麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



超音波治療器の役割について(再掲)     ~~The Role of Ultrasound Therapy Devices (reiterated)~~

↓↓English Below↓↓



東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いにあるビル2階・3階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です!!






  • 鎮痛効果: 超音波の波動が、痛みを伝える神経を抑制し、痛みを緩和します。
  • 消炎効果: 超音波が、炎症部位の血流を促進し、炎症物質の除去を促します。
  • 組織修復促進効果: 超音波の波動が、細胞を活性化し、コラーゲンの生成を促進することで、組織の修復を促します。
  • 筋肉の弛緩効果: 超音波が筋肉の緊張を緩和し、柔軟性を高めます。




  • 骨形成促進効果: 超音波の波動が、骨折部位の骨芽細胞を活性化し、骨形成を促進します。
  • 骨癒合期間の短縮: 複数の臨床試験により、超音波骨折治療法で骨癒合が最大で約4割早まることが示されています。
  • 難治性骨折への効果: 遷延癒合や偽関節などの難治性骨折に対しても、超音波骨折治療法は有効な治療選択肢となります。
  • 早期社会復帰・スポーツ復帰のサポート: 骨癒合期間の短縮により、患者の早期社会復帰やスポーツ復帰をサポートします。


  • 早期の骨癒合を希望する場合
  • 難治性骨折の場合
  • 高齢者や合併症を有する患者さんの場合



  • ペースメーカー装着者
  • 悪性腫瘍
  • 妊娠中
  • 出血傾向








Hello everyone! I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo!

How is everyone doing in this unstable weather, which is becoming warmer and colder all of a sudden?

The number of people who have sprained or broken their ankles due to falls in the rain or snow has been increasing. In this issue, I would like to write about the “ultrasound therapy machine” that is effective in treating sprains and fractures.

In our clinic, we use a device called “Osteotron.

Effects on soft tissue injuries

Ultrasound therapy can be expected to have the following effects on soft tissue injuries such as sprains, strains, and tendonitis.

– Analgesic effect: Ultrasonic waves inhibit pain-transmitting nerves and relieve pain.

– Anti-inflammatory effect: Ultrasound waves stimulate blood flow to the inflamed area and remove inflammatory substances.

– Tissue repair: Ultrasonic waves stimulate tissue repair by activating cells and stimulating collagen production.

– Muscle relaxing effect: Ultrasound waves reduce muscle tension and increase flexibility.

With these effects, ultrasound therapy supports early recovery of soft tissue injuries, pain reduction, and functional restoration.

Role in Fracture Healing

Ultrasound fracture therapy is also described as “LIPUS,” a treatment that promotes bone healing by delivering low-power ultrasound pulses to the fracture site. The roles of LIPUS are as follows

– Promotes bone formation: ultrasound waves activate osteoblasts at the fracture site and promote bone formation.

– Shortening bone healing time: several clinical trials have shown that bone healing is accelerated by up to 40% with ultrasound fracture treatment.

– Effects on intractable fractures: Ultrasound fracture therapy is an effective treatment option for intractable fractures, such as delayed fusion and pseudoarthrosis.

– Support for early return to society and sports: Ultrasound fracture therapy can help patients return to society and sports as soon as possible by shortening the time of bone healing.

Ultrasound fracture therapy is especially useful in the following cases

– When early bone healing is desired

– Patients with intractable fractures

– Elderly patients or patients with complications

Precautions for Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy should be used with caution in the following cases

– Patients with pacemakers

– Malignant tumor

– Pregnancy

– Bleeding tendency

Ultrasound therapy is a highly effective treatment for soft tissue injuries and fractures when used appropriately.

The cold weather has passed its peak, but the unstable weather is likely to continue.

Please take care of yourself!

I hope we can continue to help as many people as possible to “look forward to tomorrow”.

Thank you!!