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東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル 2階・3階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“ 院長の栗本です!!
- 加齢: 椎間板は加齢とともに変性し、弾力性が低下します。
- 姿勢: デスクワークや指先を使う作業等長時間同じ姿勢でいたり、猫背などの悪い姿勢は椎間板に負担をかけ、ヘルニアが起こりやすくなります。。
- 外傷: 交通事故などで首へ強い衝撃が加わったり、コンタクトスポーツなどで繰り返し負担がかかることも原因となることがあります。
- 首の痛み: 首や肩甲骨にかけての痛みが生じます。
- 神経根症状: 飛び出した椎間板が神経の枝(神経根)を圧迫すると、その程度によっては腕や手にしびれや痛みが生じ、筋力低下(麻痺)や巧緻性障害が出ることもあります。
- 脊髄症状: 症状(脊髄の圧迫)が進行すると、下肢の筋力低下や歩行障害・膀胱直腸障害などが起こることがあります。
- 保存療法: 症状が軽い場合や神経根症状でおさまっている場合は、安静、薬物療法(痛み止め、痺れ止め、湿布など)、リハビリテーションなどが行われます。
- 手術療法: 保存療法で症状が改善しない場合や、神経症状が強い場合・脊髄症状を呈している場合は、手術が行われることがあります。
- 目的: 痛みの軽減、可動域の改善、筋力強化、姿勢矯正での症状悪化予防です。
- 内容: 理学療法士の指導のもと、患者さん一人一人の症状を見ながらストレッチ、筋力トレーニング、日常生活における姿勢指導などをさせて頂きます。
- 種類: 主な手術法としては、除圧術(椎弓切除術・椎弓形成術)や直接椎間板にアプローチする椎間板切除術、椎間板固定術などがあります。
- 術後: 手術後もできるだけ早期(翌日)からリハビリテーションを行い、社会復帰を目指します。
- 正しい姿勢: 長時間同じ姿勢での作業は避け、仕事や勉強中も正しい姿勢を保つように心がけましょう。呼吸の意識や筋力トレーニングも重要です。
→正しい姿勢やトレーニング内容についてはリハビリの中でもしっかりお話しさせて頂きます^ ^
- 適度な運動: 適度な運動は、首や肩の筋肉をほぐし、血行を促進します。
- 体の負担を減らす: 適切な体重管理や筋力トレーニングによる“身体を支える力の強化“を行いましょう。
- 症状が続く場合は、早めに当院までご相談ください!!
- 頚椎椎間板ヘルニアに限らず、お体の不具合は早期発見・早期治療が大切です。
Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, Director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of a building on Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!
The cold weather continued, and the Kan-Etsu Expressway was temporarily closed over the weekend, but I hope it did not interfere with your schedule.
Well, many patients come to our clinic for pain and numbness in their upper limbs.
This time, I would like to write about “cervical disc herniation,” which is one of the causes of pain and numbness in the upper limbs.
What is a cervical disc herniation?
A cervical disc herniation is a disease in which the tissue between the bones of the neck, called the intervertebral disc, degenerates and protrudes from its original location into the spinal canal, putting pressure on the nerves.
The main causes are as follows
– Aging: Discs degenerate and become less elastic with age.
– Posture: Poor posture, such as sitting at a desk or using one’s fingers for long periods of time, or slouching, puts stress on the discs, making herniation more likely to occur.
– Traumatic injuries:Strong impact due to such as a car accident or repetitive strain on the neck with contact sports can cause the herniation.
The main symptoms are as follows
– Neck pain: Pain in the neck and shoulder blades.
– Nerve root symptoms: When a protruding disc compresses a nerve branch (nerve root), it can cause numbness and pain in the arms and hands, muscle weakness (paralysis), and dexterity problems, depending on the severity of the problem.
– Spinal cord symptoms: As the symptoms (spinal cord compression) progress, muscle weakness in the lower extremities, gait disturbance, and bladder and rectal problems may occur.
Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms.
– Conservative therapy: If symptoms are mild or subsided to nerve root symptoms, rest, medication (painkillers, numbing agents, compresses, etc.), and rehabilitation may be used.
– Rehabilitation: Cervical stretching and strength training are performed to improve symptoms.
– Surgical treatment: Surgery may be performed when symptoms do not improve with conservative treatment, or when neurological symptoms are severe or spinal symptoms are present.
Rehabilitation plays a very important role in the treatment of cervical disc herniation.
– Objectives: Reduce pain, improve range of motion, strengthen muscles, and correct posture to prevent symptoms from worsening.
– Activities: Under the guidance of a physical therapist, stretching, strength training, and postural guidance in daily life will be provided to each patient according to his/her individual symptoms.
Surgical Therapy
Surgical treatment is performed when symptoms do not improve with conservative treatment or when neurological symptoms are severe.
– Types: The main surgical procedures include decompression (laminectomy and laminoplasty), discectomy (direct approach to the disc), and fusion of the disc.
– Postoperative: Rehabilitation is performed as early as possible (the next day) after surgery, with the aim of returning to society.
To prevent cervical disc herniation, it is important to pay attention to the following points
– Correct posture: Avoid working in the same position for long periods of time and try to maintain correct posture while working or studying. Strength training is also important.
→We will tell you correct posture and training details in the rehabilitation program.
– Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise relaxes neck and shoulder muscles and promotes blood circulation.
– Reduce the burden on the body: “Strengthening the body’s support system” through proper weight control and strength training.
– If symptoms persist, see us as soon as possible.
– Early detection and treatment of cervical disc herniation is important.