麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



低周波治療器と高周波治療器について     ~~the low-frequency therapy machine and the high-frequency therapy machine~~


東京都千代田区 麹町駅を半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です!!





  • 低周波治療器: 1~1200Hzの低い周波数帯の電気を使用し、使用時にピリピリするのが特徴です。「物理療法」と呼ばれる治療時にも多く使われています。
  • 高周波治療器: 10000Hz以上の高い周波数帯の電気を使用し、ピリピリする感じはほとんどありません。スタッフが行うリハビリの中で用いられ、使用部位が深部まで暖かくなることが特徴です。


  • 低周波治療器:
    • 筋肉の収縮と弛緩: 低周波の電気刺激は、筋肉を収縮させたり弛緩させたりする効果があります。この作用を利用して、筋肉の疲労回復や筋力トレーニング(EMS)、関節の可動域獲得などに用いられます。
    • 痛みの緩和: 低周波刺激は、神経を刺激して痛みを抑制する効果があります。腰痛や肩こり、神経痛などの慢性的な痛みに対して用いられます。
    • 血行促進: 筋肉の収縮と弛緩運動は、肩こりや腰痛時の筋硬結を改善し血行を促進する効果があります。血行が良くなることで、筋肉の疲労回復を助けます。
    • 効果:数日続くと言われています


  • 高周波治療器:
    • 深部組織への刺激・活性化: 高周波の電気は、体の深部まで届きやすく、深部の筋肉や神経、関節などを刺激することができます。
    • 肉ばなれなど筋肉に損傷がある際には組織修復を促すことができ、関節拘縮時には稼働期の改善を狙うことができます。
    • 温熱効果: 高周波の電気刺激は、生体組織内で熱を発生させます。この温熱効果により、血行が促進され、組織の修復を促す効果があります。


    • 痛みの緩和: 高周波刺激は、深部の痛みや炎症を抑制する効果があります。 
    • 即効性がありますが持続時間は短く、数回繰り返すことでより痛みの改善を実感することができます。


  • 低周波治療器:
    • 筋肉疲労  肩こり  腰痛  神経痛   関節痛
  • 高周波治療器:
    • 深部の筋肉や関節の痛み   慢性的な痛み   組織の炎症
    • スポーツ障害  肉離れなどの筋肉の損傷  外傷後の関節拘縮


  • 妊娠中の方やペースメーカーを使用している方・お体に金属が入っている方など、使用できない場合があります。
  • 使用方法を誤ると、火傷や痛みなどの症状が出ることがあります。








Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic surgery clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi Station and Hanzomon Station in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

How is everyone doing in the continuing cold weather?

This time, I would like to talk again about our rehabilitation equipment, especially the low-frequency therapy machine and the high-frequency therapy machine.

Both of them are medical devices that provide treatment using electrical stimulation, but there are differences in their frequency bands and effects.

Frequency range

– Low-frequency therapy devices: use electricity in the low frequency range of 1 to 1200 Hz and are characterized by a tingling sensation when used. They are often used in treatments called “physical therapy.

– High-frequency therapy equipment: Uses electricity in the high frequency range of 10,000 Hz or higher, with little or no tingling sensation. It is used in rehabilitation procedures and is characterized by deep warmth in the area where it is used.

Differences in Effectiveness

– Low-frequency therapy devices: o

o Muscle contraction and relaxation: Low frequency electrical stimulation has the effect of contracting and relaxing muscles. This action is used for muscle fatigue, strength training (EMS), and range of motion of joints.

o Pain relief: Low frequency stimulation has the effect of stimulating nerves and suppressing pain. It is used for chronic pain such as low back pain, stiff shoulders, and neuralgia.

o Blood circulation: Muscle contraction and relaxation exercises improve muscle stiffness and promote blood circulation in stiff shoulders and lower back pain. Improved circulation helps muscles recover from fatigue.

o Effect: Said to last several days

– High-frequency therapy devices:.

o Stimulation and activation of deep tissues: The electricity of high frequency can easily reach deep into the body and stimulate deep muscles, nerves, and joints, which can promote tissue repair in the case of muscle damage such as strains, and improve the operating period in the case of joint contractures.

o Thermal effect: The electrical stimulation of RF generates heat within the body’s tissues. This warming effect promotes blood circulation and tissue repair.

→The heat is monitored and must be performed by a member of the rehabilitation staff.

o Pain relief: High-frequency stimulation has the effect of suppressing deep-seated pain and inflammation. There is no immediate effect, and the pain improvement can be felt after several repetitions.

Differences in Symptoms Used

– Low Frequency Therapy: o Low Frequency Therapy

o Muscle fatigue, stiff shoulders, back pain, neuralgia, joint pain

– High Frequency Therapy: o

o Deep muscle and joint pain Chronic pain Tissue inflammation

o Sports injuries Muscle injuries such as torn muscles Joint contractures after trauma


– Pregnant women, people with pacemakers, people with metal in their bodies, etc. may not be able to use this product.

– Incorrect use may cause symptoms such as burns and pain.

Since high-frequency and low-frequency therapy devices have different characteristics, it is important to select the appropriate device for your symptoms and purpose. Please feel free to consult with me Awa and our rehabilitation staff:)

We receive many requests for rehabilitation every day, and it may take a few days for rehabilitation to begin. We believe that receiving low-frequency therapy during this time will lead to pain control before rehabilitation begins and make the introduction of rehabilitation smoother.

We will continue to make every effort to help as many people as possible “look forward to tomorrow:)