麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



特発性大腿骨頭壊死を深掘りする   〜〜Osteo Necrosis of the Femoral Head: ONFH〜〜

↓↓English Below↓↓


皆さんこんにちは!!東京都千代田区 半蔵門駅と麹町駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビルの2階(と3階)にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“院長の栗本です。









  • ステロイド剤の使用: 長期にわたる高用量のステロイド剤の使用は、骨の血流を悪化させ、壊死を引き起こす可能性を高めます。膠原病に対してステロイドを使用中の方は下記の症状に注意してください。
  • アルコールの過剰摂取: 過度の飲酒は骨への血流を阻害し、壊死のリスクを高めます。週に320g以上のアルコールが危険因子とする文献もあります。
  • 喫煙: 喫煙は、血行不良を引き起こし、骨への血流を低下させるため、リスク因子となります。1日あたりの喫煙が 20本を超えると有意に危険性が上がるそうです。
  • その他: 血液疾患、膠原病、臓器移植など、様々な疾患や治療がリスク因子として挙げられます。



  • 股関節の痛み: 歩くとき、立ち上がる時、寝返りをうつ時などに痛みを感じることがあります。
  • 跛行: 片足を引きずるような歩き方になります。
  • 股関節の動きづらさ: 股関節の可動域が低下し、自由に動かせなくなります。



  • レントゲン検査: 初期では判断しづらいのですが、壊死が進行すると、骨頭の変形や、圧潰・Crescent signが確認できます。
  • MRI: 早期に壊死を検出することができます。当院にはMRI機器はありませんが、速やかに検査機関を紹介させていただいております。
  • CT: 骨の構造を詳細に観察することができます。



  • 保存療法(リハビリテーションを含む): 壊死が初期の段階で、症状が軽度な場合は、薬物療法、物理療法、運動療法などの保存療法が選択されます。当院では股関節の柔軟性獲得や拘縮予防のリハビリを提供しております。
  • 手術療法: 壊死が進行し、保存療法では症状が改善しない場合は、手術療法が検討されます。手術の種類は、壊死の程度や患者さんの状態(年齢など)によって温存手術と人工股関節置換術に分けられますが、人工股関節置換術(THA)が一般的です。以前はTHA後の感染や脱臼が合併症として挙げられましたが、近年ではTHAの技術も格段に進歩し低侵襲で脱臼率等の合併症が起きづらい術式が開発されています。
  • 幹細胞治療が本症に対して有効とする報告もあるようですが、今後に期待したい(当院では行なっておりません)ところです。








Hello everyone! I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic surgery clinic located on the second (and third) floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Hanzomon and Kojimachi stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

How did you spend the year-end and New Year holidays?

Personally, I got a little sick at the end of the year and spent the New Year in bed.

At the beginning of the year, I saw Chihara Jr. on TV and I suddenly remembered that he underwent THA due to osteonecrosis of femoral head.

Today I would like to write about idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head.


What is idiopathic Osteonecrosis of the femoral head?

Idiopathic means that the definite cause is unknown.

Femoral head necrosis is a disease in which blood flow to the head of the femur (the part that makes up the joint head of the hip joint) is impaired and bone tissue dies. The disease often occurs in people in their 30s to 50s, and it is estimated that 2,000 to 3,000 cases occur annually in Japan. Although men are more prone to the disease, it is also common among women, and Kenji Sakaguchi and Hibari Misora also suffered from this disease. Because it is idiopathic, it is designated as an intractable disease.

Risk Factors

Although the cause of idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head has not been clearly elucidated, several risk factors (factors that are likely to be involved in the development of the disease) are known.

– Steroid use: Prolonged use of high doses of steroids can decrease blood flow to the bone and increase the likelihood of necrosis. Patients using steroids for collagen disease should be aware of the following symptoms

– Excessive alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption interferes with blood flow to the bones and increases the risk of necrosis. Some literature suggests that more than 320 grams of alcohol per week is a risk factor.

Smoking: Smoking is a risk factor because it causes poor circulation and decreases blood flow to the bones; smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day significantly increases the risk.

– Other: Various diseases and treatments are risk factors, including blood diseases, collagen diseases, and organ transplants.


Early symptoms of idiopathic femoral head necrosis are relatively minor, such as a dull ache in the back of the hip joint or pain when walking. As the disease progresses, symptoms worsen, and the range of motion of the hip joint becomes narrower and decreased, which may interfere with daily activities.

– Hip pain: Pain may be felt when walking, standing up, or turning over.

– claudication: the patient may walk with a limp on one leg.

– Hip joint motion difficulty: The range of motion of the hip joint is reduced, making it difficult to move freely.


The diagnosis of idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head is based on an interview, physical examination, and imaging studies.

– Radiographic examination: Although difficult to determine in the early stages, as the necrosis progresses, deformity, crushing, and loss of the femoral head can be observed.

– MRI: Necrosis can be detected at an early stage. We do not have MRI equipment at our clinic, but we will refer you to a laboratory as soon as possible.

– CT: allows detailed observation of the bone structure.


Treatment for idiopathic necrosis of the femoral head depends on the degree of progression of the necrosis, the patient’s age, and symptoms.

– Conservative therapy (including rehabilitation): In the early stages of necrosis and when symptoms are mild, conservative therapies such as medication, physical therapy, and exercise are the treatment of choice. We offer rehabilitation to gain hip flexibility and prevent contractures.

– Surgical treatment: When necrosis is advanced and conservative treatment does not improve symptoms, surgical treatment may be considered. The type of surgery depends on the degree of necrosis and the patient’s condition, but THA (Total Hip Arthroplasty) is the most common. In the past, complications such as infection and dislocation after THA were common, but in recent years, THA techniques have advanced dramatically, and minimally invasive techniques have been developed that are less likely to cause complications such as dislocation.

– There are also reports that stem cell therapy is effective in treating this disease, but we hope to see more of this in the future (we do not perform this therapy at our clinic).


How was this article? Early detection and treatment (including lifestyle modification) of idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head is important. If you have any of the risk factors or are experiencing hip pain, please contact our clinic as soon as possible.

The cold weather is still in full swing. Influenza has been spreading around the end of the year. Please take care of yourself.

If you have any physical problems, not limited to hip pain, please feel free to contact us anytime.

We will continue our efforts to help as many people as possible to “look forward to tomorrow” in your lives this year.