麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



股関節外側が痛む大転子疼痛症候群(大転子滑液包炎)とは?その原因・症状・治療法(自宅できる予防も含)は?  〜〜What is adductor pain syndrome (adductor bursitis) leading to pain at the outer base of the thigh? What are its causes, symptoms and treatment?〜〜




東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階の整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“院長の栗本です!!









  • オーバーユース: 長時間の歩行、立ち仕事、ランニングなどの反復的な動作による摩擦が原因となることが多いです。
  • 外傷: 転倒や打撲などによる直接的な外傷も原因の一つです。
  • 姿勢の悪さ: 股関節の柔軟性の低下や背骨のバランスの歪みなどが原因となることもあります。
  • 変形性股関節症: 関節の変形が原因となる場合もあります。


  • 痛み: 大転子周辺に鈍痛や鋭痛を感じ、歩行時や長時間立っているときに痛みが悪化することが特徴です。
  • 圧痛: 大転子を押すと痛みが出ます。
  • 可動域制限: 股関節の動きが制限されることがあります。
  • 夜間痛: 夜間に痛みが強まることもあります。




  • 安静: 痛みが強い場合は、先ずは安静にすることが大切です。
  • 薬物療法: 非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAIDs)などの痛み止めや消炎鎮痛剤が処方されることがあります。
  • 物理療法: 温熱療法や超音波療法などの物理療法が行われることがあります。
  • 注射療法: 麻酔薬やステロイド注射、ヒアルロン酸注射などが行われることがあります。


  • ストレッチ: 股関節の柔軟性低下が原因になり得るため、股関節周囲の筋肉をストレッチすることで、筋肉の緊張を緩め、痛みの軽減を目指します。
  • 筋力強化: 臀筋や大腿筋などの周囲の筋肉を強化することで、関節への負担を減らし、再発予防を目指します。
  • 体幹トレーニング: 体幹を安定させることで、姿勢の改善を図り、痛みの軽減を目指します。
  • 歩行指導: 正しい歩き方を指導することで、関節への負担を減らします。






  • ウォーミングアップ: 運動前には必ずウォーミングアップを行い、筋肉を温めてから運動を始めましょう。
  • ストレッチ: 日常的にストレッチを行い、筋肉の柔軟性を維持しましょう。(リハビリ中に自宅でできるストレッチ方法をお伝えいたします^ – ^)
  • 姿勢の改善: 猫背などを改善し、正しい姿勢を心掛けましょう。正しい姿勢の作り方もリハビリの中でお話しさせて頂きます!
  • 体重管理: 肥満は関節への負担を増やすため、適正体重を維持しましょう。
  • 筋力トレーニング:体重を支える筋力をつけることは姿勢の改善にも繋がり、非常に重要です。勿論これもリハビリのなかでお伝えさせて頂きます。








Hello everyone! I am Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

How are you doing in this season when it is easy to get sick, as it suddenly becomes hot and then cold again and again?

Well, today I would like to write about pain in the protruding 🟰 obturator at the outer side of the base of the thigh.

Some runners and salespeople who often walk around often say, “I suddenly have pain on the outside of my thigh, especially when I start to move such as standing up. It is especially painful when you start to stand up or do other activities.

There are many causes, but one of them is “adductor radialis pain syndrome.

What is “adductor pollicis pain syndrome”?

Trochanteric Pain Syndrome is a condition in which pain is felt around the greater trochanter, a bony prominence on the outside of the femur. It is mainly caused by inflammation of the bursa (the pouch that allows the joint to move smoothly) in the greater trochanter, called trochanteric bursitis.


– Overuse: often caused by friction from repetitive motion such as prolonged walking, standing, or running.

– Trauma: Direct trauma from falls or bruising is another cause.

– Poor posture: Poor hip flexibility and spinal imbalance can also be a cause.

– Osteoarthritis: may be caused by deformity of the joint.


– Pain: characterized by a dull or sharp pain in the area around the greater trochanter that is worse when walking or standing for long periods of time.

– Tenderness: Pain occurs when pressing on the greater trochanter.

– Limited range of motion: Movement of the hip joint may be restricted.

– Nocturnal pain: Pain may intensify at night.


Treatment of obturator pain syndrome depends on the cause and severity of symptoms, but in general, the following conservative treatment options are available

Conservative therapy

– Rest: If pain is severe, rest is the first step.

– Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other pain medications or anti-inflammatory analgesics may be prescribed.

– Physical Therapy: Physical therapy such as heat therapy and ultrasound may be used.

– Injection therapy: Anesthetics, steroid injections, and hyaluronic acid injections may be administered.

Rehabilitation (after or in conjunction with drug therapy)

– Stretching: Stretching of the muscles around the hip joint, which can be caused by hip inflexibility, is used to relax the muscles and relieve pain.

– Muscle strengthening: Strengthening the surrounding muscles, such as the glutes and thigh muscles, reduces stress on the joint and prevents recurrence.

– Core training: Stabilize the trunk to improve posture and alleviate pain.

– Gait instruction: Teaching the patient how to walk properly reduces the burden on the joints.

Rehabilitation is effective not only in reducing pain, but also in preventing recurrence. Our physical therapists include instruction on stretching and training that can be done at home.

Surgical Therapy

Surgical treatment may be considered when there is no improvement with conservative treatment or when symptoms are very severe. Types of surgery include bursa excision and osteotomy.



– Warm up: Always warm up before exercising to warm up your muscles before beginning your workout.

– Stretching: Stretch on a daily basis to maintain muscle flexibility. (We will show you how to stretch at home during rehabilitation ^ – ^)

– Improving posture: Improve your hunchback and try to maintain correct posture. (We will teach you how to develop correct posture during the rehabilitation program!

– Weight control: Maintain an appropriate weight, as obesity increases the burden on joints.

– Muscle training: It is very important to build up muscle strength to support your body weight, which will also improve your posture. Of course, this will also be discussed during rehabilitation.

How was this article?

As the weather gets colder, muscles and joints stiffen and become more susceptible to injury.

We hope that we can help you become injury-free and “look forward to tomorrow”.

We will continue to do our best to please everyone who comes to our clinic:)

Thank you for reading to the end:)