麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



姿勢の重要性と悪化する原因 自宅でできる対策法      ~~The Importance of Posture and Causes of Worsening Posture: Measures you can take at home~~

↓↓English Below↓↓



東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階と3階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)” 院長の栗本です。










  • 長時間同じ姿勢: デスクワークやスマホの使用など、長時間同じ姿勢を続けると、筋肉が固まり、姿勢が悪くなりがちです。
  • 運動不足: 体を動かす機会が少ないと、筋肉低下により姿勢(体幹)を支える力が低下します。
  • 間違った体の使い方: 重いものを持ち上げる時に腰をかがめるなど、体の使い方にクセがついていると、姿勢が悪くなる原因になります。









  1. ストレッチ
  • 肩甲骨周りのストレッチ: 猫背を改善するのに効果的です。四つんばいになり、背中を丸めて頭を下げ、その後、背中を反らせて顔を上に向ける動作を繰り返します。
  • 胸のストレッチ: 猫背になりがちな人は、胸の筋肉が硬くなっていることが多いです。ドア枠などに手をついて、胸を前に開くストレッチがおすすめです。
  1. 筋力トレーニング
  • プランク: 体幹を鍛える代表的なエクササイズです。肘とつま先をついて、体全体を一直線に保ちます。
  • スクワット: お尻やハムストリングを鍛えるエクササイズです。膝を出さないように注意しながら太ももの裏側が床と平行になるまでしゃがんでみましょう。 最初はブリッジという仰向けになり、膝を立て、お尻を持ち上げる運動から始めても良いでしょう。
  • 腹筋: 腹筋を鍛えることで、姿勢を安定させることができます。仰向けになり、膝を立て、上体を起こします。息を止めずに(いきまずに)行う事で腰痛の予防ができます。
  1. その他
  • 姿勢を意識する: 日常生活の中で、姿勢を意識することが大切です。
  • 定期的な休憩: 長時間同じ姿勢を続けると、体が疲れて姿勢が悪くなりやすいため、1時間につき2.3分の休憩を心がけましょう。その際に深呼吸で胸郭を広げることを行うと良いでしょう。
  • 運動習慣: 強度は低くても良いので運動を習慣にすることで、全身の筋肉が鍛えられ、姿勢が改善されます。


  • 先ずはお気軽にご相談下さい!! ご自分の姿勢が気になる方は当院までお気軽にご相談ください。
  • 自分に合った方法を見つける: 様々な方法を試して、自分に合った姿勢改善方法を見つけることも大切です。
  • 継続することが大切:なかなかうまくいかなくても継続して行うことで、効果を実感できます。


  • 正しい座り方: 椅子に座るときは、背もたれに寄りかかり、足が床につくようにしましょう。
  • スマホやパソコンの使いすぎに注意: スマホやパソコンを使う際は、画面の高さを目線に合わせて、猫背にならないように注意しましょう。







Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic surgery clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

The flu and coronas are raging, but how are you all doing?


Recently, we have seen an increasing number of patients with pain from falls while skiing or snowboarding, but we also see a great number of patients with neck and back pain caused by poor posture.

Good posture not only affects one’s appearance, but also greatly affects one’s health.

It is said that correct posture reduces the burden on the body and prevents the accumulation of fatigue. However, there are many reasons why people today are unable to maintain good posture, such as working in the same position for long hours or using smartphones.

Today, I would like to write about such “posture.


Causes of poor posture

– Long-term posture: When we stay in the same position for a long time, such as working at a desk or using a smartphone, our muscles become stiff and our posture tends to deteriorate.

– Lack of exercise: If you do not have enough opportunities to move your body, your muscles lose their ability to support your posture (torso).

– Improper body use: Habits in body use, such as bending over when lifting heavy objects, can lead to poor posture.


What happens when posture becomes poor?

It can cause chronic pain such as back pain and stiff shoulders, as well as more serious symptoms such as straight neck, numbness, and other neurological conditions.

➡Maintaining good posture helps open the rib cage and allows for deeper breathing. The development of respiratory muscles can also improve athletic performance and concentration.


Specific Methods for Improving Posture

To improve posture, it is important to strengthen the torso. There are a variety of ways to do this, from simple exercises such as planks to more serious training such as kettlebell swings and squats. Rehabilitation and stretching to improve flexibility are also essential.

➡At our clinic, we evaluate and rehabilitate each patient’s physical condition and also discuss home stretching methods.

  1. stretching

– Stretching around the shoulder blades: Effective for improving hunchback. Get down on all fours, round your back and lower your head, then arch your back and turn your face up.

– Chest stretches: People who tend to hunch over often have tight chest muscles. We recommend stretching by placing your hands on a door frame or the like and opening your chest forward.

  1. strength training

– Plank: This is a typical exercise for strengthening the core. Keep the entire body in a straight line with elbows and toes.

– Squats: This exercise strengthens the buttocks and hamstrings. Squat down until the backs of your thighs are parallel to the floor, being careful not to bring your knees out. You may start with a bridge, an exercise in which you lie on your back, raise your knees, and lift your buttocks.

– Sit-ups: Strengthening your abdominal muscles helps stabilize your posture. Lie on your back, knees up, and raise your upper body. Do not hold your breath to prevent back pain.

  1. other

– Postural awareness: It is important to be aware of your posture in your daily life.

– Periodic breaks: If you stay in the same posture for a long time, your body will get tired and your posture will deteriorate. It is also a good idea to take deep breaths to expand your rib cage.

– Exercise: A regular exercise routine, even at a low intensity, will strengthen all the muscles in your body and improve your posture.

Tips for improving posture

– Please feel free to contact us first! If you are concerned about your posture, please feel free to contact our clinic.

– Find a method that works for you: It is important to try different methods to find the one that works best for you.

– Continuation is important: Even if it does not work well, you will feel the effects by continuing to do so.


– Sitting properly: When sitting in a chair, lean back and keep your feet on the floor.

– Avoid excessive use of cell phones and computers: When using a cell phone or computer, keep the height of the screen in line with your eyes and avoid hunching over.


Improving posture is very important for a healthy lifestyle. At our clinic, we will give you advice on improving your posture not only during your consultation but also during your rehabilitation. Please feel free to contact us anytime.