麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



シンスプリントと下腿疲労骨折を見分け、予防まで行いましょう!!   ~~Distinguish between shin splints and lower leg fatigue fractures, and even prevent them!~~

↓↓English Below↓↓



東京都千代田区 半蔵門駅と麹町駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です!!












  • 痛み: シンスプリントはだんだんと強くなる鈍痛であるのに対し、下腿疲労骨折は特定の場所に鋭い痛みが急に現れることが多いです。
  • 腫れ: シンスプリントでは腫れが少なく、下腿疲労骨折では骨折部位に腫れが見られることがあります。
  • 安静時の痛み: シンスプリントも疲労骨折も安静時にも痛みが出ることもあるので、痛みの出るタイミングだけで判断することは難しいのですが、運動時にピンポイントで激しい痛みが出る事がある場合は疲労骨折を疑っても良いかも知れません。













1 扁平足の人





2 ランニング時に着地のフォームが悪い人



3 膝下の筋肉や関節が硬い人




4 体重と筋力のアンバランス













Hello everyone!


I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Hanzomon and Kojimachi Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

The sun is setting earlier and earlier, and the nights are getting colder. It seems that colds are spreading a little, but how are you all doing?

Today, I would like to write about below-the-knee (shin) pain, divided into shin splints and fatigue fractures, including rehabilitation and prevention methods.


Many people who play sports that involve repetitive motion, such as running or jumping, may feel pain on the inside or outside of their shins and may have been diagnosed with shin splints. However, did you know that there is a disease called “lower leg fatigue fracture” that causes symptoms similar to those of shin splints?

Shin splints and lower leg fatigue fractures can be difficult to determine on your own because both are exercise-induced pains and have similar symptoms.


Difference between Shin Splints and Lower Leg Fatigue Fractures

Shin splints are a condition in which the muscles and tendons on the inside of the shin become inflamed due to repetitive and intense stress. The pain gradually intensifies with continued sports activities and may be felt not only during exercise but also at rest, but as a general rule, the pain is usually relieved at rest. It is not uncommon for the painful area to be as long as 10 cm and for symptoms to occur in both legs.

A lower leg fatigue fracture, on the other hand, is a condition in which the bone is subjected to repetitive small loads that cause it to gradually crack. It is characterized by a faster rate of pain exacerbation than shinsplints and a sharp pain in a specific area. Depending on the severity of the fracture, sharp pain may be felt even at rest. In most cases, it occurs on only one side of the body, and the area of pain felt is narrow, less than 5 cm.


How to recognize it

  • Pain: Shin splints are dull aches that gradually increase in intensity, whereas lower leg fatigue fractures are often accompanied by a sudden onset of sharp pain in a specific area.
  • Swelling: Shin splints have less swelling, while a lower leg fatigue fracture may have swelling at the fracture site.
  • Pain at rest: Both shin splints and fatigue fractures can cause pain at rest, so it is difficult to judge the timing of the pain alone, but if the pain is pinpointed and severe during exercise, you may suspect a fatigue fracture.

Judging by yourself is dangerous.

With reference to these differences, it is very difficult to determine which is which on your own. The symptoms may worsen as you watch.


Diagnosis and Treatment

If you experience pain in your shin, please feel free to contact our office first.

We will check your symptoms, perform X-rays and even an MRI scan if necessary, diagnose whether you have shin splints or a lower leg fatigue fracture, and recommend the appropriate treatment.

(In the case of Shin splints, there are no abnormal findings on X-rays, and in many cases, fatigue fractures cannot be identified on X-rays for the first 3.4 weeks after the onset of symptoms.)


In both cases, adequate warm-up, stretching, and proper rest before exercise are important. Gradually increasing the intensity and amount of exercise can also help prevent the condition.

It is relatively easy to identify people who are prone to shinsplints, and because of this, prevention methods have been established.

The following is a list of people who are prone to shin splints and how they can be prevented.

1 People with flat feet

The arches of the soles of the feet act as a cushion to soften the impact of the ground when landing. People with flat feet have no cushion and are said to be prone to shinsplints.

→In order to prevent this, it is advisable to build up the arch of the sole of the foot, and to do “towel-gathering training” using the toes.

At our clinic, we will provide you with rehabilitation for building foot arches during rehabilitation, including taping methods.


2 People with poor landing form when running

A poor landing when running not only hurts the knee, but also causes torsion of the shinbone, which can easily lead to inflammation and, as a result, shin splints (and fatigue fractures). Be aware that your toes and knees should point in the same direction when landing. Lower body training such as squats is effective in controlling the direction of the feet.


3 People with stiff muscles and joints below the knees

Stiff muscles below the knee can concentrate stress on the bone and cause pain. If you are aware of shin pain, be sure to stretch daily, not only before exercise.

→Stretching that stretches the Achilles tendon stretches the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris muscles.


4 Imbalance between body weight and muscle strength

People who have gained weight rapidly or lost weight rapidly due to excessive dieting, etc. tend to have pain in the tibia because they do not have the muscle strength to support their weight.

Weight control is important because an imbalance between weight and muscle strength can cause fatigue fractures.



Shin splints and lower leg fatigue fractures are both exercise-induced pains, but they have different causes and symptoms. If you experience pain, please feel free to contact our clinic.

We will do our best to help you prevent the symptoms from worsening by early diagnosis and treatment so that you can continue to play sports with peace of mind.

Thank you for reading to the end. We will continue to do our best to help you live “looking forward to tomorrow”!

The weather is gradually getting colder.

Please take care of yourself!