麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



腱板損傷を例に肩の痛みに対するリハビリを深掘りする    ~Rehabilitations of rotator cuff injuries~

↓↓English Below↓↓


東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です


加齢: 腱は年齢とともに弱くなり、損傷しやすくなります。
スポーツ: 野球、テニス、ゴルフなどのスポーツで、繰り返し同じ動作を行うことで腱板に負担がかかり、損傷することがあります。
転倒: 転倒時に肩を強く打ったり、引っ張ったりすることで、腱板が損傷することがあります。
その他: 骨折、脱臼、関節炎などの肩の病気が原因で腱板損傷が起こることもあります。

肩の痛み: 動作時や安静時にも痛みを感じることがあります。特に、腕を上げたり、外旋したりすると痛みが強くなります。
可動域制限: 肩の動きが悪くなり、腕を上げたり(挙上)、後ろに回したり(内旋)することが困難になります。
夜間の痛み: 肩関節周囲炎に多い症状ですが、腱板損傷でも寝ている時に痛みを感じることがあります。
力が入らない: 腕に力が入らず、物を持ち上げたり、引っ張ったりすることが困難になります。


問診: 症状や痛みのきっかけ等について詳しく尋ねます。
身体検査: 肩の可動域や筋力などを検査します。
画像検査: X線、MRI、超音波などの画像検査で腱板の状態を確認します。

保存療法: 軽度の腱板損傷の場合は、保存療法で治癒することがあります。保存療法には、以下のものがあります。
安静: 肩の安静を保ち、炎症を抑えます。
アイシング: 患部にアイシングを行い、痛みや炎症を抑えます。
服薬: 痛み止めや炎症を抑える薬を服用します。
リハビリ: 筋力トレーニングやストレッチを行い、肩の機能を回復させます。
手術療法: 保存療法やリハビリで改善しない場合や、重度の腱板損傷(完全断裂等)の場合は、手術療法が必要になることがあります。手術療法には大きく分けて2種類ありますが
** arthroscopic rotator cuff repair**: 関節鏡を用いて腱板を縫合します。
** open rotator cuff repair**: 切開を行い、腱板を縫合します。





腱板損傷は早期発見・早期治療が重要です。 肩に痛みや可動域制限などの症状がある場合は、お気軽に当院までご相談ください!(^^)!

Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Thankfully, many patients from the Nagatacho area have been coming to our clinic recently.

I am again surprised at the excellent location of our clinic, which is within a 10-minute walk from not only Kojimachi Station and Hanzomon Station, but also Nagatacho Station.
Since our clinic is located in a business district, many of our patients consult with us for stiffness and pain in their shoulders.
Today, I would like to focus on “rotator cuff injuries” among shoulder pain and delve deeper into their rehabilitation.

What is the rotator cuff?
The rotator cuff is a combination of the tendons of four muscles (subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and infraspinatus). It is responsible for holding the humeral head from being dislodged from the shoulder joint and for moving the arm.

Causes of Rotator Cuff Injury
Rotator cuff injuries are caused by deterioration of the tendons due to aging or by trauma, such as sports or falls, that damage the tissue called the rotator cuff that surrounds the shoulder joint. The main causes are
Aging: tendons weaken with age and become more susceptible to injury.
Sports: The rotator cuff can be damaged by repetitive movements in sports such as baseball, tennis, golf, etc.
Falls: A fall can damage the rotator cuff if the shoulder is struck or pulled too hard.
Other: Rotator cuff injuries can also be caused by shoulder conditions such as fractures, dislocations, and arthritis.

The main symptoms of a rotator cuff injury are
Shoulder pain: Pain may be experienced during movement or even at rest. Pain is especially worse when lifting the arm or externally rotating it.
Restricted range of motion: The shoulder becomes less mobile, making it difficult to raise the arm (elevation) or rotate it backward (internal rotation).
Nighttime pain: This is a common symptom of periarthritis, but rotator cuff injuries can also cause pain while sleeping.
Inability to exert strength: difficulty in lifting or pulling with the arm.

A rotator cuff injury can be diagnosed in the following ways

Questionnaire: The patient is asked to provide details about symptoms and pain triggers.
Physical Examination: A range of motion and strength of the shoulder will be assessed.
Imaging studies: X-rays, MRI, ultrasound, and other imaging studies are performed to confirm the condition of the rotator cuff.

Treatment of rotator cuff injuries depends on the symptoms and extent of the injury.
Conservative Therapy: Minor rotator cuff injuries may heal with conservative treatment. Conservative treatment may include the following
Rest: Keep the shoulder still and reduce inflammation.
Icing: Icing the affected area to reduce pain and inflammation.
Medication: Medication to relieve pain and inflammation.
Injections (hyaluronic acid, anesthetics, steroids) into the joint may also be administered depending on the pain.
Rehabilitation: Muscle training and stretching are performed to restore shoulder function.

Surgical treatment: If conservative treatment and rehabilitation do not improve, or if the rotator cuff injury is severe (e.g., a complete tear), surgical treatment may be necessary. There are two main types of surgical treatment.
** arthroscopic rotator cuff repair**: suture the rotator cuff using an arthroscope.
** open rotator cuff repair**: an incision is made and the rotator cuff is sutured.

Rehabilitation is necessary for both surgical and conservative treatment.
Rehabilitation includes strength training and stretching to prevent the rotator cuff injury from worsening and to restore shoulder function so that the patient can return to daily life and sports activities.

To prevent loss of range of motion and maintain muscle strength
Our nationally certified staff will work with you one-on-one.

PRP, PFC-FD, and other treatments that are classified as regenerative medicine are gradually becoming popular.
Although these treatments are not recommended for all patients due to the fact that they are self-funded and there is still room for further research, they are available at our clinic for patients who wish to return to sports as soon as possible and improve pain as soon as possible. Please feel free to consult with us.

Early detection and treatment of rotator cuff injuries is important. If you have symptoms such as pain or limited range of motion in your shoulder, please feel free to contact our clinic! (^^)!