東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2.3階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です。
- 筋力・筋出力アップ: クレアチンは、筋肉内のクレアチンリン酸濃度を高め、高強度の運動時のエネルギー供給をサポートします。これにより、筋力アップ・筋出力アップが期待できます。
- 運動パフォーマンス向上: 瞬発力を必要とする短時間高強度の運動(ウェイトトレーニング、短距離走など)において、パフォーマンス向上が期待できます。
- 疲労回復の促進: 運動後の疲労回復を促進する効果も報告されています。
- 脳機能の向上: クレアチンは、脳のエネルギー代謝にも関与しており、記憶力や認知機能の向上に役立つ可能性が示唆されています。
- 体重増加: クレアチンは筋肉に水分を保持する作用があるため、一時的に体重が増加することがあります。階級があるスポーツ(空手や柔道、レスリングなど)では注意が必要です
- 消化器系の不調: 人によっては吐き気、下痢、腹痛などの消化器系の不調が現れることがあり、少量から開始することも考えましょう。
- 腎臓への負担: 過剰摂取は腎臓に負担をかける可能性があります。腎機能に不安がある方はお気軽に当院まで御相談ください。
- 脱水症状: クレアチンは水分を筋肉に保持するため、血管内脱水症状を引き起こす可能性があります。水分補給を十分に行うようにしましょう。
- その他:ごく稀ですが肝機能への影響などが報告されています。
- 運動前後: 運動前後に摂取することで、筋力アップや疲労回復の効果が期待できます。
- 食後: 食後に摂取することで、消化吸収がスムーズに行われます。
- 毎日同じタイミング: 毎日同じタイミングで摂取することで、血中濃度を一定に保ちやすくなります。
- 過剰摂取は避ける: 1日の摂取目安量を守り、過剰摂取は避けましょう。
- 水分補給を十分に行う: 血管内の脱水を防ぐために、水分補給を十分に行いましょう。
- 腎機能に不安がある方は医師に相談: 腎機能に不安がある方は、クレアチン摂取前に必ず医師に相談してください。
- 高品質な製品を選ぶ: クレアチンサプリメントを選ぶ際は、品質の高い製品を選びましょう。
当院ではHALOE社の“CREAVOL BLACK(クレアボルブラック)“の販売が可能です。お気軽にお声がけいただければと思います。
Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
It is gradually turning into spring, but there is a drastic difference between cold and warm temperatures, and pollen has started to appear.
The other day I wrote an article about creatine, and the response was greater than I had expected, so I received more inquiries than I had expected. Today, I would like to write about creatine again.
Creatine is an ingredient that serves as a source of energy for muscles, and when taken as a supplement, it can be expected to increase muscle strength and improve exercise performance.
However, there are disadvantages as well as advantages, so care should be taken when taking it.
Advantages of creatine intake
– Increased muscle strength and output: Creatine increases creatine phosphate levels in muscles and supports energy supply during high-intensity exercise. This can be expected to increase muscle strength and output.
– Improved exercise performance: Creatine may improve performance during short-duration, high-intensity exercise (weight training, short-distance running, etc.) that requires instantaneous force.
– Accelerates recovery from fatigue: Creatine has been reported to accelerate recovery from fatigue after exercise.
– Improved brain function: Creatine is also involved in brain energy metabolism, suggesting that it may help improve memory and cognitive function.
Disadvantages of creatine intake
– Weight gain: Creatine may cause temporary weight gain due to its ability to retain water in muscles. Caution should be exercised in sports with weight classes (e.g. karate, judo, wrestling, etc.)
– Digestive upsets: Some people may experience digestive upsets such as nausea, diarrhea, or abdominal pain, so consider starting with smaller doses.
– Kidney Strain: Excessive intake can be hard on the kidneys. If you have concerns about kidney function, please feel free to contact our office.
– Dehydration: Creatine retains water in the muscles and can cause intravascular dehydration. Be sure to keep yourself well hydrated.
– Other: Although very rare, effects on liver function have been reported.
Timing of Creatine Intake
There is no clear scientific evidence that the timing of creatine intake makes a difference in its effectiveness. In general, however, it is recommended to take creatine at the following times.
– Before and after exercise: Taking creatine before or after exercise can be expected to increase muscle strength and relieve fatigue.
– After meals: Taking it after a meal helps digestion and absorption.
– Everyday at the same time: Taking creatine at the same time every day helps to maintain a constant blood level.
Until creatine is eliminated from the body
Creatine is gradually eliminated from the body when intake is discontinued, returning to pre-creatine levels in approximately 4 weeks.
Precautions for creatine intake
– Avoid overconsumption: Follow the recommended daily intake and avoid overconsumption.
– Adequate hydration: Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration in the blood vessels.
– Consult a physician if you have concerns about renal function: Always consult a physician before taking creatine if you have concerns about renal function.
– Select a high quality product: When choosing a creatine supplement, select a high quality product.
Creatine is a supplement that, if taken properly, may help increase muscle strength and improve exercise performance.
However, it is important to understand the disadvantages and to take it according to one’s physical condition and purpose.
We can sell HALOE’s “CREAVOL BLACK” at our clinic. Please feel free to contact us.
The season continues to be a time when you can easily get sick due to sudden changes in temperature. Please be careful.
We will continue to do our best to help you live “looking forward to tomorrow”.
Thank you!!