麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



股関節インピンジメントに対するリハビリを掘り下げる    ~~Rehabilitation for Hip Impingement (femoroacetabular impingement :FAI)~~

↓↓English Below↓↓



東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です








臼蓋側の異常であるPincer型 大腿骨側の異常であるCam型に分類されます



  • 骨の形状異常: 大腿骨や骨盤の骨が生まれつき変形していることが主な原因です。
  • 繰り返しの動作: スポーツなど、股関節に負担がかかる動きを繰り返すことで、変形した骨が関節軟骨や関節唇を傷つけます。


  • 鼠径部や股関節の痛み: 特に足を内側に回したり、深く腰を曲げたりすると痛みが出ます。
  • 股関節の動きが悪くなる: 内側に回す動きが制限されることが多いです。


  • 身体検査: 前方インピンジテストが多く用いられます。股関節を90°屈曲させた状態で内転・内旋を行い、痛みが出現した際に陽性と診断します。
  • 画像検査:
    • X線: 骨の形状を調べます。
    • Pincer型ではCE角(大腿骨頭の中心を通る垂線と、臼蓋の外縁を結ぶ線がつくる角度)が
  • 40度以上 若しくはCE角が30°以上で、Acetabular Roof Obliquity(ARO)が0°以下その他
  •  Cam型はCE角が25度以上でα角が55度以上その他補助項目あり



    • MRI: 軟骨や関節唇の損傷を詳しく調べます。
    • CT: 骨の形状をより詳細に調べます。MRIと並ぶ重要な検査です。
    • 日本股関節学会の診断基準: X線画像から、骨の変形の程度を数値化し、股関節インピンジメントの可能性を評価します。上記X線検査部に一部記載しています。


  • 複数の検査結果を総合的に判断: 1つの検査結果だけでは診断が難しい場合もあり、身体所見とレントゲン・MRI検査などを組み合わせて診断していきます。
  • 他の疾患との鑑別: 股関節痛の原因は、股関節インピンジメント以外にも様々なもの(変形性股関節症や股関節唇損傷、グロイン症候群など)があります。


  • 保存療法:
    • 薬物療法: 消炎鎮痛剤などを用い、炎症を抑えます
    • リハビリテーション:脊椎の柔軟性獲得や、殿筋群を中心とする筋力強化を行い、股関節への負担を軽減します。





  • 手術療法:




  • 安静: 痛みがある場合は、安静にすることが大切です。
  • 運動:無理のない範囲で運動を行いましょう。運動強度などに関しては是非当院にご相談ください。





  • 股関節インピンジメントは、放置すると変形性股関節症に進行する可能性があります。
  • 症状や重症度によって、治療法は異なります。それぞれの患者さんに合った、適切な治療を受けることが大切です。いつでも当院にご相談ください。








Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building on Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.


The mornings and evenings are cooler and the season is becoming more comfortable for exercise.

Do you ever feel pain in your hip joint while running or exercising?

This time, I would like to write about “hip impingement (femoroacetabular impingement: FAI)” among diseases that cause hip pain.


What is hip impingement?

Hip impingement is a condition in which there is an abnormality in the shape of the hip joint bones, and when the joint is moved, the bones collide with each other, causing pain and discomfort. It is especially common in athletes.

It is classified into two types: Pincer type, which is an abnormality on the acetabular side, and Cam type, which is an abnormality on the femoral side.



– Bone deformity: The main cause is a deformation of the femur or pelvis from birth.

– Repetitive motion: Deformed bones damage the articular cartilage and labrum due to repetitive hip-straining movements, such as sports.


– Groin and hip pain: pain especially when turning the leg inward or bending deeply at the hip.

– Hip joint motion becomes worse: Inward hip rotation is often restricted.


– Physical examination: Anterior impingement test is often used. A positive result is diagnosed when the hip joint is flexed 90° and internal rotation is performed and pain appears.

– Imaging studies

o X-rays: to examine the shape of the bone.

o CE angle (the angle formed by the line connecting the center of the femoral head and the outer edge of the acetabulum) must be

(1) CE angle is 40° or more, or CE angle is 30° or more, and Acetabular Roof Obliquity (ARO) is 0° or less, or other.

(2) For Cam type, CE angle is 25 degrees or more, and alpha angle is 55 degrees or more, and other auxiliary items are available.


o MRI: to examine cartilage and labrum damage in detail.

o CT: more detailed examination of bone geometry, as important as MRI.

o Japanese Hip Society Diagnostic Criteria: quantify the degree of bone deformity from the radiographs and evaluate the possibility of hip impingement. Some of these are listed in the X-ray section above.

Key points of diagnosis

– Comprehensive evaluation of multiple examination results: It is sometimes difficult to make a diagnosis based on only one examination result, so a combination of physical examination findings, X-rays, and MRI scans are used to make a diagnosis.

– Differentiation from other diseases: Hip pain can be caused by various factors other than hip impingement (e.g., osteoarthritis of the hip joint, labral tear of the hip joint, Groin syndrome, etc.).


– Conservative therapy

o Medication: anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs to reduce inflammation.

o Rehabilitation: spinal flexibility and strengthening of muscles, especially the gluteus medius, to reduce the burden on the hip joint.

If the hip joint is contractured, rehabilitation is performed to release the contracture.

Strength training of the abdominal muscles is also performed as needed to enable the patient to lead his/her daily life without hindrance. Medication and injections are used to reduce inflammation in the affected area, but steroid use should be avoided as much as possible. (In the long run, the risk of osteoarthritis and ligament damage is said to increase.)

– Surgical treatment:.

If conservative treatment does not improve the condition, surgery may be performed to remove the deformed bone, but in recent years, minimally invasive procedures such as arthroscopy have become increasingly common.


Precautions in daily life

– Rest: If pain is present, it is important to rest.

– Exercise: Exercise to the extent that it is comfortable. Please consult our clinic regarding the intensity of exercise.



Hip impingement symptoms can be improved by early and appropriate treatment. If you experience hip pain, please contact our clinic as soon as possible.

Supplementary information

– Hip impingement can progress to osteoarthritis if left untreated.

– Treatment varies depending on the symptoms and severity of the condition. It is important to receive the appropriate treatment for each patient.

Please consult our clinic anytime.



How was your experience? We hope we can continue to help you live “pain-free and looking forward to tomorrow”.

Please feel free to ask us anything, no matter how trivial it may seem. If you have any physical problems, please feel free to contact us anytime😊