麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



膝蓋下脂肪体炎の原因と治療法(改めて)    〜〜Causes and Treatment of sub patellar adipositis〜〜

↓↓English Below↓↓

皆さんこんにちは!!東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)“院長の栗本です。











  • 繰り返しの膝の屈伸運動: 長時間の立ち仕事や、スポーツなどによる膝の繰り返し動作が、脂肪組織に負担をかけ、炎症を引き起こすことがあります。
  • 外傷: 膝への直接的な打撲や捻挫などが原因となる場合もあります。
  • オーバーユース: 運動のし過ぎや、急に運動強度を上げたことなどが原因となることがあります。



  • 膝の前面の痛み: 膝蓋骨の下を中心に、鈍い痛みやズキズキとした痛みが出てきます。階段の上り下りや長時間の歩行で痛みが悪化することも多くあります。
  • 腫脹: 膝関節の前面が腫れることがあります。
  • 熱感: 膝が熱く感じる場合があります。
  • 運動時痛: 運動を始めるとすぐに痛みが出たり、運動を続けると痛みが強くなったりすることがあります。


問診: いつから痛み始めたのか・どのような動作で痛みが悪化するのか、などを確認します。

身体検査: 膝蓋骨周囲(特に下部)の痛みや腫脹、熱感などを確認します。



  • 超音波検査: 膝蓋下脂肪体の腫れや厚みを見る事ができます。
  • MRI: 半月板などの軟部組織や骨の状態も合わせて評価できます。

その他: 血液検査で炎症の有無を確認することもあります。





  • 安静: まずは膝の安静を保ち、炎症を抑えましょう。
  • アイシング: 患部を冷やし、腫れや痛みを軽減します。
  • 固定: 膝を固定し、保護するためにテーピングや弾性包帯を巻くことがあります。
  • 鎮痛薬: 非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAIDs)などの痛み止め薬を服用することで、痛みや炎症を抑えます。
  • 物理療法: 超音波治療や温熱療法などの物理療法を行うことで痛みを軽減させます。
  • リハビリテーション: 膝周りの筋肉を強化し、関節の安定性を高めるためのリハビリテーションを行います。



  • ウォーミングアップ: 運動前には必ずウォーミングアップを行い、筋肉を温めてから運動を始めましょう。
  • ストレッチ: 運動前後はしっかりとストレッチを行い、筋肉の柔軟性を高めましょう。当院ではリハビリの中でウォーミングアップの方法やストレッチ方法もお伝えさせて頂きます。
  • 運動強度の調整: 運動の種類や強度、回数を自分に合ったものにするようにしましょう。
  • 体重: 適正な体重を維持するようにしましょう。
  • 靴: クッション性のある靴を選び、足への負担を軽減しましょう。









追記 年末年始のお休みについて

年末は27日金曜日まで診察を行い、年始は6日月曜日から診察開始(12/28・29・30・31 1/1・2・3・4は休診)の予定です。年末年始はご不便をおかけしますが、ご理解いただきますようお願い申し上げます。


Hello everyone! I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

The cold weather is now in full swing. Far away? In the Minakami area, it seems that snow has begun to accumulate even on the plains.

Some of the patients who come to our clinic have cancelled their appointments due to poor health. Please take care of yourself.

Recently, we have been receiving an increasing number of questions about “patellofemoral inflammation( sub patellar adipositis),” so I would like to write about it again today.

Previous article


What is “patellofemoral inflammation(sub patellar adipositis)”?

It is a disease that causes inflammation of the sub patellar fat body, which is fatty tissue located under the knee plate (patella). This fatty tissue acts as a cushion for the knee joint and is characterized by pain in the front of the knee when inflammation occurs.


The causes of sub patellar fatty body inflammation(sub patellar adipositis) may include the following

– Repetitive knee flexion and extension: Repetitive motion of the knee, such as prolonged standing or sports activities, can strain the adipose tissue and cause inflammation.

– Trauma: Direct bruising or sprains to the knee may be the cause.

– Overuse: Overexertion or a sudden increase in intensity of exercise can cause this condition.


The main symptoms of sub patella inflammation(sub patellar adipositis) are as follows

– Pain in the front of the knee: Dull aching or throbbing pain, especially below the patella. The pain is often aggravated by going up and down stairs or walking for long periods of time.

– Swelling: The front of the knee joint may swell.

– Heat: The knee may feel hot.

– Pain on Exercise: Pain may occur as soon as you start exercising, or it may become more severe with continued exercise.


Questionnaire: When did the pain begin and what movements aggravate the pain?

Physical Examination: Check for pain, swelling, and warmth around the patella, especially in the lower part. We also check the angle and location of pain during flexion and extension of the knee joint.

Imaging studies: Ultrasound

– Ultrasound: to see the swelling and thickness of the fatty body below the patella.

– MRI: To evaluate the soft tissues such as the meniscus and the bone condition.

Other: Blood tests may be performed to check for inflammation.

Based on the results of these tests, a diagnosis of sub patellar adipositis is made.

Early diagnosis and treatment are important.


Treatment of patellofemoral inflammation depends on the severity and cause of the condition, but in general, the following conservative measures are used

– Rest: The knee should be kept at rest to reduce inflammation.

– Icing: Cool the affected area to reduce swelling and pain.

Immobilization: Taping or elastic bandaging may be used to immobilize and protect the knee.

– Analgesics: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other pain medications may be taken to reduce pain and inflammation.

Physical Therapy: Physical therapy, such as ultrasound and heat therapy, may be used to reduce pain.

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation is performed to strengthen the muscles around the knee and improve joint stability.



To prevent sub patellar adipositis, the following precautions should be taken

– Warm up: Always warm up before exercise to warm up the muscles before beginning exercise.

– Stretching: Stretch thoroughly before and after exercise to increase muscle flexibility. Our clinic will teach you how to warm up and stretch during your rehabilitation.

– Intensity: Make sure that the type, intensity, and frequency of exercise is appropriate for you.

– Weight: Maintain an appropriate weight.

– Shoes: Choose shoes with cushioning to reduce stress on your feet.


Symptoms of patellofemoral inflammation can be expected to improve if appropriate treatment is given at an early stage.

On the other hand, the disease is prone to recurrence, so it is important to continue medication, rehabilitation, and physical therapy, as well as to keep preventive measures in mind.


How was it?

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, more and more people are getting sick. Please take good care of yourself.

We will continue to do our best to help as many people as possible to live “looking forward to tomorrow.”


Additional note: Year-end and New Year’s vacations

We will be open until Friday, the 27th, and will be open again on Monday, the 6th (closed on December 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st, and January 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th). We apologize for the inconvenience during the year-end and New Year holidays and ask for your understanding.