0も1回の採血で 2回分のアンプルが出来上がってきます。
従来型は 2回で(1箇所に 2回でも 2箇所に1回ずつでも)税込15万4千円
新規導入する 2.0は 2回で(1箇所に 2回でも 2箇所に1回ずつでも)税込22万円で
こちらもご参照ください(^ ^)
Hello everyone! I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!
I am sure that many of you will finally be starting work from tomorrow.
This time, I would like to talk about PFC-FD 2.0, which is newly introduced in our clinic’s self-funded treatment.
PFC-FD therapy is a treatment method that “promotes tissue repair and reduces pain by injecting growth factors extracted from the patient’s own blood into the affected area,” applying PRP therapy technology. It is expected to be especially effective for osteoarthritis, sports injuries, and other conditions that are difficult to treat with conventional therapies. Our clinic has been treating conventional PFC-FD for some time, but in December 2024, we introduced the “2.0” version, which contains more growth factors.
The Emergence of PFC-FD™ 2.0
PFC-FD™ 2.0 contains more growth factors (2 to 8 times more than the previous version) and has an improved tissue repair capability, so faster and more effective symptom improvement can be expected.
Here are the advantages and disadvantages of PFC-FD™ therapy again
Advantages of PFC-FD™ Therapy
– Fewer side effects: Because it uses one’s own blood, the risk of side effects such as allergic reactions is low.
– No need for hospitalization: Outpatient treatment makes it easy for busy people to continue treatment.
– Natural healing: The body’s natural healing ability is utilized, so there is little burden on the body.
– Suitable for a wide range of diseases: PFC-FD™ therapy is effective for a wide range of diseases, including arthritis, sports injuries (e.g., torn muscles), and osteoarthritis.
Disadvantages of PFC-FD™ Therapy
– High out-of-pocket costs: Not covered by insurance, so patients must pay the full amount.
– Individual differences in effect: The effect and duration of effect vary from person to person.
– Painful injection: Pain may be felt during injection.
Treatment Flow
First, a medical examination is conducted: The patient’s condition is assessed in detail, and a treatment plan is formulated. The main focus of treatment is rehabilitation, and we will determine if this treatment is indicated. 2.
2) Blood sampling: Approximately 50mL of blood will be drawn. 3) Growth factor concentration: The patient’s blood will be concentrated and concentrated.
(3) Growth factor concentration: We extract growth factors from the collected blood, concentrate them, and freeze-dry them. This process takes about 3 weeks. 4.
Injection: The concentrated growth factors are injected into the affected area.
Frequently Asked Questions
– Is PFC-FD therapy effective? It is expected to improve joint pain, inflammation, and tissue repair, but the effects vary from person to person. When performed for osteoarthritis, it is recommended to receive PFC-FD in the early stages (e.g., up to KL2 in the knee joint).
– Who is indicated for PFC-FD? Those who cannot be hospitalized or who are unable to undergo surgery due to chronic illness or advanced age are strongly encouraged to consider this indication. Other indications include those who have been advised to undergo surgery but are not yet ready to undergo surgery, and those who are not feeling the effects of injections such as hyaluronic acid.
– How long do the effects last? The effect of the injections starts to appear within a few weeks after the injections, and there are reports that the effect lasts for less than 2 years, but it depends on the individual. There is no limit to the number of injections, so it is possible to inject again when the effect wears off (pain flares up).
– Are there any side effects? Mild side effects such as pain and swelling at the injection site may occur, but are usually temporary.
Conventional PFC-FD™ will continue to be supported. For both the conventional type and the newly introduced 2.0, two ampules are made from one blood draw.
The conventional type is 154,000 yen for two times (two times at one location or one time at two locations), tax included.
The newly introduced 2.0 will be available for 220,000 yen for two sessions (either two sessions in one location or one session in two locations), including tax.
The treatment is available for 220,000 yen including tax.
PFC-FD therapy is recommended for those who want to improve pain and promote natural healing without surgery. In particular, PFC-F2.0 is expected to be more effective and can respond to the problems of more patients.
Please check also here (^ ^)