麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



仕事中の肩の痛み、その原因と対処法    〜〜Shoulder pain at work, what causes it and what to do about it?〜〜

↓↓English Below↓↓


皆さんこんにちは!!東京都千代田区 麹町駅駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“院長の栗本です。



仕事中に突然肩が痛くなる、という経験は多くの方が1度や 2度はあるのではないでしょうか。




  • 筋肉の疲労: 長時間同じ姿勢でいる、重いものを持ち上げるなど、肩に負担がかかることで筋肉が疲労し、痛みを感じることがあります。
  • 姿勢の悪さ: 猫背や肩をすくめる姿勢など、悪い姿勢が続くと肩の筋肉に負担がかかり、痛みが出やすくなります。
  • 肩関節周囲炎: いわゆる「四十肩・五十肩」です。加齢や肩の使いすぎなどが原因で、肩関節に炎症が起こり、痛みや動きの制限が生じます。姿勢の悪さから肩関節周囲炎を引き起こすこともあるようです。
  • 腱板断裂: 肩の関節を安定させる腱板が損傷することで、痛みや力が出ないなどの症状が現れます。


  • 筋肉の疲労、姿勢の悪さ:
    • 治療法:
      • 安静・投薬: 痛みが強い場合は無理に動かしたりせず、休めてあげることも重要です。痛みが強い際には消炎鎮痛薬や筋弛緩薬を用いると良いでしょう。
      • 温熱療法: 温めることで血行が促進され、痛みが緩和されることがあります。湯船にゆっくり浸かる等行うと良いでしょう^ ^
      • マッサージ: 筋肉のこりをほぐすことで、血行が改善されます。マッサージガン等のマッサージ機をお持ちの方は使ってみると良いでしょう
      • リハビリテーション:当院ではリハビリで硬くなった関節や筋肉のバランスを整えつつ、良い姿勢の作り方・保ち方もお話しさせて頂きます。
  • 肩関節周囲炎:
    • 治療法:
      • 薬物療法: 消炎鎮痛剤や筋肉弛緩剤などを用いて疼痛コントロールを行います。
      • 物理療法: 薬物療法とともに低周波治療器、超音波療器などを用いた疼痛コントロールも行います。
      • リハビリテーション: 痛みが落ち着いてきたら、徐々に肩の動きを回復させるための運動を行います。出来るだけ早期に痛みを和らげ、リハビリテーションを開始することが肩関節周囲炎の早期改善には求められます
  • 腱板断裂:
    • 治療法:
      • 保存療法: 初期段階では、薬物療法や運動療法などが行われます。
      • 手術療法: 断裂が大きい場合や保存療法で改善が見られない場合は、手術が必要になることがあります。






仕事中に限らず?突然出現してくる肩の痛みは、放置すると慢性化してしまう可能性があります。適切な治療を受けることが大切ですので、お気軽に当院までご相談ください(^ ^)



スキーシーズン真っ只中ですが、今年は雪質もすごく良いようですね^ ^





Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi Station and Hanzomon Station in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

It has been a little while since I last updated this blog. How are you all doing?

This time, again on a personal note, I experienced a sudden pain in my shoulder while working on a computer the other day.

I am sure that many of you have experienced shoulder pain at least once or twice while working.

In this article, I would like to delve into the causes and remedies.


There are many causes of sudden onset of shoulder pain, but the most common are as follows

– Muscle fatigue: Stress on the shoulder from prolonged posture, lifting heavy objects, etc. can cause muscle fatigue and pain.

Poor posture: Poor posture, such as hunching or slouching, puts stress on the shoulder muscles and can cause pain.

– Periarthritis: This is the so-called “frozen shoulder. Aging or overuse of the shoulder causes inflammation of the shoulder joint, resulting in pain and limited movement. Poor posture can also cause periarthritis.

– Rotator cuff tear: Damage to the rotator cuff, which stabilizes the shoulder joint, can cause symptoms such as pain and loss of strength.


– Muscle fatigue, poor posture:.

o Treatment:.

 Rest and Medication: If pain is severe, it is important to rest and not force movement. Anti-inflammatory analgesics or muscle relaxants may be helpful if the pain is severe.

 Thermotherapy: Warmth can stimulate blood circulation and relieve pain. Soaking in a hot tub may help:)


 Massage: Relieving stiffness in the muscles improves circulation. If you have a massage gun or other massage machine, try using it!


Rehabilitation: We will discuss how to create and maintain good posture while balancing stiff joints and muscles.

– Periarthritis of the shoulder:.

o Treatment:.

 Medication: pain control with anti-inflammatory analgesics and muscle relaxants.

 Physical Therapy: In addition to medication, pain control using low-frequency therapy, ultrasound, and other devices.

 Rehabilitation: Once the pain subsides, exercises are performed to gradually restore shoulder motion. The treatment of periarthritis requires that rehabilitation be initiated as early as possible.

– Rotator cuff tear:.

o Treatment:.

 Conservative Therapy: In the early stages, medication and exercise therapy are used.

 Surgical Therapy: Surgery may be necessary if the tear is large or if there is no improvement with conservative therapy.


At our clinic, we first perform a medical examination and imaging tests (x-rays, MRI, etc.) to determine the cause of the pain. As soon as the cause is identified, we will begin pain control using a combination of medication, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.

If surgery is deemed necessary based on symptoms and findings, we will also refer the patient to a collaborating medical institution.


Not only at work? Shoulder pain that appears suddenly may become chronic if left untreated. It is important to receive appropriate treatment, so please feel free to contact our clinic (^ ^)


In addition

We are in the middle of the ski season, and the quality of snow seems to be

very good this year ^ ^.

We are seeing an increase in the number of patients who come to our clinic saying that they have fallen or bruised on the ski slopes.

Please take care of yourself!